Jeff Weisensel

Name: Jeff Weisensel
Public Office Sought: Rosemount Mayor
Email: [email protected]
Campaign Phone: 612 207-6399
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Candidate Bio
Dakota County
· Dakota 911 Board Chair 2021 to present, V Chair 2018-2019, Director since 2010
National League of Cities (NLC)
What would be your top three priorities if elected?
How would you characterize the business climate in Rosemount and what is the role of businesses supporting quality of life issues in the community?Developing and Resilient.
We have a mix of long-time family businesses existing for generations (94-100+ yrs), local entrepreneurs building and expanding their businesses and new regional and national firms finding opportunities to locate and service the greater Rosemount area. Our businesses are flexible, adapting to the pandemic and resilient to continue to serve residents today.
What role do you think the city should have in attracting and retaining jobs, and what steps would you take to solicit new businesses to, and retain existing businesses in, Rosemount?
An Active Role. Rosemount’s Port Authority (the economic development authority)
guiding principles include:
What policies, if any, would you support to help employers address the labor shortage?
Do you support any specific employment-related proposals in Rosemount (such as minimum wage, sick time, or mandatory scheduling notice)? If so, what steps would you take to understand the impact of an ordinance on the many types of businesses in Rosemount and how would you define any exceptions to those policies?
Currently, I understand businesses and the marketplace are adjusting to meet their business needs and labor employment models. The Rosemount community prefers not to impose stricter employment-related actions beyond state or federal laws at this time.
Public safety and rising crime rates are of serious concern to the business community and residents. What strategies or policies would you propose to address public safety issues facing your community?
Rosemount is actively designing and constructing a new police facility to address operations and space concerns the current facility has now and anticipated to address population growth per our 2040 Comprehensive Plan.
Additional resources supporting mental health related issues in cooperation with adjacent county and municipal jurisdictions is implemented.
What strategies or policies would you propose to address housing issues facing your community?
Continued efforts with developers and our planned unit development (PUD) process to incorporate life cycle housing options so residents can move in and out of rental and ownership options to fit their needs and stage of life.
What strategies or policies would you propose to address transportation issues facing your community? Have your strategies or views changed on transportation since we’ve seen shifts in road use, public transportation use, work from home models, etc. due to the pandemic?
What are your priorities for the City’s budget?
The majority of our budget is for staff to deliver great customer service for our residents.
The net result has Rosemount residents with some of the lowest municipal taxes and tax rate in Dakota County over the years I have been on Council. I look to continue that effort
What will you do to expand Rosemount’s tax base?
Rosemount has within its border, large areas of land for development. Utilizing large buildings, like distribution centers, data centers, or similar light manufacturing structure, we will be able to broaden our tax capacity beyond the high concentration of residential properties being developed. The marketplace is recognizing this now with the recent Home Depot and FedEx distribution facilities. We continue to solicit and positively respond to this type of inquiry. The influx of business and housing will further drive retail opportunities
How will you work with K-12 and post-secondary educational institutions and businesses to ensure our region develops and retains an educated workforce?Continue the active partnerships we already have with District 196 and the Dakota County Technical College (DCTC). Rosemount hosted a presidential visit this past fall, highlighting some of the programs our DCTC has today creating options in the Greater Rosemount areas for workforce training. We will look for new ways to support their efforts and continue past efforts involving transportation and possible housing options.
Are there any services currently provided by the city that you believe should be cut back or eliminated? Are there new opportunities to share services with other entities?
As part of our budget process, we annually review programs and their metrics to determine their impact and merit. Those that may have past their peak of effectiveness are removed while some others showing promise are tested and determined to remain or be removed.
What is the role of the Mayor in fostering increased minority- and women-owned businesses in Rosemount?
Along with City Council and our Economic Development staff, the Mayor advocates and welcomes all businesses. Going beyond a welcoming ribbon cutting is the beginning of relationships with all business, but particularly those like MBE and WBE firms. We had one MBE/WBE entrepreneur wanting to open a market and restaurant to share her home country cuisine and tea. Navigating Met Council impact fees and working with staff to find solutions for the business is a daily concern the Mayor has with many startups. Once open, advocating to experience the product or service is valued and appreciated. For a staff event, a takeout order of cuisine provided a great meal and experience link to a new culture in town while supporting this business.
What further policies can Rosemount adopt to help the business community recover from the COVID-19 pandemic?
Is there anything else you would like to share with voters not covered above?
