Mai Chong Xiong

Name: Mai Chong Xiong
Public Office Sought: Ramsey County Commissioner-District 6
Email: [email protected]
Campaign Phone: 651-505-0260
Campaign Website:
Twitter handle: @mcxforthepeople
Facebook Page: @mcxforthepeople
Candidate Bio
I’m running because District 6 deserves its share of resources. As the global economic crisis continues to stretch our pockets, I’m ready to fight to ensure the County supports all of us.
My values have been shaped powerfully by my lived experiences growing up in systemic poverty and facing housing instability throughout most of my life. My first job out of college paid $15/hour with no benefits, and I wasn’t eligible for Medicaid or MN Care because I made “too much.” These personal experiences have prepared me for a work environment where persistence, resilience, and disciplined hope have made the difference in securing investments in our communities or not.
In my 10 years of community organizing and working at the City, I’ve been able to fight and secure resources for businesses such as Hmong Village’s parking lot when they were told no. I helped to create affordable rental housing programs that targeted low-wealth communities when I saw that our homeownership programs were not reaching black communities, and I have partnered with the County to engage communities to make our streets safer. I know I can hit the ground running on Day 1 and secure the resources we need!
What would be your top three priorities if elected?
Affordable housing
Living wage jobs and benefits
How would you characterize the business climate in Ramsey County and what is the role of businesses supporting quality of life issues in the community?
Our communities depend on the success of our businesses in Ramsey County. Our small businesses are struggling to keep up with high inflation, finding the right personnel and matching that with the wages workers are asking for. In addition to all those issues, overhead costs are also increasing (utilities, health care, technology, etc) while they have to navigate and compete in our global economy.
Our businesses, especially large corporations, play a critical role in improving the quality of life issues for all residents in the County, in the metro, and statewide. In District 6, almost half of the households earn less than $50k annually, they are young with the average age of 35 years old and the majority are minorities. We need our businesses to partner with the community to help dismantle racism and provide pathways for leadership positions and well-paying jobs. Because, when working-class people cannot earn enough from one job, they will be working multiple jobs, have less disposable income and not have time nor income, to support our local businesses.
What role do you think the county should have in attracting and retaining jobs, and what steps would you take to solicit new businesses to, and retain existing businesses in, Ramsey County?
The County has a huge role to play in attracting and retaining jobs. The County has been doing a good job with their workforce development department by creating opportunities for businesses to partner with nonprofits in helping residents and providing career paths and internships. I will continue to support these initiatives because when we support businesses, they are able to hire from the community, and the money stays in the County to thrive.
Do you support any specific employment-related proposals in Ramsey County (such as minimum wage, sick time, or mandatory scheduling notice)? If so, what steps would you take to understand the impact of a policy on the many types of businesses in <county> and how would you define any exceptions to those policies?
Yes, I support minimum wage, paid sick time, and family leave proposals at the City of Saint Paul, but am not certain the County would have authority to pursue these policies. I understand that small businesses will incur more start-up costs so I plan to support programs and investments that will help businesses decrease their overhead costs such as investing in fiber optic, prioritizing county resources for energy-efficiency upgrades in commercial buildings, and fighting for universal health care and paid family leave at the state and federal level by making this a priority on the County’s legislative agenda.
What policies, if any, would you support to help employers address the labor shortage?
I would support programs that provide career pathways into high-paying jobs and partner with our local community colleges, technical & vocational training schools, labor unions, and social services organizations to support workers and employers in creating work environments that retain talent in the metro.
Public safety and rising crime rates are of serious concern to the business community and residents. What strategies or policies would you propose to address public safety issues facing your community?
I support having stable communities and the County plays a critical role in providing resources to residents and fostering an environment where people and businesses can thrive. That means we need to attract and retain businesses that pay high-paying jobs, invest in transit to connect people to those jobs, and provide career pathways for those jobs.
What strategies or policies would you propose to address housing issues facing your community?
