John Huot
Name: John Huot
Public Office Sought: Minnesota House of Representatives District 56B
Email: [email protected]
Phone: (651) 278-4487
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Candidate Bio
I have been privileged to represent District 57B for two terms and look forward to serving the residents of 56B. Minnesotans face new challenges as we recover from covid losses, adjust to a changed economy, and prepare for twenty-first century jobs. I will do my part in the House to bolster public education from pre-K to graduation, to foster growing businesses while protecting workers, and to continue to support healthy, safe, and welcoming communities. I understand the challenges so many of us are facing because I have lived them.
My wife and I raised our family in Rosemount to ensure that our kids would receive a top-notch education in a thriving community. I volunteered as a youth sports coach, a youth faith formation teacher, and for a local energy sector advisory council. I worked hard in the healthcare field, including as a paramedic, helping people during some of the worst times of their lives. I have also started small businesses and developed a successful real estate career, in which I still work today. Like so many of us, I have experienced the ups and downs, the challenges, and the joys, of working and raising a family.
What would be your top three priorities if elected?
I will continue to serve our community by:
How would you characterize the business climate in the East Metro and what role do businesses play in supporting quality of life issues in East Metro communities?
Local businesses help to keep money circulating within the community while providing jobs, goods, and services. Moreover, local taxes fund local government resources. The role of the legislature is to protect the needs of the public and businesses while avoiding unnecessary regulations.
What role do you think the State should have in attracting and retaining jobs, and what steps would you take to solicit new businesses to and retain existing businesses in the East Metro?
The legislative role is largely to foster an environment for success which includes ensuring a well-educated and healthy population. Moreover, protecting workers’ rights helps all companies attract and retain workers.
In the recent emergency, PPP loans kept many employers and employees afloat. I was able to help several businesses receive these loans, and subsequently helped many obtain forgiveness. The Unemployment Insurance Trust was also depleted, but rather than increase taxes on businesses, the legislature allocated surplus funds to refill the coffers.
The State is also a job creator by implementing and maintaining our infrastructure. Whether we commute or work from home, properly maintained roads, public transportation, and internet access are essential. In the last session the House passed – with my vote - several shovel-ready jobs, which are awaiting the republican-led Senate to pass in a Special Session. Passing these stalled bills will fully unlock the more than $5 billionallocated to Minnesota by the Biden administration for highways, bridges, broadband expansion, EV charging stations, public transportation, and clean water.
What policies, if any, would you support to help employers address our state’s critical labor shortage?
Minnesota boasts an excellent quality of life which attracts families from across the country. Supporting excellent educational opportunities, healthy communities, individual rights and privacy, public safety, and a strong infrastructure help ensure that quality of life.
Supporting our public colleges and universities to lower tuition, promoting vocational training, trades, and a portion of educational loan forgiveness will allow our young people to stay in Minnesota and build their careers here.
Legal immigration has always been a source for valuable employees and new businesses. This means reforming immigration laws to create pathways to citizenship and continuing to be welcoming and provide initial resources, such as language education.
Do you support any specific employment-related proposals? If so, what steps would you take to understand the impact of a proposal on the many types of businesses in the East Metro and how would you define any exceptions to those policies?
As a small-business owner myself, I understand how state policies can affect business decisions. I reach out to relevant businesses when legislation will impact them to better understand their needs. Policies and regulation are meant to serve the best interests of our community, but I remain open to revisiting policies where needed.
Public safety and rising crime rates are of serious concern to the business community and residents. What strategies or policies would you use to address public safety issues?
The nationwide rise in crime is a problem we must act on for our East Metro residents and families. As a member of the Public Safety and Criminal Justice Reform Finance and Policy Committee, I’ve been partnering with our mayors, police chiefs, and prosecutors to address the recent rise of crime.
The House put forward an array of public safety proposals that would dedicate $300 million in ongoing funding for law enforcement and public safety innovation. This is an investment in smart policing by funding and retaining investigatory personnel and training them to analyze violent crime, specifically regarding the use of intelligence information of criminal networks, including gangs and geographic areas. Those funds could also be used to purchase evidence processing technology and equipment, and to provide resources to victims and their families. Work is ongoing to get each of these measures passed into law.
What strategies or policies would you use to address transportation issues? Have your strategies or views changed on transportation since we’ve seen shifts in road use, public transportation use, work from home models, etc. due to the pandemic?
Transportation is central to our daily lives for work, deliveries, shopping, worship, visiting, and entertainment. The State implements and maintains our infrastructure. Whenever we are out and about, properly maintained roads and public transportation are essential. In the last session the House passed – with my vote - several shovel-ready jobs, which are awaiting the republican-led Senate to pass in a Special Session. Passing these stalled bills will fully unlock the more than $5 billion allocated to Minnesota by the Biden administration for highways, bridges, broadband expansion, EV charging stations and public transportation.
What strategies or policies would you use to address housing issues?
The legislature has invested heavily in high-density, affordable workforce housing in our core cities. More resources are needed to improve public transportation so that workers can reach their jobs. I support more grants for first-time home buyers in all communities throughout the state.
