Jerry Moynagh
Name: Jerry Moynagh
Email: [email protected]
Campaign Phone: 651-470-8873
Campaign Website:
Twitter handle: NA
Facebook Page:
Candidate Bio
33-year Vadnais Heights resident, 6 years VH Planning Commission – currently Vice Chairman, 6 year Past Chairman of the VH Area Community Foundation, 39 years commercial and retail banker, MBA with Financial Services Concentration at St Thomas University, Undergraduate Business Administration Degree from St John’s University, St Paul Cretin High School, wife Mary from 33 year marriage, 3 adult children, demonstrated ability to work with businesses, nonprofits, and regulatory agencies through tough economic environments, State of MN current insurance license- 5 lines, many nonprofit board positions, 12 years Financial Services Professionals and National Association of Insurance and Financial Advisors, 9 years St Odilia Catholic Church Finance Committee, 6 years VH Lions Club
What style of leadership would you bring to this position?
I would consider myself a person of character, educated, experienced in the banking profession, confidence born out of seeing, living and being proactive in life achievements, living and acting upon the NAIFA Code of Ethics, treating others as I would care to be treated, able to bring together people of all types for a common goal. Don’t ask anyone else to do anything you would not do yourself. It’s acceptable to disagree if I have a logical reason to do so, communication, preparation, patience, plan for the unexpected, get the facts from the subject matter experts, don’t overreact, under promise/over deliver, it’s never wrong to do the right thing, be honest, consistency, commitment, family comes first. It’s never too late for a new experience, like being a Vadnais Heights City Council member.
What would be your top three priorities if elected? How might these priorities be affected by the state's projected economic outlook?
Maximize services while using tax dollars wisely, enhance property values with strong neighborhoods and responsible development, advocate for Public Safety and First Responders. Being in the financial services industry, I know that the state’s projected outlook is always different than expected. Therefore, slow and steady always wins. Always be open to evaluate and reevaluate a program, be ready to accelerate, slow down, or eliminate, if necessary, to achieve a goal. Every year is a new year.
What do you consider the biggest challenge and conversely, the biggest opportunity in Vadnais Heights?
Biggest opportunity in Vadnais Heights is continuing to improve the city services and roads, grow in this new AI technological age, allowing for smart development of housing for all ages and incomes…but preserving the small-town flavor by protecting city assets and natural resources that our residents so deeply desire.
The biggest challenge…. and requirement…. is to accomplish the above opportunity while AT THE SAME TIME keeping the Vadnais Heights taxes within a reasonable level.
I pledge to do the above.
Please characterize your perspective on the ideal collaboration between government and the business community when it comes to tackling challenges whether they be education, housing, or workforce development. Do you feel the outcomes of the 2023-2024 legislative session positively or negatively impacted that collaboration and our state's business climate?
Our business community needs to have a seat at the table when large policies are being implemented at the state level; I’m not sure how much REAL business input is being listened to and acted upon… at the state level. That being said.. I feel Ramsey County is moving in the right direction by the recent hire of Ling Becker. Ling has a real pulse on what is going on as it pertains to education, housing, and workforce development. I’m hoping she is allowed to make an impact Ramsey County. I have full confidence that she can, but is she going to be given the chance?
I don’t agree with the polarization that is occurring along party lines that erodes said business climate and trust of voters… both sides are guilty. I hope to work with county and state legislators to break down those barriers of trust. I know this seems “Pollyanna”, but this is what I believe and how I will act should I be elected Vadnais Heights City Council member.
How would you characterize the business climate in Vadnais Heights and what role do you think the city should have in attracting and retaining jobs and new businesses in Vadnais Heights?
The VHEDC has always been a large reason for the good and proper mix of both businesses and residences in Vadnais Heights. The VHEDC has done a phenomenal job of attracting and retaining jobs despite the roadblocks our state legislators have put in front of businesses today in terms of taxes and policies. All we can hope is that the people our voters put in place listen to their constituents, both citizens and businesses. I pledge to listen and to make the best decision my experience allows for.
What are your strategies to address public safety challenges in your community?
The City of Vadnais Heights needs to continue to foster its already strong collaboration with Ramsey County and assist in attracting more quality public safety personnel and first responders via compensation and training. Also, criminals need to know there will be stricter accountability for improper behaviors. If this requires more dollars, then I support it.
As it pertains to fire and emergency services, further efforts to ensure up to date equipment and technology investment must continue to be fostered. There is no room for cost cutting when it comes to the safety of our citizens.
I pledge the above.
What ideas do you have to address housing shortages and affordability?