Affordable housing and economic injustices are two issues that are at the core for me. In the next four years, I plan to prioritize the County’s HRA funds to create new affordable housing units at 30% on the Eastside and fund energy-efficiency improvements in homes and businesses. I will also support and partner with the social services agencies who do direct outreach with our homeless population to get them housed.
What strategies or policies would you propose to address transportation issues facing your community? Have your strategies or views changed on transportation since we’ve seen shifts in road use, public transportation use, work from home models, etc. due to the pandemic?
Transit is important to me because access to sustainable and affordable transportation is critical in combating the climate crisis, and the systemic barriers presented to already marginalized communities. All the data shows that those who use public transportation are more likely to be low-income, more likely to be people of color, and that those who are disabled community members remain in critical need of access to transit. I will continue to support policy and funding initiatives that reduce cost to transit users. I will also ensure that Bus Rapid Transit Lines are fully funded with increases in stops, emphasizing accessible stops in areas where they are most needed. I would like to see the County show leadership on this issue by taking a comprehensive view of where transit lines are accessible and where they are not in order to make informed decisions that will materially benefit working people.
What are your priorities for the county’s budget?
Affordable housing and neighborhood investment
Economic development, environmental and racial justice
Public safety, early childhood and youth development
What will you do to expand Ramsey County’s tax base?
Ramsey County is small geographically and landlocked. We need to make sure that all of our development sites are ready by having strong partnerships with the city leaders. Additionally, we need to make sure the county is a place where people want to visit and patron our local businesses. Again, I would prioritize investing in transit, the people, and businesses to make it a safe and vibrant place for more people to live, work, and play here.
How will you work with K-12 and post-secondary educational institutions and businesses to ensure our region develops and retains an educated workforce?
I will continue to be an active partner in providing our educational institutions and businesses the financial support, tools and leverage they need to develop and retain an educated workforce. This includes preventing displacement of families and keeping kids in the school district so they have consistent community members present to support them. I’ve also partnered with our local technical colleges to do outreach with labor partners, high schools, and nonprofits to prepare people for different jobs that require specific and advanced skills.
Are there any services currently provided by the county that you believe should be cut back or eliminated? Are there new opportunities to share services with other entities?
I’m not certain yet but I believe there are many services that the county can do in better alignment and partnerships with local municipalities such as addressing homelessness, public safety, and gun violence prevention. For example, the county has already started organizing a stakeholder table to address homelessness and has started working with the City of St. Paul on gun violence prevention strategies a few years ago, that I’ve been a part of in my role as legislative aide at the City. I believe these partnerships are critical in ensuring there are enough targeted resources to have a meaningful impact.
What is the role of the County Board in fostering increased minority- and women-owned businesses in Ramsey County?
The County has a role in fostering increased minority and women-owned businesses in Ramsey County. The County has participated in the Central Certification Program (CERT) which was created to promote market growth and increase the competitiveness of qualified small businesses. CERT makes it easier for participating businesses to access jobs and contracts available with participating counties and cities by providing a centralized certification process. The County board can work to make sure the minority and women owned-businesses know about programs like these to get access to jobs and contracts.
What further policies can Ramsey County adopt to help the business community recover from the COVID-19 pandemic?
During the pandemic, we have seen that Ramsey County and many other agencies have changed policies to work better for the business community such as supporting small businesses by giving them advanced payments upfront on contracts instead of the reimbursement model; and providing that technical assistance to walk the small business through the requirements of a contract. We need to continue to be innovative and adapt practices that have helped us during the pandemic.
Is there anything else you would like to share with voters not covered above?
I’ve demonstrated and proven my commitment to public service and am an effective leader with both the track record and endorsements behind my campaign from city, state, and federal leaders including: Councilmembers Nelsie Yang and Jane Prince, Representatives Jay Xiong and Athena Hollins, Ramsey County Board Chair Trista MatasCastillo, Ramsey County Attorney John Choi, Congresswoman Betty McCollum, and more. These endorsements are the relationships, partnerships, and trust that I will carry onto the County board to deliver real results and investments into our communities. I know I can hit the ground running on Day 1.
