Stan Karwoski

Name: Stan Karwoski
Public Office Sought: Washington County Commissioner, District 2
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 651-249-7684
Facebook: Stan Karwoski Washington County Commissioner
Candidate Bio
I believe my life and elected experiences keep me grounded and well qualified to serve as Commissioner representing the people and district 2 cities of Birchwood Village, Landfall, Mahtomedi, Oakdale, Pine Springs, White Bear Lake, Willernie, and Woodbury. See my Bio background below listed under Personal, Education, Career, and Elected & Community headings.
1. Why are you running for this seat?
Serve people and make our County better
2. What is the biggest challenge facing your district and how would you address it?
Quality good paying jobs. One of the boards I serve on is Workforce Development. We are pursuing more concentrated effort and strategy to work with our CDA – Community Development Agency, local School Districts, Colleges, and employers to develop a large and trained workforce to attract to our County new businesses and grow existing businesses that provide our residents in County quality good paying jobs.
3. What do you believe is the biggest challenge facing Washington County as a whole and how would you address it?
For biggest challenge I select safe and abundant future water resources because public safety I believe is the highest priority of government. To address clean water in the present with a good action plan development with the 3M settlement and develop future plans and methods to assure abundance of clean and safe water for our future generations. This is not just a Washington County challenge but all across our country and world we can no longer assume we will have safe and abundant future water resources.
4. What would be your top three priorities if (re-)elected to the Washington County Board of Commissioners?
1.) Quality Employment/Jobs – We have many talented workers that live in our County but drive and work elsewhere. I want to change this and provide more opportunity for our talented residents to conveniently work in our County. I also want to bring more top companies and jobs to our County. Our business growth will keep our residential property taxes low and neighborhood desirable to invest in and live.
2.) Improved Transportation/Transit – As our County grows I am committed to making significant road improvements for driving efficiency and safety. A new completely upgraded design for the 94/694/494 Interchange is my highest transportation priority. We also need a Transit System that is affordable, convenient, and reliable. We have the Gold Line BRT Bus Rapid Transit under development. When completed it will reduce pressure on our roads, attract good businesses and jobs, provide multi model options, and future desirability to live and work in our County. As a Washington County Commissioner I serve on the TAB Transportation Advisory Board and Chair the Gold Line Partners Commission that are primary roles to bring Transportation and Transit improvements for our County.
3.) Clean Environment/Water Resources – As a County Commissioner I represent our citizens to be a good steward of our environment. We can develop and grow as a County while also protecting and improving our environment and water resources utilizing our voter approved Land and Water Legacy Program to fund strategic land and water acquisitions for protection for future generations. We also are beginning to evaluate the recent 3M Water Settlement to assure the agreement and settlement money are wisely spent for clean-up and providing future safe water. We also continue to utilize our Washington County Groundwater Plan, Comprehensive Plan, and conservation methods so we have plentiful, safe, and clean water for future generations.
5. Should county government be actively involved in attracting and retaining jobs? Why or why not? If yes, please describe the role for the county in this process.
Yes, we should play a role with jobs. Although these will be private sector jobs and companies will have the primary role we as a County need to provide support, infrastructure, and a positive environment for businesses to locate to our County, grow, thrive and be successful. As Commissioner I serve on the Workforce Development Board and we work to keep our County residents fully employed and off costly government services. With our current and future economy we are competing with other Counties to grow and ready a trained and diverse workforce. I am committed to the cause of developing a strong, more ready, and plentiful workforce to compete in attracting and retaining great companies and jobs.
6. What role should county government play in economic development, and how should the county work with partner organizations?
Our County should play a role in Economic Development and we are. A couple years ago we started up a CDA – Community Development Agency to market and partner with our County Cities to attract and retain top quality companies and good paying jobs. In our modern global economy we are competing with communities all over the world for the best companies and jobs. The best way to win our share is to accept the challenge and compete. Our County Cities will continue to also work on their economic development but now can partner with County resources to develop a better local economy.
7. What do you believe are the most essential services provided by county government?
Public Health and Safety are essential services the County is responsible for providing. In recent national health rankings Washington County was rated the 3rd healthiest County out of 87 Counties in the State of Minnesota. I am committed to working toward becoming #1 and we have initiatives in process that I am hopeful will strengthen our rating. Regarding public safety our Sheriff’s Office and emergency preparedness is excellent. Our Sheriff and Deputies work seamlessly with our cities for safety and reducing crime. We also maintain and improve our highly rated larger regional parks to be safe and healthy for all. In summary we continually make investment in Health and Safety to keep our County a desirable place to work, play, and live.
