Brenda Holden
Name: Brenda Holden
Public Office Sought: Arden Hills City Council
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 651-636-2987
Twitter handle:
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Candidate Bio
Arden Hills Council member since 2002 and have over 18 years of experience with diverse council issues and participated in the development of two comprehensive plans.
I have extensive TCAAP (Rice Creek Commons) knowledge having participated in the development of the JDA, TCAAP Redevelopment Code (TRC) and the planning and zoning of the property.
I have an open and direct leadership style and promote teamwork and collaborative problem solving.
I advocate for parks and trails expansion and work to find partners to help finance these expansions.
I have participated in budget planning and practices that have earned the City an AA+ bond rating, the highest rating for a City our size. My focus has been City maintenance and I have led the council to establish maintenance programs for streets, trails, sewers, parks, and recreational courts to reduce costs. I have written grants and worked with state elected officials to receive state bonding money for Arden Hills.
My participation on boards include: TCAAP Joint Development Authority, TCAAP Energy Resiliency Committee, Lake Johanna Fire Department and Relief Association, Northeast Youth and Family Services, Minnesota Advisory Council on Patient Safety, and Open Your Heart to the Hungry and Homeless.
What would be your top three priorities if elected?
The 427-acres TCAAP (Rice Creek Commons) development must be a complimentary extension of our current City. It is crucial that TCAAP doesn’t place the City at financial risk for current and future Arden Hills taxpayers. Residents and businesses cannot be taxed out of the City.
Build maintenance and upgrading of City assets into the long-term budget, so that expensive reconstruction or emergencies are a last resort. City insurance premium costs stay low when the City is well-maintained.
Seek out and encourage development opportunities, expand networking with existing businesses to address their issues, assist them in future plans for expansion, and address their traffic concerns.
How would you characterize the business climate in Arden Hills and what is the role of businesses supporting quality of life issues in the community?
The City has a Business Retention and Expansion Program. The program involved site visits and surveys with area businesses. Past results of that review informed the City that businesses seem to thrive in Arden Hills, with the exception of traffic concerns. Most appreciate the low taxes and excellent services provided by the City. Working with the State and the County, the City is focusing on improving traffic issues. In addition, the City needs to find opportunities for business to expand and remain in Arden Hills. Communication with area businesses annually addresses immediate concerns and assist with goals for the future.
Businesses should and do contribute resources to help students, contribute to community events and assist the City in advocating for issues that affect them, such as public transportation.
What role do you think the City should have in attracting and retaining jobs, and what steps would you take to solicit new businesses to, and retain existing businesses in, Arden Hills?
It depends on the circumstances as to whether local government should be actively involved in attracting and retaining jobs. In the metro region, some Cities have far more resources than others. Those Cities can actively recruit businesses from other Cities which can put the City losing the business in jeopardy. I do feel that is inappropriate as it stifles regional development.
I believe Cities should actively “sell” their own local environment and plan to create amenities that businesses want for employees. The sell could include options for the City to retain jobs and to ensure businesses can expand or have access to services necessary to assist businesses actively seeking new locations.
I like the “hands on” approach. By reaching out to existing businesses and learn about future needs and assist businesses with issues. Keeping taxes low helps attract new businesses and helps retain existing. Council should work to provide variances and changes to the comprehensive plan to solicit new businesses.
Do you support any other specific employment-related proposals in Arden Hills (such as minimum wage, sick time, or mandatory scheduling notice)? If so, what steps would you take to understand the impact of an ordinance on the many types of businesses in Arden Hills and how would you define any exceptions to those policies?
Not at this time, since the City’s has a limited number of businesses, I rely on State regulations.
What are your strategies to address public safety, housing, and transportation issues facing your community?
I believe we need community policing in Arden Hills and additional communication and education to residents on defensive measures to combat easy crimes.
Arden Hills has no public transportation with is necessary to address housing needs. City and businesses continue to lobby Met Council for additional transportation within the City for utilize and planning.
What are your priorities for the City’s budget?
a.) Maintenance, keep City assets as- long- as possible. b.) Plan for future replacement costs and large City expenditures so that there are not large fluctuations in taxes. c.) Do more projects in house and limit consultants spending.
What will you do to expand Arden Hill's tax base?
