Mark Wiens

Name: Mark Wiens
Public Office Sought: Minnesota House of Representatives District 41A
Email: [email protected]
Campaign Phone: 651-283-3953
Campaign Website:
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Candidate Bio
Legacy of Leadership & Service
I am a 30-year U.S. Army Veteran with multiple deployments, combat tours and experience leading executive level teams at the national and international level. I have seen some of the worst places on the planet. I am committed to making Minnesota one of the best. Rangers lead the Way!
Good Neighbor & Trusted Wingman
Upon retiring from the military, I became involved in the Veteran community and am serving on the executive board of the WW2 Round Table. I established the Student Outreach in order to connect our greatest generation to a new generation of Americans. I am self-employed as a strategist, designer and planner. I am married to Tina Watson, a mental health therapist, and we are celebrating 31 years of marriage. We have two daughters in Stillwater Public Schools, a dog and a cat. I am committed to improving our community. Ski U Mah!
Unity of Effort & Purpose
I am a leader who works with all folks of good will to achieve the best possible outcomes for our citizens, environment and economy. I am tireless in the pursuit of friendships and excellence. Let’s Roll!
What would be your top three priorities if elected?
Economy & Resources, Safety & Justice, Education & Governance
How would you characterize the business climate in the East Metro and what role do businesses play in supporting quality of life issues in East Metro communities?
Fair and gradually improving. Small and medium sized businesses are the bedrock of our community, economy and employment. Our businesses were heavily impacted by COVID and reactions thereto.
What role do you think the State should have in attracting and retaining jobs, and what steps would you take to solicit new businesses to and retain existing businesses in the East Metro?
The best environment for all businesses to thrive is a growing economy, low taxation & limited regulation, and a smart & motivated work-force. State regulation & taxation set a tone which can be improved upon to encouraging growth and an attractive new business climate.
What policies, if any, would you support to help employers address our state’s critical labor shortage?
To transform a few phrases: ‘The business of Minnesota should be business’ as there is no better way to enable the many Minnesotans to achieve the Minnesotan Dream. The transition of unemployed and non-essential government employees to the private sector is an initial step to filling critical gaps from an untapped & underutilized local labor force. Public Education must focus on its core mission of academic excellence from reading, writing, mathematics and American civics in order to facilitate our graduates in mastery of these skills. These graduates are then competent and eager to join the private workforce for the greater good.
Do you support any specific employment-related proposals? If so, what steps would you take to understand the impact of a proposal on the many types of businesses in the East Metro and how would you define any exceptions to those policies?
I believe a vocational critical needs study may show a dearth of emphasis on the trades and public services. I believe a public-private collaboration in opportunity scholarships in order to promote the trades, first responders and public safety vocational education & training set is long overdue. The scholarship payback requirement would include payback service in a small business/public service in local communities.
Public safety and rising crime rates are of serious concern to the business community and residents. What strategies or policies would you use to address public safety issues?
Assisting law enforcement agencies in recruiting, training and retention of sworn officers. Scholarships and bonuses to bring in qualified youth. Strategic communication message of funding and respecting public safety servants. Ensuring municipalities fully staff their departments, enforcing our laws, halting the ‘no bail’ and ‘catch & release’ policies which have encouraged a culture of disrespect, crime and glorification of the criminal lifestyle without consequence. Truancy must be enforced to ensure our youth are receiving an academic education and not a criminal one in order to have a future career and participate in the American Dream.
What strategies or policies would you use to address transportation issues? Have your strategies or views changed on transportation since we’ve seen shifts in road use, public transportation use, work from home models, etc. due to the pandemic?
With a comprehensive transportation environmental & economic impact study, I believe our road network in the metro is artificially constrained and needs to be expanded, our interstate corridors should be a minimum of 3 or 4 lanes within the 494-694 ring. A halt and examination of light rail plans: metrics, cost, policy and RoI must be conducted before any further expansion or expense. I believe utilizing and expanding the existing road & highway networks with vans & buses is the most economical, efficient, effective and least obstructive for our metro area public transportation.
What strategies or policies would you use to address housing issues?
Home ownership is a key element of the American Dream, an examination of the restrictions to development and understanding the market forces will assist us in crafting legislation that promotes ownership with least amount of governmental intrusion and cost.