8. Are there any services that the county does not provide that you believe it should?
Transit Line. We are developing one in District 2 that I represent. It is called the Gold Line BRT. I chair the committee. Having the vision to implement transit will be a critical part of a multi model transportation system that will keep our County a desirable place to live, relocate or grow a business and jobs.
9. Are there any services currently provided by the county that you believe should be cut back or eliminated?
Our County has a tradition only providing necessary services. This is also my personal goal. Over half our County budget is providing mandated services required by Federal or State agency laws. As a County Commissioner and Staff we both would like to reduce social service costs involving social services, courts, and prosecutions etc. by positively affecting people’s lives so fewer residents fall into trouble needing the support from tax payers. As a Commissioner I support staff to develop methods of service that are more productive and beneficial to those receiving while also less costly to the tax payer.
10. How would you characterize the business climate in Washington County? What, if anything, would you do to change it?
Our business climate is good but heavy with retail. I believe we need more business, medical, and high tech companies providing good jobs in Washington County. This transition to a stronger business base will help keep our residential property taxes low and also our residential areas maintained and desirable to live. I’m actively working on the Washington County Workforce Development Board to develop a trained workforce and methods to attract companies with quality well paying jobs.
11. Many communities and government entities in the East Metro collaborate to provide services to their residents in an effort operate more efficiently and cost effectively. Do you believe that Washington County uses such partnerships appropriately, and can you identify any specific areas where more sharing of services should be used?
I believe we do a good job as a County in collaborating for efficiencies. Our trash and waste efforts collaborating and in partnership with Ramsey County is a leading model in the country. The effort together has waste being converted to recycling and energy in greater quantities each year. We also do a good job collaborating with parks, recreation, policing, roads, and development issues with our cities and other Counties. Moving forward I will advocate doing more collaborating for a better environment particularly with developing good methods of using water and managing our water resources flowing across County borders. Also, watershed districts and aquifers cross County boundaries. Learning more about water resources and management I believe will be key to reducing and controlling flooding, droughts, and significant challenges such as restoring permanent and a consistent water level to White Bear Lake.
12. In your view, what is Washington County’s top transportation priority and how would you advance it?
As I stated in Priorities Question 4. above, Transit is transportation and is a top priority. Washington County working in collaboration with Ramsey County, Metro Transit, and with approval of the FTA Federal Transportation Administration is in the project development phase for our Gold Line BRT Bus Rapid Transit System to serve the east metro and Washington County. The Gold Line route is in District 2 that I represent. This estimated $420 million project targeted for a $210 million federal contribution is on schedule and will drive our counties future for attracting top companies, job, and workers. The Gold Line BRT will have frequent all day service in a primarily dedicated busway lane for efficient movement. Working with our citizens, businesses, and elected leaders we have made great progress over the past several years of careful planning and want to see the Gold Line completed and successful. In addition to attending numerous community listening and planning meetings I am also serving in key elected leadership roles on the CMC Corridor Management Commission and Chair the Gold Line Partners organization. As a re-elected Commissioner I would contribute working with others to assure that the Gold Line BRT is a success.
Regarding conventional transportation a new design and build for the 94/694/494 interchange. Over 100,000 vehicles a day use this 50 year old outdated cloverleaf interchange design with congestion at almost all times of the day. There are accidents weekly, many involving large heavy commercial trucks, and some causing serious injury. I serve as a member of TAB, serve on the Transportation Alliance, and also serve on AMC’s Transportation Committee I use these groups to lobby for funding. We also have support of our entire County Board and staff. Currently MNDOT has agreed to start a study this year. We also will continue to work with our State and Federal legislative bodies to hopefully secure funding in the next few years. A new modern day interchange design is essential to develop good business commerce and efficient transportation for our citizens that is safe for everyone.
13. Is there anything else you would like to share with voters not covered above?
I was elected in 2016 to a partial County Commissioner term, the last two years of Ted Bearth’s Seat after his unfortunate passing. In my opinion upon election with my life and elected experience I hit the ground running with effective and committed service to the constituents, district 2, and County. I also have learned a lot as a Commissioner in the past 2 years. With this said, I would like to be elected to a full 4 year term and continue with the committed service I have begun. Together we can make our County even better. I ask for your support and vote.
Public Office Sought: Washington County Commissioner, District 2
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 651-249-7684
Facebook: Stan Karwoski Washington County Commissioner
Candidate Bio
I believe my life and elected experiences keep me grounded and well qualified to serve as Commissioner representing the people and district 2 cities of Birchwood Village, Landfall, Mahtomedi, Oakdale, Pine Springs, White Bear Lake, Willernie, and Woodbury. See my Bio background below listed under Personal, Education, Career, and Elected & Community headings.
