Jamie Hendricks - Saint Paul Ward 5
Name: Jamie Hendricks
Public Office Sought: Saint Paul City Council
Phone: 651-245-6383
Website: jamie4ward5.com
Twitter Handle: @jamie4ward5
Facebook: Jamie Hendricks for Ward 5 City Council
Candidate Bio
My name is Jamie Hendricks and I am running for Ward 5 City Council. I raised two children as a single mom. My work has consisted of 4 years in human services, 12 ½ years in education, and 12 years in the healthcare field. I have volunteered my time in several capacities to lift up and advocate for our families throughout the years. All of these areas have one simple thing in common. People need their basic needs met. We have an obligation to see to it that our city is safe, families thrive, and no one is left behind. I am someone who has always fought for equality and have been the voice for those who haven’t always had a seat at the table. I have a great passion for my community and believe we can make great things happen together Transparency, integrity, and respect for citizens is what we need. I am that candidate.
Business climate
1. How would you characterize the business climate in Saint Paul?
We have large businesses that are well known and very successful, such as 3M, Ecolab, Travelers, and others which provide job opportunities for those educated and trained in those areas. What we are missing is the need to bring more businesses and encourage more small business ownership in some of our neighborhoods so that people do not have to travel a long distance for goods and services. This is community building that supports both businesses and neighborhoods.
2. What role do you think the City should have in attracting and retaining jobs, and what steps would you take to solicit new businesses to, and retain existing businesses in, Saint Paul?
The role of City Council should be to promote new businesses large and small and follow up with them at various intervals to see how things are working, and what needs and plans they may have to continue with their work. Support for small businesses is crucial. Helping to provide them with information they may need in order to be successful and grow is key to their existence.
3. Would you support hiring a business advocate as a member of the city senior staff, to concentrate on business retention and expansion; new business recruitment; and business impact of proposed regulations on the business climate in Saint Paul?
Yes. I believe this would be beneficial to our businesses to have someone who is a direct link to the city.
4. Do you support any other specific employment-related proposals in Saint Paul (such as mandatory scheduling notice)? If so, what specific steps would you take to understand the impact of an increase on the many types of businesses in Saint Paul and how would you define any exceptions to those policies?
I support mandatory scheduling notices. It is only fair that people have ample notice. This gives employees time to make any personal accommodations to fit their work and life schedule. This is something employers must notify potential employees about so that employees are able to make an informed decision on whether a job will work for their work/ life balance or not. I would like to sit down with business owners and find out what their views are and why. I feel reasons can be very different depending on the industry. One example would be in emergency situations (hospitals, fire, police, etc.), at times because of the demand, people will need to stay late and are brought into mandatory overtime. All other options should be exhausted first.
5. Would you support modifying or repealing the new earned sick and safe time or minimum wage ordinances that apply to the city? If so, how?
It is important that we have sick time and safe time for all employees and that must stay in place. At it’s current state, that should always be the minimum for all workers. With regards to modification, this program should be looked at yearly to see how it is working and how it is benefiting workers. If needed, amendments can be made according to the data found. Minimum wage however should be looked at according to industry. Example: When we talk about small businesses or restaurants and bars, most can not afford to pay each employee what has been proposed for minimum wage. This can literally put someone out of business. We should have minimum wage laws but they must reflect the industry categories in which they fall.
Public safety
6. What is your strategy to address public safety concerns?
Provide law enforcement and the public with tools needed to combat crime in the neighborhoods, such as CCTV cameras in high crime area’s to deter crime, give real time information, and help with investigations. We must be going out into the community and engaging with residents to hear their concerns when it comes to safety and implement programs to address these issues together. We also must address the issues with regards to mental health. Currently we do not have enough providers in various capacities to provide people with the help they need. Bringing together information that can be easily accessed by those in need is vital to our community. Having crosswalks in high traffic areas is a must for pedestrian safety. Parking should be looked at with regards to how close to the end of a block vehicles are be parked. On some of our streets there is no indication as to what is acceptable with regards to parking and safety. This could eliminate people being hit by oncoming traffic. It would give both the pedestrian and motor vehicle driver visibility of each other. These are just a couple of the issues I believe need to be addressed.
7. What are your priorities for the City’s budget?
Public safety is number one on my list. We must have safe neighborhoods in order for people to thrive. Infrustructure such as our roads, and sidewalks are also a concern when it comes to citizens access to safely traveling throughout the city. Housing sustainability so we have more stable neighborhoods and school communities.
8. How do you view the relationship between commercial and residential property taxes?
Residential properties make up the biggest portion percentage wise in the city. I believe all properties whether residential or commercial should pay their fair share in taxes. At this time 23% of properties (non residential) pay no taxes. This puts the burden on residents to make up for those costs.
