David Radziej
Name: David Radziej
Public Office Sought: Arden Hills City Council-Special Election
Email: [email protected]
Campaign Phone: 651-356-5928
Campaign Website:
Twitter handle:
Facebook Page:
Candidate Bio
David Radziej pronounced (Rah-Gee) My bride Kathy and I have lived in the Arden Hills area for the last 31 years. We have raised our four children here, sending them to St. Odilia grade school and Mounds View High School (Go Mustangs) In January 2022 I was honored to be selected to fill the open seat on the Arden Hills City Council. Being no stranger to challenging work, I have directed non-profit trade associations for the last 38 years. Volunteering my time to the city since 2012, serving on the Economic Development Council, and the Finance Council plus various ad-hoc planning groups on the development of TCAAP (Rice Creek Commons) development.
What would be your top three priorities if elected?
My goals going forward are to develop Rice Creek Commons (TCAAP) while protecting the City’s property taxpayers. Work with Ramsey County Sheriffs Officers to protect our citizens and do what I can to build a new Fire Station in Arden Hills with the cooperation of North Oaks and Shoreview as all three cities contract with Lake Johanna Fire Department.
How would you characterize the business climate in Arden Hills and what is the role of businesses supporting quality of life issues in the community?
We are open for business. Come and enjoy the 20 miles of paved trails, 7 lakes, 14 parks in addition to fortune 500 companies and 2 outstanding Universities. Arden Hills has roughly 9,939 residents but our employers have hired over 14,000 employees.
What role do you think the city should have in attracting and retaining jobs, and what steps would you take to solicit new businesses to, and retain existing businesses in, Arden Hills?
We are adding new businesses and growing as a diverse community.
What policies, if any, would you support to help employers address the labor shortage?
Do you support any specific employment-related proposals in Arden Hills (such as minimum wage, sick time, or mandatory scheduling notice)? If so, what steps would you take to understand the impact of an ordinance on the many types of businesses in Arden Hills and how would you define any exceptions to those policies?
When food, gasoline or other things cost more, all personal savings and retirements that individuals have worked hard for, loose purchasing power.
Public safety and rising crime rates are of serious concern to the business community and residents. What strategies or policies would you propose to address public safety issues facing your community?
I support the continued funding of our shared Fire and Sheriff’s Departments as they are a key to maintaining a safe work and living environment.
What strategies or policies would you propose to address housing issues facing your community?
Ramsey County is the owner of (TCAAP) Rice Creek Commons property. I would encourage the sale of the land to a Developer. Allowing the developer to start the process of building out this choice location for businesses and homes as well as affordable housing.
What strategies or policies would you propose to address transportation issues facing your community? Have your strategies or views changed on transportation since we’ve seen shifts in road use, public transportation use, work from home models, etc. due to the pandemic?
What are your priorities for the City’s budget?
Balanced Budget with an eye on funding future infrastructure needs.
What will you do to expand Arden Hills’s tax base?
I am always open to new ideas as developers bring project requests forward to see if the city zoning will allow for a type of structure.
How will you work with K-12 and post-secondary educational institutions and businesses to ensure our region develops and retains an educated workforce?
Are there any services currently provided by the city that you believe should be cut back or eliminated? Are there new opportunities to share services with other entities?
What is the role of the City Council in fostering increased minority- and women-owned businesses in Arden Hills?
We just approved and interesting concept called Saltbox – an incubator for businesses. A provider of flexible office spaces and private warehouse suites and an entrepreneurial community intended to assist importers, exporters, distributors, makers, and e-commerce operations.
What further policies can Arden Hills adopt to help the business community recover from the COVID-19 pandemic?
Is there anything else you would like to share with voters not covered above?
I am running for a two-year position, and I appreciate the support of the citizens of Arden Hills. All the best and stay healthy.
Public Office Sought: Arden Hills City Council-Special Election
Email: [email protected]
Campaign Phone: 651-356-5928
Campaign Website:
Twitter handle:
Facebook Page:
Candidate Bio
David Radziej pronounced (Rah-Gee) My bride Kathy and I have lived in the Arden Hills area for the last 31 years. We have raised our four children here, sending them to St. Odilia grade school and Mounds View High School (Go Mustangs) In January 2022 I was honored to be selected to fill the open seat on the Arden Hills City Council. Being no stranger to challenging work, I have directed non-profit trade associations for the last 38 years. Volunteering my time to the city since 2012, serving on the Economic Development Council, and the Finance Council plus various ad-hoc planning groups on the development of TCAAP (Rice Creek Commons) development.
What would be your top three priorities if elected?
My goals going forward are to develop Rice Creek Commons (TCAAP) while protecting the City’s property taxpayers. Work with Ramsey County Sheriffs Officers to protect our citizens and do what I can to build a new Fire Station in Arden Hills with the cooperation of North Oaks and Shoreview as all three cities contract with Lake Johanna Fire Department.
How would you characterize the business climate in Arden Hills and what is the role of businesses supporting quality of life issues in the community?
We are open for business. Come and enjoy the 20 miles of paved trails, 7 lakes, 14 parks in addition to fortune 500 companies and 2 outstanding Universities. Arden Hills has roughly 9,939 residents but our employers have hired over 14,000 employees.
What role do you think the city should have in attracting and retaining jobs, and what steps would you take to solicit new businesses to, and retain existing businesses in, Arden Hills?
We are adding new businesses and growing as a diverse community.
What policies, if any, would you support to help employers address the labor shortage?
Do you support any specific employment-related proposals in Arden Hills (such as minimum wage, sick time, or mandatory scheduling notice)? If so, what steps would you take to understand the impact of an ordinance on the many types of businesses in Arden Hills and how would you define any exceptions to those policies?
When food, gasoline or other things cost more, all personal savings and retirements that individuals have worked hard for, loose purchasing power.
Public safety and rising crime rates are of serious concern to the business community and residents. What strategies or policies would you propose to address public safety issues facing your community?
I support the continued funding of our shared Fire and Sheriff’s Departments as they are a key to maintaining a safe work and living environment.
What strategies or policies would you propose to address housing issues facing your community?
Ramsey County is the owner of (TCAAP) Rice Creek Commons property. I would encourage the sale of the land to a Developer. Allowing the developer to start the process of building out this choice location for businesses and homes as well as affordable housing.
What strategies or policies would you propose to address transportation issues facing your community? Have your strategies or views changed on transportation since we’ve seen shifts in road use, public transportation use, work from home models, etc. due to the pandemic?
What are your priorities for the City’s budget?
Balanced Budget with an eye on funding future infrastructure needs.
What will you do to expand Arden Hills’s tax base?
I am always open to new ideas as developers bring project requests forward to see if the city zoning will allow for a type of structure.
How will you work with K-12 and post-secondary educational institutions and businesses to ensure our region develops and retains an educated workforce?
Are there any services currently provided by the city that you believe should be cut back or eliminated? Are there new opportunities to share services with other entities?
What is the role of the City Council in fostering increased minority- and women-owned businesses in Arden Hills?
We just approved and interesting concept called Saltbox – an incubator for businesses. A provider of flexible office spaces and private warehouse suites and an entrepreneurial community intended to assist importers, exporters, distributors, makers, and e-commerce operations.
What further policies can Arden Hills adopt to help the business community recover from the COVID-19 pandemic?
Is there anything else you would like to share with voters not covered above?
I am running for a two-year position, and I appreciate the support of the citizens of Arden Hills. All the best and stay healthy.