- Married to Linda 38 years, 4 adult children – 2 son in-laws - 2 grand children
- Resident of Oakdale since 1987
- Harding High School, St. Paul, MN
- Northeast Metro Technical College – Design Degree
- Metropolitan State University – BA Business Management
- Graco Inc. – 38 year employee - Principal Designer – RETIRED
- 5 Design Patents, additional patent is pending
- Washington County Commissioner 2016 to Present, Current Vice-Chair
- Washington County Workforce Development Board
- BRT Bus Rapid Transit - Gold Line Partners aka Gateway Corridor Commission, Chair
- 17 Assigned Boards/Commissions serving on as Washington County Commissioner (See County website for Assignment Details)
- Mayor of Oakdale 2015 - 2016
- Oakdale City Council Member 2001 - 2014
- Regional Council of Mayors, past member
- OACC Oakdale Area Chamber of Commerce, Member
- ISD 622 Education Foundation Board, Member and past President
- Oakdale Planning and Park Commission - 1994 to 1999
- St. Paul Festival & Heritage Foundation Member and past Festival Cabinet Member
- Washington County Park and Open Space Commission, past member & Chair
- Woodbury Chamber of Commerce, Member
- League of Minnesota Voters, Member
1. Why are you running for this seat?
Serve people and make our County better
2. What is the biggest challenge facing your district and how would you address it?
Quality good paying jobs. One of the boards I serve on is Workforce Development. We are pursuing more concentrated effort and strategy to work with our CDA – Community Development Agency, local School Districts, Colleges, and employers to develop a large and trained workforce to attract to our County new businesses and grow existing businesses that provide our residents in County quality good paying jobs.
3. What do you believe is the biggest challenge facing Washington County as a whole and how would you address it?
For biggest challenge I select safe and abundant future water resources because public safety I believe is the highest priority of government. To address clean water in the present with a good action plan development with the 3M settlement and develop future plans and methods to assure abundance of clean and safe water for our future generations. This is not just a Washington County challenge but all across our country and world we can no longer assume we will have safe and abundant future water resources.
4. What would be your top three priorities if (re-)elected to the Washington County Board of Commissioners?
1.) Quality Employment/Jobs – We have many talented workers that live in our County but drive and work elsewhere. I want to change this and provide more opportunity for our talented residents to conveniently work in our County. I also want to bring more top companies and jobs to our County. Our business growth will keep our residential property taxes low and neighborhood desirable to invest in and live.
2.) Improved Transportation/Transit – As our County grows I am committed to making significant road improvements for driving efficiency and safety. A new completely upgraded design for the 94/694/494 Interchange is my highest transportation priority. We also need a Transit System that is affordable, convenient, and reliable. We have the Gold Line BRT Bus Rapid Transit under development. When completed it will reduce pressure on our roads, attract good businesses and jobs, provide multi model options, and future desirability to live and work in our County. As a Washington County Commissioner I serve on the TAB Transportation Advisory Board and Chair the Gold Line Partners Commission that are primary roles to bring Transportation and Transit improvements for our County.
3.) Clean Environment/Water Resources – As a County Commissioner I represent our citizens to be a good steward of our environment. We can develop and grow as a County while also protecting and improving our environment and water resources utilizing our voter approved Land and Water Legacy Program to fund strategic land and water acquisitions for protection for future generations. We also are beginning to evaluate the recent 3M Water Settlement to assure the agreement and settlement money are wisely spent for clean-up and providing future safe water. We also continue to utilize our Washington County Groundwater Plan, Comprehensive Plan, and conservation methods so we have plentiful, safe, and clean water for future generations.
5. Should county government be actively involved in attracting and retaining jobs? Why or why not? If yes, please describe the role for the county in this process.
Yes, we should play a role with jobs. Although these will be private sector jobs and companies will have the primary role we as a County need to provide support, infrastructure, and a positive environment for businesses to locate to our County, grow, thrive and be successful. As Commissioner I serve on the Workforce Development Board and we work to keep our County residents fully employed and off costly government services. With our current and future economy we are competing with other Counties to grow and ready a trained and diverse workforce. I am committed to the cause of developing a strong, more ready, and plentiful workforce to compete in attracting and retaining great companies and jobs.
6. What role should county government play in economic development, and how should the county work with partner organizations?
Our County should play a role in Economic Development and we are. A couple years ago we started up a CDA – Community Development Agency to market and partner with our County Cities to attract and retain top quality companies and good paying jobs. In our modern global economy we are competing with communities all over the world for the best companies and jobs. The best way to win our share is to accept the challenge and compete. Our County Cities will continue to also work on their economic development but now can partner with County resources to develop a better local economy.