9. What will you do to expand Saint Paul’s tax base?
No new taxes for residents until we are able to dig into the budget and see exactly where our money is being spent and where we can save. We should not be wasting tax payer money on non necessities. Once we have that information, we can look at ways to expand the tax base as needed. With close to 40% of residents at or below the poverty level, we must be very thoughtful in how and where we are spending taxpayers money.
Workforce development
10. How will you work with K-12 and post-secondary educational institutions and businesses to ensure our region develops and retains an educated workforce?
I would like to work with the School Board to provide our students and teachers with the tools they need in order to provide an equitable education. This means equity in funding among schools and making sure the funding is directly reaching our classrooms. With post secondary education, I would like to see more vocational training promoted to the community and would be willing to partner with institutions on getting information out to the community with regards to the programs that are available.
11. What do you see as the city council’s role with regard to public schools in Saint Paul?
We should support our students and educators by continuing to meet and see where we are making progress, where we are lacking, and what can be done to move our students forward with the best education possible. This would be an ongoing effort and as a city council representative you represent the people of your ward, therefore should be an advocate for all those you serve.
12. What is the biggest challenge facing the city and how would you address it?
Crime and gun violence in our city. We must look at what we can do to put an ordinance in place that addresses illegal access to guns. One example is peoples responsibility to secure their firearms so not to give access to others.
13. What would be your top three priorities if elected?
Safety, Fiscal Responsibility, and Sustainable Housing
14. What do you think should be the city’s top transportation related priority?
Encourage employees and employers who are able, to set aside a number of days or hours to telecommute for work. This could bring down the number of commuters on any given day, saving time and money in transportation, less potential for accidents, and less pollution from our cars into the environment.
15. Are there any services currently provided by the city that you believe should be cut back or eliminated? Or, are there new opportunities to share services with other entities?
I would not know that until we would had the opportunity to dig into the budget. Much of the public information is general and not detailed.
16. Is there anything else you would like to share with voters not covered above?
I took part in a six month Public Policy training through CAP, and was also part of the initial group of citizens in the Saint Paul Promise Neighborhood who advised the Wilder Foundation on what the needs were for the community with regards to the initiative. Throughout some of the years I worked in education as a paraprofessional, I also ran a couple of programs, one where I collaborated with ten different school districts to bring students together to work on STEM projects. This program also promoted integration through multicultural diversity. I have been a strong advocate of students, families, people with disabilities, and disenfranchised groups. I have been an activist on various issues and take pride in being part of my community.
Public Office Sought: Saint Paul City Council
Phone: 651-245-6383
Website: jamie4ward5.com
Twitter Handle: @jamie4ward5
Facebook: Jamie Hendricks for Ward 5 City Council
Candidate Bio
My name is Jamie Hendricks and I am running for Ward 5 City Council. I raised two children as a single mom. My work has consisted of 4 years in human services, 12 ½ years in education, and 12 years in the healthcare field. I have volunteered my time in several capacities to lift up and advocate for our families throughout the years. All of these areas have one simple thing in common. People need their basic needs met. We have an obligation to see to it that our city is safe, families thrive, and no one is left behind. I am someone who has always fought for equality and have been the voice for those who haven’t always had a seat at the table. I have a great passion for my community and believe we can make great things happen together Transparency, integrity, and respect for citizens is what we need. I am that candidate.
Business climate
1. How would you characterize the business climate in Saint Paul?
We have large businesses that are well known and very successful, such as 3M, Ecolab, Travelers, and others which provide job opportunities for those educated and trained in those areas. What we are missing is the need to bring more businesses and encourage more small business ownership in some of our neighborhoods so that people do not have to travel a long distance for goods and services. This is community building that supports both businesses and neighborhoods.
2. What role do you think the City should have in attracting and retaining jobs, and what steps would you take to solicit new businesses to, and retain existing businesses in, Saint Paul?
The role of City Council should be to promote new businesses large and small and follow up with them at various intervals to see how things are working, and what needs and plans they may have to continue with their work. Support for small businesses is crucial. Helping to provide them with information they may need in order to be successful and grow is key to their existence.
3. Would you support hiring a business advocate as a member of the city senior staff, to concentrate on business retention and expansion; new business recruitment; and business impact of proposed regulations on the business climate in Saint Paul?
Yes. I believe this would be beneficial to our businesses to have someone who is a direct link to the city.
4. Do you support any other specific employment-related proposals in Saint Paul (such as mandatory scheduling notice)? If so, what specific steps would you take to understand the impact of an increase on the many types of businesses in Saint Paul and how would you define any exceptions to those policies?