One project at a time… we will continue to take steps in this area. It is a matter of supply and demand from the marketplace. We need to provide quality housing for all, while supporting the business community so that they have educated workers to choose from. Supporting all levels of education through collaboration with local schools will help to develop a more educated and trained supply of workers for these businesses. More education and training for our citizens will result in the ability to command higher paying jobs, and correspondingly allowing them to afford better housing. Again, I have full confidence that Ramsey County will work with the VHEDC to provide good quality higher paid workers… who will demand higher quality housing.
How would you work to improve transportation options in your community, including improved safety for transit riders, pedestrian/bike, and drivers alike?
Vadnais Heights must strike a balance of all types of transportation options. It’s no secret that roads and bike paths need improvement; that’s a given for smart Vadnais Heights city development. I would continue to partner with city staff to improve said options.
However, current mass transit options are limited at best, and nonexistent in many cases. It appears by lack of use and/or poor execution that no one is interested in utilizing bus or light rail. Residents need to show their desire to utilize these methods by using AND PAYING for their use, if available. In my 30 years of experience in Vadnais Heights, my family have had no mass transit options to get to school, work, or activities… the only option for my children were to have cars to get there. Demand must come first, then options will start appearing.
Cities have addressed many ongoing needs with temporary, federal COVID relief dollars, what are your plans to ensure fiscal stability as these federal, one-time funds run out?
I’m an experienced 39-year banker that had unfortunately too much experience in advancing millions of COVID relief dollars in 2020 and 2021. This follows the Great Recession from 2007-2011. The days of relief dollars for COVID are history, done, and finished. Any capable business or wager earner has long since pivoted to earn their living. That is not to say that people are not suffering for different economic reasons. There are many existing and capable non-profit, State of MN, and Ramsey County options for those still in need. I already currently provide assistance options through my profession… and also pledge assistance to those in need in the future, as well, should I be elected to the VH City Council.
Uber/Lyft wages and proposed childcare subsidies funded by local property taxes are just a few areas where local units of government are wading into policy debates that may be best suited at the state. Please articulate the different scopes of work between state and local government (City/County). Are there specific areas of policy that the city should lead on in lieu of the state or county government?
The State of MN and Ramsey County have given Vadnais Heights citizens and businesses lots of policies, some better than others. I choose QUALITY policies over QUANTITY of policies. I think Vadnais Heights would be better suited to strive to be better at the services we already provide….. and collaborate with county and state offices to influence future policy improvements in new service areas of need. The Vadnais Height’s city budget has increased significantly in the past several years; we need to be like all the other businesses and residents in this country…. WE NEED TO DO MORE WITH LESS.
Email: [email protected]
Campaign Phone: 651-470-8873
Campaign Website:
Twitter handle: NA
Facebook Page:
Candidate Bio
33-year Vadnais Heights resident, 6 years VH Planning Commission – currently Vice Chairman, 6 year Past Chairman of the VH Area Community Foundation, 39 years commercial and retail banker, MBA with Financial Services Concentration at St Thomas University, Undergraduate Business Administration Degree from St John’s University, St Paul Cretin High School, wife Mary from 33 year marriage, 3 adult children, demonstrated ability to work with businesses, nonprofits, and regulatory agencies through tough economic environments, State of MN current insurance license- 5 lines, many nonprofit board positions, 12 years Financial Services Professionals and National Association of Insurance and Financial Advisors, 9 years St Odilia Catholic Church Finance Committee, 6 years VH Lions Club
What style of leadership would you bring to this position?
I would consider myself a person of character, educated, experienced in the banking profession, confidence born out of seeing, living and being proactive in life achievements, living and acting upon the NAIFA Code of Ethics, treating others as I would care to be treated, able to bring together people of all types for a common goal. Don’t ask anyone else to do anything you would not do yourself. It’s acceptable to disagree if I have a logical reason to do so, communication, preparation, patience, plan for the unexpected, get the facts from the subject matter experts, don’t overreact, under promise/over deliver, it’s never wrong to do the right thing, be honest, consistency, commitment, family comes first. It’s never too late for a new experience, like being a Vadnais Heights City Council member.
What would be your top three priorities if elected? How might these priorities be affected by the state's projected economic outlook?
Maximize services while using tax dollars wisely, enhance property values with strong neighborhoods and responsible development, advocate for Public Safety and First Responders. Being in the financial services industry, I know that the state’s projected outlook is always different than expected. Therefore, slow and steady always wins. Always be open to evaluate and reevaluate a program, be ready to accelerate, slow down, or eliminate, if necessary, to achieve a goal. Every year is a new year.
What do you consider the biggest challenge and conversely, the biggest opportunity in Vadnais Heights?
Biggest opportunity in Vadnais Heights is continuing to improve the city services and roads, grow in this new AI technological age, allowing for smart development of housing for all ages and incomes…but preserving the small-town flavor by protecting city assets and natural resources that our residents so deeply desire.