7. What do you believe are the most essential services provided by county government?
Public Health and Safety are essential services the County is responsible for providing. In recent national health rankings Washington County was rated the 3rd healthiest County out of 87 Counties in the State of Minnesota. I am committed to working toward becoming #1 and we have initiatives in process that I am hopeful will strengthen our rating. Regarding public safety our Sheriff’s Office and emergency preparedness is excellent. Our Sheriff and Deputies work seamlessly with our cities for safety and reducing crime. We also maintain and improve our highly rated larger regional parks to be safe and healthy for all. In summary we continually make investment in Health and Safety to keep our County a desirable place to work, play, and live.
8. Are there any services that the county does not provide that you believe it should?
Transit Line. We are developing one in District 2 that I represent. It is called the Gold Line BRT. I chair the committee. Having the vision to implement transit will be a critical part of a multi model transportation system that will keep our County a desirable place to live, relocate or grow a business and jobs.
9. Are there any services currently provided by the county that you believe should be cut back or eliminated?
Our County has a tradition only providing necessary services. This is also my personal goal. Over half our County budget is providing mandated services required by Federal or State agency laws. As a County Commissioner and Staff we both would like to reduce social service costs involving social services, courts, and prosecutions etc. by positively affecting people’s lives so fewer residents fall into trouble needing the support from tax payers. As a Commissioner I support staff to develop methods of service that are more productive and beneficial to those receiving while also less costly to the tax payer.
10. How would you characterize the business climate in Washington County? What, if anything, would you do to change it?
Our business climate is good but heavy with retail. I believe we need more business, medical, and high tech companies providing good jobs in Washington County. This transition to a stronger business base will help keep our residential property taxes low and also our residential areas maintained and desirable to live. I’m actively working on the Washington County Workforce Development Board to develop a trained workforce and methods to attract companies with quality well paying jobs.
11. Many communities and government entities in the East Metro collaborate to provide services to their residents in an effort operate more efficiently and cost effectively. Do you believe that Washington County uses such partnerships appropriately, and can you identify any specific areas where more sharing of services should be used?
I believe we do a good job as a County in collaborating for efficiencies. Our trash and waste efforts collaborating and in partnership with Ramsey County is a leading model in the country. The effort together has waste being converted to recycling and energy in greater quantities each year. We also do a good job collaborating with parks, recreation, policing, roads, and development issues with our cities and other Counties. Moving forward I will advocate doing more collaborating for a better environment particularly with developing good methods of using water and managing our water resources flowing across County borders. Also, watershed districts and aquifers cross County boundaries. Learning more about water resources and management I believe will be key to reducing and controlling flooding, droughts, and significant challenges such as restoring permanent and a consistent water level to White Bear Lake.
12. In your view, what is Washington County’s top transportation priority and how would you advance it?
As I stated in Priorities Question 4. above, Transit is transportation and is a top priority. Washington County working in collaboration with Ramsey County, Metro Transit, and with approval of the FTA Federal Transportation Administration is in the project development phase for our Gold Line BRT Bus Rapid Transit System to serve the east metro and Washington County. The Gold Line route is in District 2 that I represent. This estimated $420 million project targeted for a $210 million federal contribution is on schedule and will drive our counties future for attracting top companies, job, and workers. The Gold Line BRT will have frequent all day service in a primarily dedicated busway lane for efficient movement. Working with our citizens, businesses, and elected leaders we have made great progress over the past several years of careful planning and want to see the Gold Line completed and successful. In addition to attending numerous community listening and planning meetings I am also serving in key elected leadership roles on the CMC Corridor Management Commission and Chair the Gold Line Partners organization. As a re-elected Commissioner I would contribute working with others to assure that the Gold Line BRT is a success.
Regarding conventional transportation a new design and build for the 94/694/494 interchange. Over 100,000 vehicles a day use this 50 year old outdated cloverleaf interchange design with congestion at almost all times of the day. There are accidents weekly, many involving large heavy commercial trucks, and some causing serious injury. I serve as a member of TAB, serve on the Transportation Alliance, and also serve on AMC’s Transportation Committee I use these groups to lobby for funding. We also have support of our entire County Board and staff. Currently MNDOT has agreed to start a study this year. We also will continue to work with our State and Federal legislative bodies to hopefully secure funding in the next few years. A new modern day interchange design is essential to develop good business commerce and efficient transportation for our citizens that is safe for everyone.
13. Is there anything else you would like to share with voters not covered above?
I was elected in 2016 to a partial County Commissioner term, the last two years of Ted Bearth’s Seat after his unfortunate passing. In my opinion upon election with my life and elected experience I hit the ground running with effective and committed service to the constituents, district 2, and County. I also have learned a lot as a Commissioner in the past 2 years. With this said, I would like to be elected to a full 4 year term and continue with the committed service I have begun. Together we can make our County even better. I ask for your support and vote.