Karla Bigham

Name: Karla Bigham
Public Office Sought: Washington County Commissioner-District 4
Email: [email protected]
Campaign Phone: 651-212-5276
Campaign Website: www.karlabigham.com
Twitter handle: @karlabigham
Facebook Page: @bighamforwashingtoncountycommissioner
Candidate Bio
Karla served as Washington County Commissioner prior to being elected to the Minnesota State Senate in 2018. Additionally, she has served in the Minnesota House of Representatives and on the Cottage Grove City Council.
Some accomplishments as commissioner and legislator:
What would be your top three priorities if elected?
How would you characterize the business climate in Washington County and what is the role of businesses supporting quality of life issues in the community?
What role do you think the county should have in attracting and retaining jobs, and what steps would you take to solicit new businesses to, and retain existing businesses in, Washington County?
Do you support any specific employment-related proposals in Washington County (such as minimum wage, sick time, or mandatory scheduling notice)? If so, what steps would you take to understand the impact of a policy on the many types of businesses in Washington County and how would you define any exceptions to those policies?
What policies, if any, would you support to help employers address the labor shortage?
Public safety and rising crime rates are of serious concern to the business community and residents. What strategies or policies would you propose to address public safety issues facing your community?
What strategies or policies would you propose to address housing issues facing your community?
What strategies or policies would you propose to address transportation issues facing your community? Have your strategies or views changed on transportation since we’ve seen shifts in road use, public transportation use, work from home models, etc. due to the pandemic?
What are your priorities for the county’s budget?
What will you do to expand Washington County’s tax base?
How will you work with K-12 and post-secondary educational institutions and businesses to ensure our region develops and retains an educated workforce?
Are there any services currently provided by the county that you believe should be cut back or eliminated? Are there new opportunities to share services with other entities?
What is the role of the County Board in fostering increased minority- and women-owned businesses in Washington County?
What further policies can Washington County adopt to help the business community recover from the COVID-19 pandemic?
Is there anything else you would like to share with voters not covered above?
Public Office Sought: Washington County Commissioner-District 4
Email: [email protected]
Campaign Phone: 651-212-5276
Campaign Website: www.karlabigham.com
Twitter handle: @karlabigham
Facebook Page: @bighamforwashingtoncountycommissioner
Candidate Bio
Karla served as Washington County Commissioner prior to being elected to the Minnesota State Senate in 2018. Additionally, she has served in the Minnesota House of Representatives and on the Cottage Grove City Council.
Some accomplishments as commissioner and legislator:
- Improvements to Ravine Park
- Use of goats in Washington County parks to remove invasive shrubs
- Hwy 61/County Road 19 infrastructure improvements
- Culvert on Grey Cloud Island
- 70th Street infrastructure improvements
- HERO Center facility in Cottage Grove for training law enforcement
- PFAS water contamination mitigation legislation
What would be your top three priorities if elected?
- Addressing the mental health and substance abuse issues in our communities
- Workforce development to train displaced workers or residents changing careers is important to support and retain local businesses.
- Planning for the needs of our growing and aging communities
How would you characterize the business climate in Washington County and what is the role of businesses supporting quality of life issues in the community?
- We are a growing county that has a lot of opportunities for business. The county’s role is to be a resource and partner for our business community. We need to be part of the solution to address the persistent workforce shortages. The county’s role is to set a business-friendly climate for diverse business opportunities. I support the “Open for Business” program that assists our small businesses and future entrepreneurs in Washington County. The Washington County CDA does a great job attracting diverse businesses in our communities.
What role do you think the county should have in attracting and retaining jobs, and what steps would you take to solicit new businesses to, and retain existing businesses in, Washington County?
- Coordination of resources and other business tools with our federal, state, and local governmental partners is important to grow the economy of the county. Planning for growth to make sure our infrastructure and transit options meet the needs of our businesses is a priority. Workforce development to train displaced workers or residents changing careers is important to support and retain local businesses.
Do you support any specific employment-related proposals in Washington County (such as minimum wage, sick time, or mandatory scheduling notice)? If so, what steps would you take to understand the impact of a policy on the many types of businesses in Washington County and how would you define any exceptions to those policies?
