Foua-Choua Khang

Name: Foua-Choua Khang
Public Office Sought: Ramsey County Commissioner-District 6
Email: [email protected]
Campaign Phone: 651-367-4337
Campaign Website:
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Facebook Page:
Candidate Bio
I have served in various leadership roles supporting community base organizations and agencies. In January of 2022, I was appointed by MN Department of Human Services Commissioner Jodi Harpstead as the chair of the Cultural, Ethnic, Communities and Leadership Council (CECLC). On this council we represent different communities across the state of Minnesota, providing counsel and partaking in DHS’s vision to include community voices on current or future initiatives as well as providing feedback for current issues from our communities. I am currently in my 3rd year serving as a member of the finance committee at Hearth Connections, I am a board member at large on the MN Breast Feeding Coalition and on MORE Refugee and Immigrant community base organization. I have been a member of the Minnesota CHW Alliance for 5 years, currently an active participant on the Legislative Advisory Committee. I supported and co-created the Cultural Advisory Board (non-voting member) on Ramsey County Suburban Family Collaborative’s board.
From 2017 to 2020 in Ramsey County, I supported and lead the Mental Health and Wellness Action Team. Co-creating with community stakeholders and county staff on building the first Cultural Healers Summit. The support and engagement from 20 different communities at table was evidence that the county is working towards transformational healing with our residents. I have participated in 2 summits and plan to support the action team when convening safe spaces are more opportune.
I directed Hmong American Partnership’s Health and Wellness department during the start of the pandemic. I ensured that the 30 direct reports were funded through the height of the pandemic and shepherd community vaccine clinics and safe spaces through various partnerships with the county and the state. I understand systems and where we can find solutions with community to fill the gaps or identify barriers that delay our prosperity.
What would be your top three priorities if elected?
Transparency: The top priority would be to start lifting the county’s current initiative to include community’s voice and vision into their budgeting and programmatic processes. Ramsey County currently has a good foundation in their community outreach and with respect to everyone’s safety have offered virtual gatherings. I would like more spaces and different approaches where our neighbors have access to the current programs impacting our daily lives.
Accountability: I’d like to make available to our communities the metrics and outcomes that are being measured by the various departments within the county enterprise. Seeing where our investments and talents within the county have changed our spaces and wellness in community moves us as a people towards peace.
Opportunities: I would love to be part of a convening for our community members to learn about the various initiatives the county is leading to improve the health and prosperity of our neighbors. Co-creation with our communities, I would like to facilitate a 2-day conference for our communities to come learn about what the county is doing. At these sessions, it is a chance for the county to showcase their progress and ensuring that good trust and rapport is built.
How would you characterize the business climate in Ramsey County and what is the role of businesses supporting quality of life issues in the community?
I believe Ramsey County is the model for the cultural exchange in supporting small business startups. The business climate affords families opportunities to build wealth and maintain it. The increase in the different opportunities have attracted movement of people into the county. This movement promises a future for the affordability of our neighbors in investing in the different spaces we all share and use.
What role do you think the county should have in attracting and retaining jobs, and what steps would you take to solicit new businesses to, and retain existing businesses in, Ramsey County?
I think the county can work on ensuring that the physical spaces available for economic use attracts services and business with the community as it’s core investors. Opportunities are given to businesses who have a plan to support the wellness and prosperity of our communities. The economic opportunity in Ramsey County should be bi-directional, a vision that is shared with the business and the folks who live and will use their services within the community.
Our current businesses also have staff who they need to take care in terms of generating sufficient revenues. Working with our current businesses in technical assistance and support to address any barriers in their operations would be a different approach in our investment. The county can also offer resources or classes for small businesses to sustain their businesses. These businesses could also be our next-door neighbors, their success is a shared success.
Do you support any specific employment-related proposals in Ramsey County (such as minimum wage, sick time, or mandatory scheduling notice)? If so, what steps would you take to understand the impact of a policy on the many types of businesses in Ramsey County and how would you define any exceptions to those policies?
My husband works as a manufacturing plant supervisor for second shift. Most of my family have worked blue collar jobs, on different shifts. Mandatory scheduling notice will support working families and help businesses understand their own productivity. If productivity improves so, do the impacts of it to the employees. During the pandemic folks who were categorized as essential workers did not receive equitable pay, I would take steps to work with businesses to improve or create a process to ensure their staffs’ concerns are heard and solution is cocreated with the county and city to explore essential worker pay difference. My 16-year-old son works as a sandwich artist, when he contracted covid he was asked to return to work sooner than the standard quarantine because he was an essential worker. He did not return to school until the 10-day isolation was met. We must be able to mitigate the risks and stress for our neighbors not just in times of the pandemic in terms the requests we make of their lives.
