Yusuf Haji
Name: Yusuf Haji
Email: [email protected]
Campaign Phone: 612-352-0918
Campaign Website: hajifordakota.org
Twitter handle: @hajifordakota
Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/hajifordakota/
Candidate Bio
I am a five-year Burnsville resident who is heavily involved in the community and local politics. I am a small business owner and a father of 5, all attending Burnsville public schools. Finally, I am a community advocate who has spent much time at the capitol advocating for bills that have benefited our youth and more vulnerable communities in Dakota County and throughout Minnesota. I will take this advocacy experience for our community to the board of commissioners.
What style of leadership would you bring to this position?
I want to be a commissioner who will fight for everyone in Burnsville. I won’t be afraid to speak up for what I believe in. I will do everything in my power to better the lives of Burnsville residents. I also want to be someone who can be accessible to the Burnsville community and who can be held accountable.
What would be your top three priorities if elected? How might these priorities be affected by the state's projected economic outlook?
I cannot stress this enough when I say we need to expand access to the county resources. This includes but is not limited to expanding access to affordable housing, access to public transportation, and access to mental health resources. Another priority of mine would be improving our country's infrastructure. It is unacceptable that we have unpaved roads and roads that are deteriorating. County residents deserve roads that won’t ruin their cars. We also need to start building roads for people not just cars, this includes ensuring that county roads have sidewalks and bike lanes. Finally, we need to ensure that Burnsville and Dakota County residents are safe. Dakota County residents deserve to feel safe and be safe. Residents who are struggling with mental health or are in crisis deserve to have access to resources that can help them. As your County Commissioner, I will make sure that Dakota County continues to invest in our first responders. I will also fight to invest in mental health resources, like treatment centers for residents who are struggling with addiction. I am also passionate about increasing services for residents experiencing homelessness by investing in services that make homelessness rare: rental assistance, transitional housing options, and more.
What do you consider the biggest challenge and conversely, the biggest opportunity in Dakota County?
While door-knocking the past 3 months I have talked to far too many Burnsville residents who have said that they are not getting enough support from the county to be able to remain in Burnsville. I find this incredibly saddening and unacceptable. Dakota County has the opportunity to continue to expand its population and tax base by investing in its residents through the expansion of public resources. We truly all do better when we all do better.
Please characterize your perspective on the ideal collaboration between government and the business community when it comes to tackling challenges whether they be education, housing, or workforce development. Do you feel the outcomes of the 2023-2024 legislative session positively or negatively impacted that collaboration and our state's business climate?
The government must be investing in businesses, especially small local businesses. I believe it is important that the county works hand and hand with businesses to solve local issues that affect the county and businesses.
How would you characterize the business climate in Dakota County and what role do you think the city should have in attracting and retaining jobs and new businesses in Dakota County?
I feel like the business climate in Dakota County is decent and the County can do alot to improve it. The county can invest in infrastructure and ensure robust workforce development programs that will address business needs and support growth. Additionally, the county should engage with local businesses to understand and address their challenges, fostering a supportive environment. Promoting the county's strengths and creating partnerships with economic development organizations can further enhance its appeal.
What are your strategies to address public safety challenges in your community?
I think it is important that we are proactive versus reactive when it comes to public safety. We need to combat crime at its roots. The county can do this by investing in resources like affordable housing, shelters for those experiencing homelessness, mental health resources etc. It is also crucial that the county invests in our first responders like our Sheriff’s Department who put their lives on the line every day for the betterment of Dakota County.
What ideas do you have to address housing shortages and affordability?
The county needs to invest more in affordable housing. If elected I will make it a goal of mine that Dakota County increase its investment into affordable housing. Dakota County also needs to invest more time and money in the CDA so more Dakota County residents can buy homes and stay in their homes.
How would you work to improve transportation options in your community, including improved safety for transit riders, pedestrian/bike, and drivers alike?
As mentioned previously we need to start building roads that are for people not just cars. This includes ensuring that all county roads have bike lanes and sidewalks. As mentioned we also need to invest in Public Transportation so that more Burnsville residents are able to get to A to Z.
Cities have addressed many ongoing needs with temporary, federal COVID relief dollars, what are your plans to ensure fiscal stability as these federal, one-time funds run out?
The County must conduct a thorough review of current programs and services funded by federal relief dollars. Identify which are essential and align with long-term strategic goals. Prioritize these needs and consider how they can be sustainably funded in the future. The county needs to investigate and apply for other grants, state funds, and philanthropic contributions that could support key programs and services.
Uber/Lyft wages and proposed childcare subsidies funded by local property taxes are just a few areas where local units of government are wading into policy debates that may be best suited at the state. Please articulate the different scopes of work between state and local government (City/County). Are there specific areas of policy that the city should lead on in lieu of the state or county government?
I believe the county should be the main advocate for the county funds. The county knows the county better than the state does. But it is also important that the county invests in it’s people, this might include funding childcare subsidies and affordable housing etc.