- Specific employment-related proposals should be done at a state level.
What policies, if any, would you support to help employers address the labor shortage?
- We need to maximize the opportunity for our workforce centers to provide training and information about career opportunities in the county. Coordination with educational institutions to create pathways to employment will help with workforce labor shortages. The Washington County CDA and Economic Development Director do excellent work marketing the county as a great place to start a business.
Public safety and rising crime rates are of serious concern to the business community and residents. What strategies or policies would you propose to address public safety issues facing your community?
- It is my priority to make sure the Washington County Sheriff’s and County Attorney’s Offices have the necessary tools to keep our communities safe. As a county, we should advocate for stronger collaboration with the state and for additional resources to address the increase in violent crime. We need more money for mobile crisis units and co-response teams to address the mental health issues facing our communities. I support collaboration with the Sheriff on re-entry wrap around services to lower recidivism and to make sure there are services for people with mental health and substance abuse disorders.
What strategies or policies would you propose to address housing issues facing your community?
- It is important and an urgent need throughout the county to have affordable stable housing for residents of all ages. The Washington County CDA works with our communities to provide affordable housing and build new housing units. Utilizing private public partnerships to maximize state and federal dollars to provide safe and stable housing for residents is important to our workforce. We need additional housing for mental health services to keep people in need of services out of the criminal justice system. Additionally, keeping property taxes low encourages growth and new opportunity for housing.
What strategies or policies would you propose to address transportation issues facing your community? Have your strategies or views changed on transportation since we’ve seen shifts in road use, public transportation use, work from home models, etc. due to the pandemic?
- I support a multimodal approach for Washington County residents to move about the county. Reliable bus service to get workers to their employer and seniors to essential appointments is essential to a vibrant community. The county’s Capital Improvement Plan is reviewed annually to make sure road investments are keeping up with the growth and scheduled maintenance. As Commissioner, I will make sure Washington County’s voice is heard by the Met Council to ensure safe and reliable bus service as employers bring workers back to the workplace coming out of the pandemic.
What are your priorities for the county’s budget?
- Cottage Grove is the 2nd largest community and property tax contributor in Washington County. I will make sure that our communities get our fair share of those county property tax dollars invested in our area.
What will you do to expand Washington County’s tax base?
- Increasing economic development and re-development opportunities throughout the county will expand the tax base.
How will you work with K-12 and post-secondary educational institutions and businesses to ensure our region develops and retains an educated workforce?
- We need skilled workers in trades to help us build infrastructure. I support opportunities through our workforce development programs to have a pathway for students to be trained for well-paying jobs to help bolster economic development in Washington County. Statistics show that people with education opportunities beyond high school have better earning potential over their lifetimes. I support strong higher education policies that will help our young people achieve their goals and entice them to find good paying jobs. Job opportunities will entice young people to return to Washington County to live and raise their families. This is imperative for economic development. I will collaborate with Washington County businesses that will serve as mentors and provide apprenticeships to help young people in their careers and to expand options for those wishing to change careers and find good-paying jobs.
Are there any services currently provided by the county that you believe should be cut back or eliminated? Are there new opportunities to share services with other entities?
- During the budget process there is always a need to look for efficiencies. Collaboration with other counties to address homelessness by maximizing state and federal resources is worthy opportunity.
What is the role of the County Board in fostering increased minority- and women-owned businesses in Washington County?
- Retaining diversity in our workforce and entrepreneurs must be an active effort. Promotion of minority and women owned businesses in the county would show it is a friendly place for similar businesses to open. Connecting through the local Chambers of Commerce to promote businesses opportunities and establish relationships is important to increasing minority owned businesses.
What further policies can Washington County adopt to help the business community recover from the COVID-19 pandemic?
- Keeping taxes low and assisting with workforce development issues will help the business community recover from the pandemic.
Is there anything else you would like to share with voters not covered above?
- I look forward to talking with voters on the doors and at community events. Voters can contact me at [email protected]. Please follow me on Twitter and Facebook for campaign updates. The campaign website at www.karlabigham.com has additional information for voters. I humbly ask for your vote the fall.