What policies, if any, would you support to help employers address the labor shortage?
In lean management, a policy I would support is the scan of a business needs and managing areas of waste. The county can offer small businesses resources on learning how to run a lean operating system to retain a more satisfied workforce. Offering lean management skills and resources will enhance our business sectors’ culture
Public safety and rising crime rates are of serious concern to the business community and residents. What strategies or policies would you propose to address public safety issues facing your community?
I have worked in the cross sections of healthcare and community. I would propose initiatives for neighbors to build social connection and have our safety and justice department be partners in finding the solution for the crimes that are hurting our neighbors. Our youth have the answers to what is hurting them, our neighbors should be encouraged to understand each other and look out for one another.
What strategies or policies would you propose to address housing issues facing your community?
Affordability starts with a partnership with all levels of government, working cross collaboratively with the cities in the county to increase family units or multi-family units. The different levels of government should also look at transitional housing programs to move our lowest working families towards prosperity like a warm transition out of public housing, which will be a city and county initiative.
What strategies or policies would you propose to address transportation issues facing your community? Have your strategies or views changed on transportation since we’ve seen shifts in road use, public transportation use, work from home models, etc. due to the pandemic?
Let’s make sure that we don’t make decisions without our neighbors again. We have learned from Rondo, a whole culture and community displacement, I hope we would work with all government and stakeholders’ groups to understand the losses of transportation projects. I believe that the realization of remote work and the power it holds will impact the different buildings and roads we currently have in place. I think the urban planners should look at how we maximize livable green spaces due to remote work that will impact road routes.
What are your priorities for the county’s budget?
Including voices from community by informing them about the county budget process. This will support the ask to increase taxes or provide a space for feedback from our constituents who are committed to living and making our county an affordable place to invest their lives in.
What will you do to expand Ramsey County’s tax base?
I think the tax base is driven by first accountability of the county, city and school districts. We have to look at outcomes and metrics that will run our initiatives and programs with more accountability to our constituents. At this time we may take on grants that will not sustain our ideas and have staff or other resources allocated to make up for a deficit. We can’t count on the constituents to make up for our deficits, how about innovation on investing our resources that can generate unrestricted revenue. If we can look at how to run the county enterprise like a business, we would have some basic accountabilities to community and our constituents.
How will you work with K-12 and post-secondary educational institutions and businesses to ensure our region develops and retains an educated workforce? Learn and earn jobs and career paths need to be provided for our youth. I believe that exposure to different jobs and career paths should start at 7th grade to help shape bridge future workforce shortages. These youth will grow up in a generation that exhibit sustained values of an informed contributing individual of society.
Are there any services currently provided by the county that you believe should be cut back or eliminated? Are there new opportunities to share services with other entities?
I would preserve public health, financial services for our constituents, and public safety including programs addressing justice for our community members who are the most marginalized. I would look at our infrastructure, making sure we are running a lean ship, and programs that were grant funded or subsidized by other means. These programs if not sustainable or if more than 20% of the programs budget is being supported by the county budget, I would be look to partners who have a stake in the initiative to participate as well.
What is the role of the County Board in fostering increased minority- and women-owned businesses in Ramsey County?
The current small business association criteria limits who can access the certification process. Myself, a minority woman have struggled to understand the value add in getting these certifications to get into systems that do not understand the BIPOC perspective. I would look at being intentional in developing classes for minority and women led organizations in multi-layered learning approaches versus workshops that may not seed opportunities and only allow for informational sessions.
What further policies can Ramsey County adopt to help the business community recover from the COVID-19 pandemic?
A plan for transition of flexibility and understanding, possibly moving folks to working 4 days a week. Family centered approaches and not just productivity because we know that producing more does not necessarily mean more money. As a county enterprise looking at basic income for all would help with the stress of households working multiple jobs and companies demanding overtime. I know personally that some folks are afraid of taking a promotion because they lose their healthcare coverage, the loss is too great versus the gain.
Is there anything else you would like to share with voters not covered above?
My family comes from a blue-collar background, I understand the need for productivity and the value of family. I want you to know that I will work to find an integration model to support our families so we can embrace prosperity without the mindset of scarcity.