Public Office Sought: Ramsey County Commissioner-District 6
Email: [email protected]
Campaign Phone: 651-505-0260
Campaign Website:
Twitter handle: @mcxforthepeople
Facebook Page: @mcxforthepeople
Candidate Bio
I’m running because District 6 deserves its share of resources. As the global economic crisis continues to stretch our pockets, I’m ready to fight to ensure the County supports all of us.
My values have been shaped powerfully by my lived experiences growing up in systemic poverty and facing housing instability throughout most of my life. My first job out of college paid $15/hour with no benefits, and I wasn’t eligible for Medicaid or MN Care because I made “too much.” These personal experiences have prepared me for a work environment where persistence, resilience, and disciplined hope have made the difference in securing investments in our communities or not.
In my 10 years of community organizing and working at the City, I’ve been able to fight and secure resources for businesses such as Hmong Village’s parking lot when they were told no. I helped to create affordable rental housing programs that targeted low-wealth communities when I saw that our homeownership programs were not reaching black communities, and I have partnered with the County to engage communities to make our streets safer. I know I can hit the ground running on Day 1 and secure the resources we need!
What would be your top three priorities if elected?
Affordable housing
Living wage jobs and benefits
How would you characterize the business climate in Ramsey County and what is the role of businesses supporting quality of life issues in the community?
Our communities depend on the success of our businesses in Ramsey County. Our small businesses are struggling to keep up with high inflation, finding the right personnel and matching that with the wages workers are asking for. In addition to all those issues, overhead costs are also increasing (utilities, health care, technology, etc) while they have to navigate and compete in our global economy.
Our businesses, especially large corporations, play a critical role in improving the quality of life issues for all residents in the County, in the metro, and statewide. In District 6, almost half of the households earn less than $50k annually, they are young with the average age of 35 years old and the majority are minorities. We need our businesses to partner with the community to help dismantle racism and provide pathways for leadership positions and well-paying jobs. Because, when working-class people cannot earn enough from one job, they will be working multiple jobs, have less disposable income and not have time nor income, to support our local businesses.
What role do you think the county should have in attracting and retaining jobs, and what steps would you take to solicit new businesses to, and retain existing businesses in, Ramsey County?
The County has a huge role to play in attracting and retaining jobs. The County has been doing a good job with their workforce development department by creating opportunities for businesses to partner with nonprofits in helping residents and providing career paths and internships. I will continue to support these initiatives because when we support businesses, they are able to hire from the community, and the money stays in the County to thrive.
Do you support any specific employment-related proposals in Ramsey County (such as minimum wage, sick time, or mandatory scheduling notice)? If so, what steps would you take to understand the impact of a policy on the many types of businesses in <county> and how would you define any exceptions to those policies?
Yes, I support minimum wage, paid sick time, and family leave proposals at the City of Saint Paul, but am not certain the County would have authority to pursue these policies. I understand that small businesses will incur more start-up costs so I plan to support programs and investments that will help businesses decrease their overhead costs such as investing in fiber optic, prioritizing county resources for energy-efficiency upgrades in commercial buildings, and fighting for universal health care and paid family leave at the state and federal level by making this a priority on the County’s legislative agenda.
What policies, if any, would you support to help employers address the labor shortage?
I would support programs that provide career pathways into high-paying jobs and partner with our local community colleges, technical & vocational training schools, labor unions, and social services organizations to support workers and employers in creating work environments that retain talent in the metro.
Public safety and rising crime rates are of serious concern to the business community and residents. What strategies or policies would you propose to address public safety issues facing your community?
I support having stable communities and the County plays a critical role in providing resources to residents and fostering an environment where people and businesses can thrive. That means we need to attract and retain businesses that pay high-paying jobs, invest in transit to connect people to those jobs, and provide career pathways for those jobs.
What strategies or policies would you propose to address housing issues facing your community?