The biggest challenge…. and requirement…. is to accomplish the above opportunity while AT THE SAME TIME keeping the Vadnais Heights taxes within a reasonable level.
I pledge to do the above.
Please characterize your perspective on the ideal collaboration between government and the business community when it comes to tackling challenges whether they be education, housing, or workforce development. Do you feel the outcomes of the 2023-2024 legislative session positively or negatively impacted that collaboration and our state's business climate?
Our business community needs to have a seat at the table when large policies are being implemented at the state level; I’m not sure how much REAL business input is being listened to and acted upon… at the state level. That being said.. I feel Ramsey County is moving in the right direction by the recent hire of Ling Becker. Ling has a real pulse on what is going on as it pertains to education, housing, and workforce development. I’m hoping she is allowed to make an impact Ramsey County. I have full confidence that she can, but is she going to be given the chance?
I don’t agree with the polarization that is occurring along party lines that erodes said business climate and trust of voters… both sides are guilty. I hope to work with county and state legislators to break down those barriers of trust. I know this seems “Pollyanna”, but this is what I believe and how I will act should I be elected Vadnais Heights City Council member.
How would you characterize the business climate in Vadnais Heights and what role do you think the city should have in attracting and retaining jobs and new businesses in Vadnais Heights?
The VHEDC has always been a large reason for the good and proper mix of both businesses and residences in Vadnais Heights. The VHEDC has done a phenomenal job of attracting and retaining jobs despite the roadblocks our state legislators have put in front of businesses today in terms of taxes and policies. All we can hope is that the people our voters put in place listen to their constituents, both citizens and businesses. I pledge to listen and to make the best decision my experience allows for.
What are your strategies to address public safety challenges in your community?
The City of Vadnais Heights needs to continue to foster its already strong collaboration with Ramsey County and assist in attracting more quality public safety personnel and first responders via compensation and training. Also, criminals need to know there will be stricter accountability for improper behaviors. If this requires more dollars, then I support it.
As it pertains to fire and emergency services, further efforts to ensure up to date equipment and technology investment must continue to be fostered. There is no room for cost cutting when it comes to the safety of our citizens.
I pledge the above.
What ideas do you have to address housing shortages and affordability?
One project at a time… we will continue to take steps in this area. It is a matter of supply and demand from the marketplace. We need to provide quality housing for all, while supporting the business community so that they have educated workers to choose from. Supporting all levels of education through collaboration with local schools will help to develop a more educated and trained supply of workers for these businesses. More education and training for our citizens will result in the ability to command higher paying jobs, and correspondingly allowing them to afford better housing. Again, I have full confidence that Ramsey County will work with the VHEDC to provide good quality higher paid workers… who will demand higher quality housing.
How would you work to improve transportation options in your community, including improved safety for transit riders, pedestrian/bike, and drivers alike?
Vadnais Heights must strike a balance of all types of transportation options. It’s no secret that roads and bike paths need improvement; that’s a given for smart Vadnais Heights city development. I would continue to partner with city staff to improve said options.
However, current mass transit options are limited at best, and nonexistent in many cases. It appears by lack of use and/or poor execution that no one is interested in utilizing bus or light rail. Residents need to show their desire to utilize these methods by using AND PAYING for their use, if available. In my 30 years of experience in Vadnais Heights, my family have had no mass transit options to get to school, work, or activities… the only option for my children were to have cars to get there. Demand must come first, then options will start appearing.
Cities have addressed many ongoing needs with temporary, federal COVID relief dollars, what are your plans to ensure fiscal stability as these federal, one-time funds run out?
I’m an experienced 39-year banker that had unfortunately too much experience in advancing millions of COVID relief dollars in 2020 and 2021. This follows the Great Recession from 2007-2011. The days of relief dollars for COVID are history, done, and finished. Any capable business or wager earner has long since pivoted to earn their living. That is not to say that people are not suffering for different economic reasons. There are many existing and capable non-profit, State of MN, and Ramsey County options for those still in need. I already currently provide assistance options through my profession… and also pledge assistance to those in need in the future, as well, should I be elected to the VH City Council.
Uber/Lyft wages and proposed childcare subsidies funded by local property taxes are just a few areas where local units of government are wading into policy debates that may be best suited at the state. Please articulate the different scopes of work between state and local government (City/County). Are there specific areas of policy that the city should lead on in lieu of the state or county government?
The State of MN and Ramsey County have given Vadnais Heights citizens and businesses lots of policies, some better than others. I choose QUALITY policies over QUANTITY of policies. I think Vadnais Heights would be better suited to strive to be better at the services we already provide….. and collaborate with county and state offices to influence future policy improvements in new service areas of need. The Vadnais Height’s city budget has increased significantly in the past several years; we need to be like all the other businesses and residents in this country…. WE NEED TO DO MORE WITH LESS.