Email: [email protected]
Campaign Phone: 612-352-0918
Campaign Website: hajifordakota.org
Twitter handle: @hajifordakota
Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/hajifordakota/
Candidate Bio
I am a five-year Burnsville resident who is heavily involved in the community and local politics. I am a small business owner and a father of 5, all attending Burnsville public schools. Finally, I am a community advocate who has spent much time at the capitol advocating for bills that have benefited our youth and more vulnerable communities in Dakota County and throughout Minnesota. I will take this advocacy experience for our community to the board of commissioners.
What style of leadership would you bring to this position?
I want to be a commissioner who will fight for everyone in Burnsville. I won’t be afraid to speak up for what I believe in. I will do everything in my power to better the lives of Burnsville residents. I also want to be someone who can be accessible to the Burnsville community and who can be held accountable.
What would be your top three priorities if elected? How might these priorities be affected by the state's projected economic outlook?
I cannot stress this enough when I say we need to expand access to the county resources. This includes but is not limited to expanding access to affordable housing, access to public transportation, and access to mental health resources. Another priority of mine would be improving our country's infrastructure. It is unacceptable that we have unpaved roads and roads that are deteriorating. County residents deserve roads that won’t ruin their cars. We also need to start building roads for people not just cars, this includes ensuring that county roads have sidewalks and bike lanes. Finally, we need to ensure that Burnsville and Dakota County residents are safe. Dakota County residents deserve to feel safe and be safe. Residents who are struggling with mental health or are in crisis deserve to have access to resources that can help them. As your County Commissioner, I will make sure that Dakota County continues to invest in our first responders. I will also fight to invest in mental health resources, like treatment centers for residents who are struggling with addiction. I am also passionate about increasing services for residents experiencing homelessness by investing in services that make homelessness rare: rental assistance, transitional housing options, and more.
What do you consider the biggest challenge and conversely, the biggest opportunity in Dakota County?
While door-knocking the past 3 months I have talked to far too many Burnsville residents who have said that they are not getting enough support from the county to be able to remain in Burnsville. I find this incredibly saddening and unacceptable. Dakota County has the opportunity to continue to expand its population and tax base by investing in its residents through the expansion of public resources. We truly all do better when we all do better.
Please characterize your perspective on the ideal collaboration between government and the business community when it comes to tackling challenges whether they be education, housing, or workforce development. Do you feel the outcomes of the 2023-2024 legislative session positively or negatively impacted that collaboration and our state's business climate?
The government must be investing in businesses, especially small local businesses. I believe it is important that the county works hand and hand with businesses to solve local issues that affect the county and businesses.
How would you characterize the business climate in Dakota County and what role do you think the city should have in attracting and retaining jobs and new businesses in Dakota County?
I feel like the business climate in Dakota County is decent and the County can do alot to improve it. The county can invest in infrastructure and ensure robust workforce development programs that will address business needs and support growth. Additionally, the county should engage with local businesses to understand and address their challenges, fostering a supportive environment. Promoting the county's strengths and creating partnerships with economic development organizations can further enhance its appeal.
What are your strategies to address public safety challenges in your community?
I think it is important that we are proactive versus reactive when it comes to public safety. We need to combat crime at its roots. The county can do this by investing in resources like affordable housing, shelters for those experiencing homelessness, mental health resources etc. It is also crucial that the county invests in our first responders like our Sheriff’s Department who put their lives on the line every day for the betterment of Dakota County.
What ideas do you have to address housing shortages and affordability?
The county needs to invest more in affordable housing. If elected I will make it a goal of mine that Dakota County increase its investment into affordable housing. Dakota County also needs to invest more time and money in the CDA so more Dakota County residents can buy homes and stay in their homes.
How would you work to improve transportation options in your community, including improved safety for transit riders, pedestrian/bike, and drivers alike?
As mentioned previously we need to start building roads that are for people not just cars. This includes ensuring that all county roads have bike lanes and sidewalks. As mentioned we also need to invest in Public Transportation so that more Burnsville residents are able to get to A to Z.
Cities have addressed many ongoing needs with temporary, federal COVID relief dollars, what are your plans to ensure fiscal stability as these federal, one-time funds run out?
The County must conduct a thorough review of current programs and services funded by federal relief dollars. Identify which are essential and align with long-term strategic goals. Prioritize these needs and consider how they can be sustainably funded in the future. The county needs to investigate and apply for other grants, state funds, and philanthropic contributions that could support key programs and services.
Uber/Lyft wages and proposed childcare subsidies funded by local property taxes are just a few areas where local units of government are wading into policy debates that may be best suited at the state. Please articulate the different scopes of work between state and local government (City/County). Are there specific areas of policy that the city should lead on in lieu of the state or county government?
I believe the county should be the main advocate for the county funds. The county knows the county better than the state does. But it is also important that the county invests in it’s people, this might include funding childcare subsidies and affordable housing etc.