What are your priorities for the State’s budget? Are there any services currently provided by the State that you believe should be expanded, cut back or eliminated? Are there new opportunities to share services with other entities?
The state of Minnesota must address the inadequacy of emergency medical responses. We need to recruit and pay the people who do this necessary and difficult work. Rural Minnesota in particular needs legislative support to expand access to critical medical care.
We must also address the serious underfunding of special education to relieve the burden on the school districts and tax-payers who have had to make up these shortfalls.
What will you do to expand your district’s tax base?
Successful businesses foster a need for new local businesses. In Rosemount, we are already seeing new industries and growth in transit, warehousing, food service, and entertainment.
How will you work with K-12 and post-secondary educational institutions and businesses to ensure our region develops and retains an educated workforce, and address the achievement gap?
During my tenure in the House I have been able to greatly increase funding for District 196, and worked toward home-owner tax relief. Going forward, I will:
What is the role of the State in fostering increased minority- and women-owned businesses?
The legislative role is largely to foster an environment for success which includes ensuring a well-educated and healthy population. The Economic Development Fund should expand its grants to promote minority and women-owned businesses.
Several minority-owned businesses were among those I helped obtain PPP loans and subsequent forgiveness. Refilling the Unemployment Insurance Trust relieved the burden of increased taxes on all businesses.
What further policies can the State of Minnesota adopt to help the business community recover from the COVID-19 pandemic?
We need to continue to monitor businesses to see what the actual needs are as they relate to covid related losses.
Is there anything else you would like to share with voters not covered above?
I am the pro-choice candidate in this race. I will always vote to protect the right of women to make reproductive choices for themselves and their families. I support easy and affordable access to the full range of reproductive health care and family planning resources. It is crucial that Minnesota families be able to make the economic and emotional health decisions that are best for them without restrictions from legislators.
Public Office Sought: Minnesota House of Representatives District 56B
Email: [email protected]
Phone: (651) 278-4487
Campaign website:
Twitter handle:
Facebook page:
Candidate Bio
I have been privileged to represent District 57B for two terms and look forward to serving the residents of 56B. Minnesotans face new challenges as we recover from covid losses, adjust to a changed economy, and prepare for twenty-first century jobs. I will do my part in the House to bolster public education from pre-K to graduation, to foster growing businesses while protecting workers, and to continue to support healthy, safe, and welcoming communities. I understand the challenges so many of us are facing because I have lived them.
My wife and I raised our family in Rosemount to ensure that our kids would receive a top-notch education in a thriving community. I volunteered as a youth sports coach, a youth faith formation teacher, and for a local energy sector advisory council. I worked hard in the healthcare field, including as a paramedic, helping people during some of the worst times of their lives. I have also started small businesses and developed a successful real estate career, in which I still work today. Like so many of us, I have experienced the ups and downs, the challenges, and the joys, of working and raising a family.
What would be your top three priorities if elected?
I will continue to serve our community by:
- Funding public schools
- Ensuring public safety
- Protecting access to the full range of healthcare, including reproductive care
- Preserving individual privacy rights including: marriage, contraception, reproduction
- Ensuring that everyone is fully protected in our community, including LGBTQIA persons
- Providing economic opportunity
How would you characterize the business climate in the East Metro and what role do businesses play in supporting quality of life issues in East Metro communities?
Local businesses help to keep money circulating within the community while providing jobs, goods, and services. Moreover, local taxes fund local government resources. The role of the legislature is to protect the needs of the public and businesses while avoiding unnecessary regulations.
What role do you think the State should have in attracting and retaining jobs, and what steps would you take to solicit new businesses to and retain existing businesses in the East Metro?
The legislative role is largely to foster an environment for success which includes ensuring a well-educated and healthy population. Moreover, protecting workers’ rights helps all companies attract and retain workers.
In the recent emergency, PPP loans kept many employers and employees afloat. I was able to help several businesses receive these loans, and subsequently helped many obtain forgiveness. The Unemployment Insurance Trust was also depleted, but rather than increase taxes on businesses, the legislature allocated surplus funds to refill the coffers.
The State is also a job creator by implementing and maintaining our infrastructure. Whether we commute or work from home, properly maintained roads, public transportation, and internet access are essential. In the last session the House passed – with my vote - several shovel-ready jobs, which are awaiting the republican-led Senate to pass in a Special Session. Passing these stalled bills will fully unlock the more than $5 billionallocated to Minnesota by the Biden administration for highways, bridges, broadband expansion, EV charging stations, public transportation, and clean water.
What policies, if any, would you support to help employers address our state’s critical labor shortage?
Minnesota boasts an excellent quality of life which attracts families from across the country. Supporting excellent educational opportunities, healthy communities, individual rights and privacy, public safety, and a strong infrastructure help ensure that quality of life.
Supporting our public colleges and universities to lower tuition, promoting vocational training, trades, and a portion of educational loan forgiveness will allow our young people to stay in Minnesota and build their careers here.