Public Office Sought: Ramsey County Commissioner-District 6
Email: [email protected]
Campaign Phone: 651-367-4337
Campaign Website:
Twitter handle:
Facebook Page:
Candidate Bio
I have served in various leadership roles supporting community base organizations and agencies. In January of 2022, I was appointed by MN Department of Human Services Commissioner Jodi Harpstead as the chair of the Cultural, Ethnic, Communities and Leadership Council (CECLC). On this council we represent different communities across the state of Minnesota, providing counsel and partaking in DHS’s vision to include community voices on current or future initiatives as well as providing feedback for current issues from our communities. I am currently in my 3rd year serving as a member of the finance committee at Hearth Connections, I am a board member at large on the MN Breast Feeding Coalition and on MORE Refugee and Immigrant community base organization. I have been a member of the Minnesota CHW Alliance for 5 years, currently an active participant on the Legislative Advisory Committee. I supported and co-created the Cultural Advisory Board (non-voting member) on Ramsey County Suburban Family Collaborative’s board.
From 2017 to 2020 in Ramsey County, I supported and lead the Mental Health and Wellness Action Team. Co-creating with community stakeholders and county staff on building the first Cultural Healers Summit. The support and engagement from 20 different communities at table was evidence that the county is working towards transformational healing with our residents. I have participated in 2 summits and plan to support the action team when convening safe spaces are more opportune.
I directed Hmong American Partnership’s Health and Wellness department during the start of the pandemic. I ensured that the 30 direct reports were funded through the height of the pandemic and shepherd community vaccine clinics and safe spaces through various partnerships with the county and the state. I understand systems and where we can find solutions with community to fill the gaps or identify barriers that delay our prosperity.
What would be your top three priorities if elected?
Transparency: The top priority would be to start lifting the county’s current initiative to include community’s voice and vision into their budgeting and programmatic processes. Ramsey County currently has a good foundation in their community outreach and with respect to everyone’s safety have offered virtual gatherings. I would like more spaces and different approaches where our neighbors have access to the current programs impacting our daily lives.
Accountability: I’d like to make available to our communities the metrics and outcomes that are being measured by the various departments within the county enterprise. Seeing where our investments and talents within the county have changed our spaces and wellness in community moves us as a people towards peace.
Opportunities: I would love to be part of a convening for our community members to learn about the various initiatives the county is leading to improve the health and prosperity of our neighbors. Co-creation with our communities, I would like to facilitate a 2-day conference for our communities to come learn about what the county is doing. At these sessions, it is a chance for the county to showcase their progress and ensuring that good trust and rapport is built.
How would you characterize the business climate in Ramsey County and what is the role of businesses supporting quality of life issues in the community?
I believe Ramsey County is the model for the cultural exchange in supporting small business startups. The business climate affords families opportunities to build wealth and maintain it. The increase in the different opportunities have attracted movement of people into the county. This movement promises a future for the affordability of our neighbors in investing in the different spaces we all share and use.
What role do you think the county should have in attracting and retaining jobs, and what steps would you take to solicit new businesses to, and retain existing businesses in, Ramsey County?
I think the county can work on ensuring that the physical spaces available for economic use attracts services and business with the community as it’s core investors. Opportunities are given to businesses who have a plan to support the wellness and prosperity of our communities. The economic opportunity in Ramsey County should be bi-directional, a vision that is shared with the business and the folks who live and will use their services within the community.
Our current businesses also have staff who they need to take care in terms of generating sufficient revenues. Working with our current businesses in technical assistance and support to address any barriers in their operations would be a different approach in our investment. The county can also offer resources or classes for small businesses to sustain their businesses. These businesses could also be our next-door neighbors, their success is a shared success.
Do you support any specific employment-related proposals in Ramsey County (such as minimum wage, sick time, or mandatory scheduling notice)? If so, what steps would you take to understand the impact of a policy on the many types of businesses in Ramsey County and how would you define any exceptions to those policies?
My husband works as a manufacturing plant supervisor for second shift. Most of my family have worked blue collar jobs, on different shifts. Mandatory scheduling notice will support working families and help businesses understand their own productivity. If productivity improves so, do the impacts of it to the employees. During the pandemic folks who were categorized as essential workers did not receive equitable pay, I would take steps to work with businesses to improve or create a process to ensure their staffs’ concerns are heard and solution is cocreated with the county and city to explore essential worker pay difference. My 16-year-old son works as a sandwich artist, when he contracted covid he was asked to return to work sooner than the standard quarantine because he was an essential worker. He did not return to school until the 10-day isolation was met. We must be able to mitigate the risks and stress for our neighbors not just in times of the pandemic in terms the requests we make of their lives.