I support mandatory scheduling notices. It is only fair that people have ample notice. This gives employees time to make any personal accommodations to fit their work and life schedule. This is something employers must notify potential employees about so that employees are able to make an informed decision on whether a job will work for their work/ life balance or not. I would like to sit down with business owners and find out what their views are and why. I feel reasons can be very different depending on the industry. One example would be in emergency situations (hospitals, fire, police, etc.), at times because of the demand, people will need to stay late and are brought into mandatory overtime. All other options should be exhausted first.
5. Would you support modifying or repealing the new earned sick and safe time or minimum wage ordinances that apply to the city? If so, how?
It is important that we have sick time and safe time for all employees and that must stay in place. At it’s current state, that should always be the minimum for all workers. With regards to modification, this program should be looked at yearly to see how it is working and how it is benefiting workers. If needed, amendments can be made according to the data found. Minimum wage however should be looked at according to industry. Example: When we talk about small businesses or restaurants and bars, most can not afford to pay each employee what has been proposed for minimum wage. This can literally put someone out of business. We should have minimum wage laws but they must reflect the industry categories in which they fall.
Public safety
6. What is your strategy to address public safety concerns?
Provide law enforcement and the public with tools needed to combat crime in the neighborhoods, such as CCTV cameras in high crime area’s to deter crime, give real time information, and help with investigations. We must be going out into the community and engaging with residents to hear their concerns when it comes to safety and implement programs to address these issues together. We also must address the issues with regards to mental health. Currently we do not have enough providers in various capacities to provide people with the help they need. Bringing together information that can be easily accessed by those in need is vital to our community. Having crosswalks in high traffic areas is a must for pedestrian safety. Parking should be looked at with regards to how close to the end of a block vehicles are be parked. On some of our streets there is no indication as to what is acceptable with regards to parking and safety. This could eliminate people being hit by oncoming traffic. It would give both the pedestrian and motor vehicle driver visibility of each other. These are just a couple of the issues I believe need to be addressed.
7. What are your priorities for the City’s budget?
Public safety is number one on my list. We must have safe neighborhoods in order for people to thrive. Infrustructure such as our roads, and sidewalks are also a concern when it comes to citizens access to safely traveling throughout the city. Housing sustainability so we have more stable neighborhoods and school communities.
8. How do you view the relationship between commercial and residential property taxes?
Residential properties make up the biggest portion percentage wise in the city. I believe all properties whether residential or commercial should pay their fair share in taxes. At this time 23% of properties (non residential) pay no taxes. This puts the burden on residents to make up for those costs.
9. What will you do to expand Saint Paul’s tax base?
No new taxes for residents until we are able to dig into the budget and see exactly where our money is being spent and where we can save. We should not be wasting tax payer money on non necessities. Once we have that information, we can look at ways to expand the tax base as needed. With close to 40% of residents at or below the poverty level, we must be very thoughtful in how and where we are spending taxpayers money.
Workforce development
10. How will you work with K-12 and post-secondary educational institutions and businesses to ensure our region develops and retains an educated workforce?
I would like to work with the School Board to provide our students and teachers with the tools they need in order to provide an equitable education. This means equity in funding among schools and making sure the funding is directly reaching our classrooms. With post secondary education, I would like to see more vocational training promoted to the community and would be willing to partner with institutions on getting information out to the community with regards to the programs that are available.
11. What do you see as the city council’s role with regard to public schools in Saint Paul?
We should support our students and educators by continuing to meet and see where we are making progress, where we are lacking, and what can be done to move our students forward with the best education possible. This would be an ongoing effort and as a city council representative you represent the people of your ward, therefore should be an advocate for all those you serve.
12. What is the biggest challenge facing the city and how would you address it?
Crime and gun violence in our city. We must look at what we can do to put an ordinance in place that addresses illegal access to guns. One example is peoples responsibility to secure their firearms so not to give access to others.
13. What would be your top three priorities if elected?
Safety, Fiscal Responsibility, and Sustainable Housing
14. What do you think should be the city’s top transportation related priority?
Encourage employees and employers who are able, to set aside a number of days or hours to telecommute for work. This could bring down the number of commuters on any given day, saving time and money in transportation, less potential for accidents, and less pollution from our cars into the environment.
15. Are there any services currently provided by the city that you believe should be cut back or eliminated? Or, are there new opportunities to share services with other entities?
I would not know that until we would had the opportunity to dig into the budget. Much of the public information is general and not detailed.
16. Is there anything else you would like to share with voters not covered above?
I took part in a six month Public Policy training through CAP, and was also part of the initial group of citizens in the Saint Paul Promise Neighborhood who advised the Wilder Foundation on what the needs were for the community with regards to the initiative. Throughout some of the years I worked in education as a paraprofessional, I also ran a couple of programs, one where I collaborated with ten different school districts to bring students together to work on STEM projects. This program also promoted integration through multicultural diversity. I have been a strong advocate of students, families, people with disabilities, and disenfranchised groups. I have been an activist on various issues and take pride in being part of my community.