Affordable housing and economic injustices are two issues that are at the core for me. In the next four years, I plan to prioritize the County’s HRA funds to create new affordable housing units at 30% on the Eastside and fund energy-efficiency improvements in homes and businesses. I will also support and partner with the social services agencies who do direct outreach with our homeless population to get them housed.
What strategies or policies would you propose to address transportation issues facing your community? Have your strategies or views changed on transportation since we’ve seen shifts in road use, public transportation use, work from home models, etc. due to the pandemic?
Transit is important to me because access to sustainable and affordable transportation is critical in combating the climate crisis, and the systemic barriers presented to already marginalized communities. All the data shows that those who use public transportation are more likely to be low-income, more likely to be people of color, and that those who are disabled community members remain in critical need of access to transit. I will continue to support policy and funding initiatives that reduce cost to transit users. I will also ensure that Bus Rapid Transit Lines are fully funded with increases in stops, emphasizing accessible stops in areas where they are most needed. I would like to see the County show leadership on this issue by taking a comprehensive view of where transit lines are accessible and where they are not in order to make informed decisions that will materially benefit working people.
What are your priorities for the county’s budget?
Affordable housing and neighborhood investment
Economic development, environmental and racial justice
Public safety, early childhood and youth development
What will you do to expand Ramsey County’s tax base?
Ramsey County is small geographically and landlocked. We need to make sure that all of our development sites are ready by having strong partnerships with the city leaders. Additionally, we need to make sure the county is a place where people want to visit and patron our local businesses. Again, I would prioritize investing in transit, the people, and businesses to make it a safe and vibrant place for more people to live, work, and play here.
How will you work with K-12 and post-secondary educational institutions and businesses to ensure our region develops and retains an educated workforce?
I will continue to be an active partner in providing our educational institutions and businesses the financial support, tools and leverage they need to develop and retain an educated workforce. This includes preventing displacement of families and keeping kids in the school district so they have consistent community members present to support them. I’ve also partnered with our local technical colleges to do outreach with labor partners, high schools, and nonprofits to prepare people for different jobs that require specific and advanced skills.
Are there any services currently provided by the county that you believe should be cut back or eliminated? Are there new opportunities to share services with other entities?
I’m not certain yet but I believe there are many services that the county can do in better alignment and partnerships with local municipalities such as addressing homelessness, public safety, and gun violence prevention. For example, the county has already started organizing a stakeholder table to address homelessness and has started working with the City of St. Paul on gun violence prevention strategies a few years ago, that I’ve been a part of in my role as legislative aide at the City. I believe these partnerships are critical in ensuring there are enough targeted resources to have a meaningful impact.
What is the role of the County Board in fostering increased minority- and women-owned businesses in Ramsey County?
The County has a role in fostering increased minority and women-owned businesses in Ramsey County. The County has participated in the Central Certification Program (CERT) which was created to promote market growth and increase the competitiveness of qualified small businesses. CERT makes it easier for participating businesses to access jobs and contracts available with participating counties and cities by providing a centralized certification process. The County board can work to make sure the minority and women owned-businesses know about programs like these to get access to jobs and contracts.
What further policies can Ramsey County adopt to help the business community recover from the COVID-19 pandemic?
During the pandemic, we have seen that Ramsey County and many other agencies have changed policies to work better for the business community such as supporting small businesses by giving them advanced payments upfront on contracts instead of the reimbursement model; and providing that technical assistance to walk the small business through the requirements of a contract. We need to continue to be innovative and adapt practices that have helped us during the pandemic.
Is there anything else you would like to share with voters not covered above?
I’ve demonstrated and proven my commitment to public service and am an effective leader with both the track record and endorsements behind my campaign from city, state, and federal leaders including: Councilmembers Nelsie Yang and Jane Prince, Representatives Jay Xiong and Athena Hollins, Ramsey County Board Chair Trista MatasCastillo, Ramsey County Attorney John Choi, Congresswoman Betty McCollum, and more. These endorsements are the relationships, partnerships, and trust that I will carry onto the County board to deliver real results and investments into our communities. I know I can hit the ground running on Day 1.