Legal immigration has always been a source for valuable employees and new businesses. This means reforming immigration laws to create pathways to citizenship and continuing to be welcoming and provide initial resources, such as language education.
Do you support any specific employment-related proposals? If so, what steps would you take to understand the impact of a proposal on the many types of businesses in the East Metro and how would you define any exceptions to those policies?
As a small-business owner myself, I understand how state policies can affect business decisions. I reach out to relevant businesses when legislation will impact them to better understand their needs. Policies and regulation are meant to serve the best interests of our community, but I remain open to revisiting policies where needed.
Public safety and rising crime rates are of serious concern to the business community and residents. What strategies or policies would you use to address public safety issues?
The nationwide rise in crime is a problem we must act on for our East Metro residents and families. As a member of the Public Safety and Criminal Justice Reform Finance and Policy Committee, I’ve been partnering with our mayors, police chiefs, and prosecutors to address the recent rise of crime.
The House put forward an array of public safety proposals that would dedicate $300 million in ongoing funding for law enforcement and public safety innovation. This is an investment in smart policing by funding and retaining investigatory personnel and training them to analyze violent crime, specifically regarding the use of intelligence information of criminal networks, including gangs and geographic areas. Those funds could also be used to purchase evidence processing technology and equipment, and to provide resources to victims and their families. Work is ongoing to get each of these measures passed into law.
What strategies or policies would you use to address transportation issues? Have your strategies or views changed on transportation since we’ve seen shifts in road use, public transportation use, work from home models, etc. due to the pandemic?
Transportation is central to our daily lives for work, deliveries, shopping, worship, visiting, and entertainment. The State implements and maintains our infrastructure. Whenever we are out and about, properly maintained roads and public transportation are essential. In the last session the House passed – with my vote - several shovel-ready jobs, which are awaiting the republican-led Senate to pass in a Special Session. Passing these stalled bills will fully unlock the more than $5 billion allocated to Minnesota by the Biden administration for highways, bridges, broadband expansion, EV charging stations and public transportation.
What strategies or policies would you use to address housing issues?
The legislature has invested heavily in high-density, affordable workforce housing in our core cities. More resources are needed to improve public transportation so that workers can reach their jobs. I support more grants for first-time home buyers in all communities throughout the state.
What are your priorities for the State’s budget? Are there any services currently provided by the State that you believe should be expanded, cut back or eliminated? Are there new opportunities to share services with other entities?
The state of Minnesota must address the inadequacy of emergency medical responses. We need to recruit and pay the people who do this necessary and difficult work. Rural Minnesota in particular needs legislative support to expand access to critical medical care.
We must also address the serious underfunding of special education to relieve the burden on the school districts and tax-payers who have had to make up these shortfalls.
What will you do to expand your district’s tax base?
Successful businesses foster a need for new local businesses. In Rosemount, we are already seeing new industries and growth in transit, warehousing, food service, and entertainment.
How will you work with K-12 and post-secondary educational institutions and businesses to ensure our region develops and retains an educated workforce, and address the achievement gap?
During my tenure in the House I have been able to greatly increase funding for District 196, and worked toward home-owner tax relief. Going forward, I will:
- Continue to support full and equitable funding for our public schools.
- Ensure funding to allow schools to have small class sizes, well-trained teachers and support staff, and a safe environment in which to learn.
- Provide funding for early learning and full-service schools that will ensure that Minnesota’s opportunity gaps will grow smaller.
- Support the Teachers of Color Act.
- Listen to and support educators and parents to determine what is best for all our kids.
- Ensure that students receive a comprehensive education. Instead of denying the past, or hiding from uncomfortable realities, education helps us chart a better future for all.
- Oppose vouchers and school privatization, which diverts funding from our public schools to institutions that are not accredited and have little oversight.
- Fight to retain and recruit highly trained educators through strong licensing standards and higher salaries.
- Promote programs that help make our schools safe and free from fear.
- Support in-school mental health programs, increase the ratio of counselors to students and promote anti-bullying campaigns. These are positive measures to make our schools safer. Arming teachers is not a reasonable solution.
- Provide a public two-year associate program.
- Support public vocational training.
- Advocate for forgiveness of a percentage of the current outstanding educational loan debt.
What is the role of the State in fostering increased minority- and women-owned businesses?
The legislative role is largely to foster an environment for success which includes ensuring a well-educated and healthy population. The Economic Development Fund should expand its grants to promote minority and women-owned businesses.
Several minority-owned businesses were among those I helped obtain PPP loans and subsequent forgiveness. Refilling the Unemployment Insurance Trust relieved the burden of increased taxes on all businesses.
What further policies can the State of Minnesota adopt to help the business community recover from the COVID-19 pandemic?
We need to continue to monitor businesses to see what the actual needs are as they relate to covid related losses.
Is there anything else you would like to share with voters not covered above?
I am the pro-choice candidate in this race. I will always vote to protect the right of women to make reproductive choices for themselves and their families. I support easy and affordable access to the full range of reproductive health care and family planning resources. It is crucial that Minnesota families be able to make the economic and emotional health decisions that are best for them without restrictions from legislators.