While the City is fully developed, the City is currently working on an infill policy. TCAAP will be developed but can’t be at a cost that prohibits people from living in the City.
How will you work with K-12 and post-secondary educational institutions and businesses to ensure our region develops and retains an educated workforce?
Our school districts, Mounds View and Roseville are excellent school districts. Regular meetings with the school districts occur to discuss issues. I am the City representative for the local Rotary that provides scholarships and leadership opportunities. Local businesses currently work with the districts and local colleges and provide information on future needs.
Are there any services currently provided by the city that you believe should be cut back or eliminated? Are there new opportunities to share services with other entities?
I do not want to cut back or eliminate any services currently. The City participates in many shared services with other Cities – policing, fire, public works facility, IT services through Metro-INET, road repair -the City contacts other Cities to increase project size, such as road repair to maximize bid responses and obtain lower bids.
New programs could:
a.) provide resources (such as low interest loans or grants) to assist low income individuals to up-grade their homes. b.) Arden Hills is separated by major roads, Highways 10 and 52 and Interstate 694 intersect our City making it difficult to get around without a car. Improvements in bus service with increased circular bus routes and frequency would help community members get to health appointments and do grocery and retail shopping. c.) Expanding the City senior recreation programs and “senior” recreation equipment in City parks
What is the role of the City Council in fostering increased minority- and women-owned businesses in Arden Hills?
The City could create a local vendor pool of minority- and women-owned businesses and utilize these businesses when possible. Provide this directory on the City’s website. The City could also research programs outside the city that assist owners to start and expand businesses within Arden Hills.
What further policies can Arden Hills adopt to help the business community recover from the COVID-19 pandemic?
City will be using CARES money to help businesses. It has returned liquor license fees for time businesses were closed. The City can and will continue to use and purchase locally when able, promote local businesses in newsletter and should allow addition temporary signage that highlights businesses opening.
Is there anything else you would like to share with voters not covered above?
I am proud of the work I have done as an Arden Hills Council member. I am always prepared and actively participate at council meetings. I have advocated for the expansion of recreation programs, have added trails, and have enhanced several parks including the addition of dog parks. I love talking with residents and enjoy discussion problems, issues of concern, and ideas.
Public Office Sought: Arden Hills City Council
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 651-636-2987
Twitter handle:
Facebook page:
Candidate Bio
Arden Hills Council member since 2002 and have over 18 years of experience with diverse council issues and participated in the development of two comprehensive plans.
I have extensive TCAAP (Rice Creek Commons) knowledge having participated in the development of the JDA, TCAAP Redevelopment Code (TRC) and the planning and zoning of the property.
I have an open and direct leadership style and promote teamwork and collaborative problem solving.
I advocate for parks and trails expansion and work to find partners to help finance these expansions.
I have participated in budget planning and practices that have earned the City an AA+ bond rating, the highest rating for a City our size. My focus has been City maintenance and I have led the council to establish maintenance programs for streets, trails, sewers, parks, and recreational courts to reduce costs. I have written grants and worked with state elected officials to receive state bonding money for Arden Hills.
My participation on boards include: TCAAP Joint Development Authority, TCAAP Energy Resiliency Committee, Lake Johanna Fire Department and Relief Association, Northeast Youth and Family Services, Minnesota Advisory Council on Patient Safety, and Open Your Heart to the Hungry and Homeless.
What would be your top three priorities if elected?
The 427-acres TCAAP (Rice Creek Commons) development must be a complimentary extension of our current City. It is crucial that TCAAP doesn’t place the City at financial risk for current and future Arden Hills taxpayers. Residents and businesses cannot be taxed out of the City.
Build maintenance and upgrading of City assets into the long-term budget, so that expensive reconstruction or emergencies are a last resort. City insurance premium costs stay low when the City is well-maintained.
Seek out and encourage development opportunities, expand networking with existing businesses to address their issues, assist them in future plans for expansion, and address their traffic concerns.
How would you characterize the business climate in Arden Hills and what is the role of businesses supporting quality of life issues in the community?
The City has a Business Retention and Expansion Program. The program involved site visits and surveys with area businesses. Past results of that review informed the City that businesses seem to thrive in Arden Hills, with the exception of traffic concerns. Most appreciate the low taxes and excellent services provided by the City. Working with the State and the County, the City is focusing on improving traffic issues. In addition, the City needs to find opportunities for business to expand and remain in Arden Hills. Communication with area businesses annually addresses immediate concerns and assist with goals for the future.