What are your priorities for the State’s budget? Are there any services currently provided by the State that you believe should be expanded, cut back or eliminated? Are there new opportunities to share services with other entities?
Reducing all tax rates for law-abiding tax-paying citizens will boost private spending, incentivize economic growth with tax & regulation reductions on legitimate businesses. An examination of our state government and right-sizing it to be effective in its essential missions. Critical is to conduct a thorough examination to find where the state has failed in its mission to serve the citizens of Minnesota due to fraud, waste, and abuse; taking corrective action to eliminate the possibility of future corruption, holding criminals accountable and harvesting back our lost tax revenue is vital to rebuild trust in our institutions to do right by its citizens.
What will you do to expand your district’s tax base?
Encourage economic growth, investment, business expansion, while reducing burdensome regulations and overbearing taxation.
How will you work with K-12 and post-secondary educational institutions and businesses to ensure our region develops and retains an educated workforce, and address the achievement gap?
Workforce education in a public-private dialog in which the public services (law enforcement, first responders, fire fighters) and the trades are addressed. Advancement of the sciences including the medical field should be a priority as well.
What is the role of the State in fostering increased minority- and women-owned businesses?
The best policies for all businesses to thrive is a growing economy, low taxation & regulation, smart & motivated work-force. Each business must have a plan which addresses their market, services, products and the ability to survive; for entrepreneurs having a wizened mentor is irreplaceable.
What further policies can the State of Minnesota adopt to help the business community recover from the COVID-19 pandemic?
A review of the impact of the state’s mandates under the emergency declaration/s in order to find the ‘Goldilocks’ pathway to proper assistance in order to improve future policy/actions. Elementally to engage with and collaboratively find solutions rather than punish small businesses. This collaborative engagement could facilitate the businesses to survive and thrive in a future emergency. I believe this is fundamental to bring good governance and public trust back to our institutions.
Is there anything else you would like to share with voters not covered above?
I am hopeful that our community will rise up and become stronger and wiser from the experiences of the last two years. Key is knowing what to do & when to do it or when not to interfere. We can do better and we must! Let’s make Minnesota the Best!
Public Office Sought: Minnesota House of Representatives District 41A
Email: [email protected]
Campaign Phone: 651-283-3953
Campaign Website:
Twitter handle:
Facebook Page:
Candidate Bio
Legacy of Leadership & Service
I am a 30-year U.S. Army Veteran with multiple deployments, combat tours and experience leading executive level teams at the national and international level. I have seen some of the worst places on the planet. I am committed to making Minnesota one of the best. Rangers lead the Way!
Good Neighbor & Trusted Wingman
Upon retiring from the military, I became involved in the Veteran community and am serving on the executive board of the WW2 Round Table. I established the Student Outreach in order to connect our greatest generation to a new generation of Americans. I am self-employed as a strategist, designer and planner. I am married to Tina Watson, a mental health therapist, and we are celebrating 31 years of marriage. We have two daughters in Stillwater Public Schools, a dog and a cat. I am committed to improving our community. Ski U Mah!
Unity of Effort & Purpose
I am a leader who works with all folks of good will to achieve the best possible outcomes for our citizens, environment and economy. I am tireless in the pursuit of friendships and excellence. Let’s Roll!
What would be your top three priorities if elected?
Economy & Resources, Safety & Justice, Education & Governance
How would you characterize the business climate in the East Metro and what role do businesses play in supporting quality of life issues in East Metro communities?
Fair and gradually improving. Small and medium sized businesses are the bedrock of our community, economy and employment. Our businesses were heavily impacted by COVID and reactions thereto.
What role do you think the State should have in attracting and retaining jobs, and what steps would you take to solicit new businesses to and retain existing businesses in the East Metro?
The best environment for all businesses to thrive is a growing economy, low taxation & limited regulation, and a smart & motivated work-force. State regulation & taxation set a tone which can be improved upon to encouraging growth and an attractive new business climate.
What policies, if any, would you support to help employers address our state’s critical labor shortage?