What policies, if any, would you support to help employers address the labor shortage?
In lean management, a policy I would support is the scan of a business needs and managing areas of waste. The county can offer small businesses resources on learning how to run a lean operating system to retain a more satisfied workforce. Offering lean management skills and resources will enhance our business sectors’ culture
Public safety and rising crime rates are of serious concern to the business community and residents. What strategies or policies would you propose to address public safety issues facing your community?
I have worked in the cross sections of healthcare and community. I would propose initiatives for neighbors to build social connection and have our safety and justice department be partners in finding the solution for the crimes that are hurting our neighbors. Our youth have the answers to what is hurting them, our neighbors should be encouraged to understand each other and look out for one another.
What strategies or policies would you propose to address housing issues facing your community?
Affordability starts with a partnership with all levels of government, working cross collaboratively with the cities in the county to increase family units or multi-family units. The different levels of government should also look at transitional housing programs to move our lowest working families towards prosperity like a warm transition out of public housing, which will be a city and county initiative.
What strategies or policies would you propose to address transportation issues facing your community? Have your strategies or views changed on transportation since we’ve seen shifts in road use, public transportation use, work from home models, etc. due to the pandemic?
Let’s make sure that we don’t make decisions without our neighbors again. We have learned from Rondo, a whole culture and community displacement, I hope we would work with all government and stakeholders’ groups to understand the losses of transportation projects. I believe that the realization of remote work and the power it holds will impact the different buildings and roads we currently have in place. I think the urban planners should look at how we maximize livable green spaces due to remote work that will impact road routes.
What are your priorities for the county’s budget?
Including voices from community by informing them about the county budget process. This will support the ask to increase taxes or provide a space for feedback from our constituents who are committed to living and making our county an affordable place to invest their lives in.
What will you do to expand Ramsey County’s tax base?
I think the tax base is driven by first accountability of the county, city and school districts. We have to look at outcomes and metrics that will run our initiatives and programs with more accountability to our constituents. At this time we may take on grants that will not sustain our ideas and have staff or other resources allocated to make up for a deficit. We can’t count on the constituents to make up for our deficits, how about innovation on investing our resources that can generate unrestricted revenue. If we can look at how to run the county enterprise like a business, we would have some basic accountabilities to community and our constituents.
How will you work with K-12 and post-secondary educational institutions and businesses to ensure our region develops and retains an educated workforce? Learn and earn jobs and career paths need to be provided for our youth. I believe that exposure to different jobs and career paths should start at 7th grade to help shape bridge future workforce shortages. These youth will grow up in a generation that exhibit sustained values of an informed contributing individual of society.
Are there any services currently provided by the county that you believe should be cut back or eliminated? Are there new opportunities to share services with other entities?
I would preserve public health, financial services for our constituents, and public safety including programs addressing justice for our community members who are the most marginalized. I would look at our infrastructure, making sure we are running a lean ship, and programs that were grant funded or subsidized by other means. These programs if not sustainable or if more than 20% of the programs budget is being supported by the county budget, I would be look to partners who have a stake in the initiative to participate as well.
What is the role of the County Board in fostering increased minority- and women-owned businesses in Ramsey County?
The current small business association criteria limits who can access the certification process. Myself, a minority woman have struggled to understand the value add in getting these certifications to get into systems that do not understand the BIPOC perspective. I would look at being intentional in developing classes for minority and women led organizations in multi-layered learning approaches versus workshops that may not seed opportunities and only allow for informational sessions.
What further policies can Ramsey County adopt to help the business community recover from the COVID-19 pandemic?
A plan for transition of flexibility and understanding, possibly moving folks to working 4 days a week. Family centered approaches and not just productivity because we know that producing more does not necessarily mean more money. As a county enterprise looking at basic income for all would help with the stress of households working multiple jobs and companies demanding overtime. I know personally that some folks are afraid of taking a promotion because they lose their healthcare coverage, the loss is too great versus the gain.
Is there anything else you would like to share with voters not covered above?
My family comes from a blue-collar background, I understand the need for productivity and the value of family. I want you to know that I will work to find an integration model to support our families so we can embrace prosperity without the mindset of scarcity.