Businesses should and do contribute resources to help students, contribute to community events and assist the City in advocating for issues that affect them, such as public transportation.
What role do you think the City should have in attracting and retaining jobs, and what steps would you take to solicit new businesses to, and retain existing businesses in, Arden Hills?
It depends on the circumstances as to whether local government should be actively involved in attracting and retaining jobs. In the metro region, some Cities have far more resources than others. Those Cities can actively recruit businesses from other Cities which can put the City losing the business in jeopardy. I do feel that is inappropriate as it stifles regional development.
I believe Cities should actively “sell” their own local environment and plan to create amenities that businesses want for employees. The sell could include options for the City to retain jobs and to ensure businesses can expand or have access to services necessary to assist businesses actively seeking new locations.
I like the “hands on” approach. By reaching out to existing businesses and learn about future needs and assist businesses with issues. Keeping taxes low helps attract new businesses and helps retain existing. Council should work to provide variances and changes to the comprehensive plan to solicit new businesses.
Do you support any other specific employment-related proposals in Arden Hills (such as minimum wage, sick time, or mandatory scheduling notice)? If so, what steps would you take to understand the impact of an ordinance on the many types of businesses in Arden Hills and how would you define any exceptions to those policies?
Not at this time, since the City’s has a limited number of businesses, I rely on State regulations.
What are your strategies to address public safety, housing, and transportation issues facing your community?
I believe we need community policing in Arden Hills and additional communication and education to residents on defensive measures to combat easy crimes.
Arden Hills has no public transportation with is necessary to address housing needs. City and businesses continue to lobby Met Council for additional transportation within the City for utilize and planning.
What are your priorities for the City’s budget?
a.) Maintenance, keep City assets as- long- as possible. b.) Plan for future replacement costs and large City expenditures so that there are not large fluctuations in taxes. c.) Do more projects in house and limit consultants spending.
What will you do to expand Arden Hill's tax base?
While the City is fully developed, the City is currently working on an infill policy. TCAAP will be developed but can’t be at a cost that prohibits people from living in the City.
How will you work with K-12 and post-secondary educational institutions and businesses to ensure our region develops and retains an educated workforce?
Our school districts, Mounds View and Roseville are excellent school districts. Regular meetings with the school districts occur to discuss issues. I am the City representative for the local Rotary that provides scholarships and leadership opportunities. Local businesses currently work with the districts and local colleges and provide information on future needs.
Are there any services currently provided by the city that you believe should be cut back or eliminated? Are there new opportunities to share services with other entities?
I do not want to cut back or eliminate any services currently. The City participates in many shared services with other Cities – policing, fire, public works facility, IT services through Metro-INET, road repair -the City contacts other Cities to increase project size, such as road repair to maximize bid responses and obtain lower bids.
New programs could:
a.) provide resources (such as low interest loans or grants) to assist low income individuals to up-grade their homes. b.) Arden Hills is separated by major roads, Highways 10 and 52 and Interstate 694 intersect our City making it difficult to get around without a car. Improvements in bus service with increased circular bus routes and frequency would help community members get to health appointments and do grocery and retail shopping. c.) Expanding the City senior recreation programs and “senior” recreation equipment in City parks
What is the role of the City Council in fostering increased minority- and women-owned businesses in Arden Hills?
The City could create a local vendor pool of minority- and women-owned businesses and utilize these businesses when possible. Provide this directory on the City’s website. The City could also research programs outside the city that assist owners to start and expand businesses within Arden Hills.
What further policies can Arden Hills adopt to help the business community recover from the COVID-19 pandemic?
City will be using CARES money to help businesses. It has returned liquor license fees for time businesses were closed. The City can and will continue to use and purchase locally when able, promote local businesses in newsletter and should allow addition temporary signage that highlights businesses opening.
Is there anything else you would like to share with voters not covered above?
I am proud of the work I have done as an Arden Hills Council member. I am always prepared and actively participate at council meetings. I have advocated for the expansion of recreation programs, have added trails, and have enhanced several parks including the addition of dog parks. I love talking with residents and enjoy discussion problems, issues of concern, and ideas.