To transform a few phrases: ‘The business of Minnesota should be business’ as there is no better way to enable the many Minnesotans to achieve the Minnesotan Dream. The transition of unemployed and non-essential government employees to the private sector is an initial step to filling critical gaps from an untapped & underutilized local labor force. Public Education must focus on its core mission of academic excellence from reading, writing, mathematics and American civics in order to facilitate our graduates in mastery of these skills. These graduates are then competent and eager to join the private workforce for the greater good.
Do you support any specific employment-related proposals? If so, what steps would you take to understand the impact of a proposal on the many types of businesses in the East Metro and how would you define any exceptions to those policies?
I believe a vocational critical needs study may show a dearth of emphasis on the trades and public services. I believe a public-private collaboration in opportunity scholarships in order to promote the trades, first responders and public safety vocational education & training set is long overdue. The scholarship payback requirement would include payback service in a small business/public service in local communities.
Public safety and rising crime rates are of serious concern to the business community and residents. What strategies or policies would you use to address public safety issues?
Assisting law enforcement agencies in recruiting, training and retention of sworn officers. Scholarships and bonuses to bring in qualified youth. Strategic communication message of funding and respecting public safety servants. Ensuring municipalities fully staff their departments, enforcing our laws, halting the ‘no bail’ and ‘catch & release’ policies which have encouraged a culture of disrespect, crime and glorification of the criminal lifestyle without consequence. Truancy must be enforced to ensure our youth are receiving an academic education and not a criminal one in order to have a future career and participate in the American Dream.
What strategies or policies would you use to address transportation issues? Have your strategies or views changed on transportation since we’ve seen shifts in road use, public transportation use, work from home models, etc. due to the pandemic?
With a comprehensive transportation environmental & economic impact study, I believe our road network in the metro is artificially constrained and needs to be expanded, our interstate corridors should be a minimum of 3 or 4 lanes within the 494-694 ring. A halt and examination of light rail plans: metrics, cost, policy and RoI must be conducted before any further expansion or expense. I believe utilizing and expanding the existing road & highway networks with vans & buses is the most economical, efficient, effective and least obstructive for our metro area public transportation.
What strategies or policies would you use to address housing issues?
Home ownership is a key element of the American Dream, an examination of the restrictions to development and understanding the market forces will assist us in crafting legislation that promotes ownership with least amount of governmental intrusion and cost.
What are your priorities for the State’s budget? Are there any services currently provided by the State that you believe should be expanded, cut back or eliminated? Are there new opportunities to share services with other entities?
Reducing all tax rates for law-abiding tax-paying citizens will boost private spending, incentivize economic growth with tax & regulation reductions on legitimate businesses. An examination of our state government and right-sizing it to be effective in its essential missions. Critical is to conduct a thorough examination to find where the state has failed in its mission to serve the citizens of Minnesota due to fraud, waste, and abuse; taking corrective action to eliminate the possibility of future corruption, holding criminals accountable and harvesting back our lost tax revenue is vital to rebuild trust in our institutions to do right by its citizens.
What will you do to expand your district’s tax base?
Encourage economic growth, investment, business expansion, while reducing burdensome regulations and overbearing taxation.
How will you work with K-12 and post-secondary educational institutions and businesses to ensure our region develops and retains an educated workforce, and address the achievement gap?
Workforce education in a public-private dialog in which the public services (law enforcement, first responders, fire fighters) and the trades are addressed. Advancement of the sciences including the medical field should be a priority as well.
What is the role of the State in fostering increased minority- and women-owned businesses?
The best policies for all businesses to thrive is a growing economy, low taxation & regulation, smart & motivated work-force. Each business must have a plan which addresses their market, services, products and the ability to survive; for entrepreneurs having a wizened mentor is irreplaceable.
What further policies can the State of Minnesota adopt to help the business community recover from the COVID-19 pandemic?
A review of the impact of the state’s mandates under the emergency declaration/s in order to find the ‘Goldilocks’ pathway to proper assistance in order to improve future policy/actions. Elementally to engage with and collaboratively find solutions rather than punish small businesses. This collaborative engagement could facilitate the businesses to survive and thrive in a future emergency. I believe this is fundamental to bring good governance and public trust back to our institutions.
Is there anything else you would like to share with voters not covered above?
I am hopeful that our community will rise up and become stronger and wiser from the experiences of the last two years. Key is knowing what to do & when to do it or when not to interfere. We can do better and we must! Let’s make Minnesota the Best!