Public Office Sought: Rosemount Mayor
Email: [email protected]
Campaign Phone: 612 207-6399
Campaign Website:
Twitter handle:
Facebook Page:
Candidate Bio
- Money Magazine Top 50 places to live 2016 (<25k pop) 2021 (>25k pop)
- Increased City Credit Rating AA+ rating
- City Council 2009-present; Vice (Acting) Mayor 2009 2013 2017 2019 2022
- Port Authority since 2009; Chair - 2010 to 2021
- Downtown Task Force, 2016-2017
- Council Liaison Youth Commission, 2011 to present
- Planning Commission 1997-2004, Chair 2001-2004
- Wetlands Ordinance Task Force 1998 2005 2013
- Council Liaison Rosemount Area Arts Council 2017 to present, ArtsSpace 2017
- RAAA Coach-Basketball
- RHS Band parent-Color guard (3) alumni
- Eagle Scout
Dakota County
· Dakota 911 Board Chair 2021 to present, V Chair 2018-2019, Director since 2010
- Extension Committee 1999-2004 Chair 2000-2004
- 4-H Federation Finance Director 2001-2013
National League of Cities (NLC)
- Community and Economic Development (CED) Policy Committee since 2012
- NLC University Leadership Fellows Advisory Group 2016 to present
- NLC Small Cities Council 2018 to present
- MS Project Management, BS Civil Engineering University of WI-Platteville
- Diamond Leadership Regent magna cum laude, NLCU Certificate
- Governmental Studies, Hillsdale College, MI
- 4-H Leader 1977-present-Leadership, Citizenship, Geology; 4th Generation
- Red Cross-16+ gal donor, Red Cross Safety Mobile 2006-2012
- Hearts and Hammers house captain 2006-2014
What would be your top three priorities if elected?
- Broaden our tax capacity to include more retail and commercial developments
- Support infrastructure capital for roads, water, sewer and public service needs
- Support efforts to build upon our “Hometown” amenities and activities
How would you characterize the business climate in Rosemount and what is the role of businesses supporting quality of life issues in the community?Developing and Resilient.
We have a mix of long-time family businesses existing for generations (94-100+ yrs), local entrepreneurs building and expanding their businesses and new regional and national firms finding opportunities to locate and service the greater Rosemount area. Our businesses are flexible, adapting to the pandemic and resilient to continue to serve residents today.
What role do you think the city should have in attracting and retaining jobs, and what steps would you take to solicit new businesses to, and retain existing businesses in, Rosemount?
An Active Role. Rosemount’s Port Authority (the economic development authority)
guiding principles include:
- Support responsible & sustainable growth within our 2040 Comprehensive Plan
- Support the redevelopment within the Downtown Framework (2004/2016)
- Build trust and partnership w/ our business, educational, and residents
- Affirm relationships and engagement with existing business community
- Welcome start-up /relocating businesses supporting their development
- Existing Business Retention and Growth
- Downtown Redevelopment
- UMore Park – an evolving sustainable community development
- Industrial / Business (and Technology) Park
- Commercial Niche Amenities
- “Open to Business”, a partnership with Dakota County CDA providing one-on-one business counseling to current and prospective County entrepreneurs who are then able to access MCCD’s small business loan fund. This service is free to Dakota County businesses or residents.
- A dedicated marketing coordinator on our City Economic Development staff for seeking out new businesses as well as retaining current business.
What policies, if any, would you support to help employers address the labor shortage?
- Workforce Development
- Programs and training at Dakota County Technical College
- Life cycle housing, particularly for workforce and affordable housing
- Expand local bus service into Rosemount businesses and DCTC
Do you support any specific employment-related proposals in Rosemount (such as minimum wage, sick time, or mandatory scheduling notice)? If so, what steps would you take to understand the impact of an ordinance on the many types of businesses in Rosemount and how would you define any exceptions to those policies?
Currently, I understand businesses and the marketplace are adjusting to meet their business needs and labor employment models. The Rosemount community prefers not to impose stricter employment-related actions beyond state or federal laws at this time.
Public safety and rising crime rates are of serious concern to the business community and residents. What strategies or policies would you propose to address public safety issues facing your community?
Rosemount is actively designing and constructing a new police facility to address operations and space concerns the current facility has now and anticipated to address population growth per our 2040 Comprehensive Plan.
Additional resources supporting mental health related issues in cooperation with adjacent county and municipal jurisdictions is implemented.
What strategies or policies would you propose to address housing issues facing your community?
Continued efforts with developers and our planned unit development (PUD) process to incorporate life cycle housing options so residents can move in and out of rental and ownership options to fit their needs and stage of life.
What strategies or policies would you propose to address transportation issues facing your community? Have your strategies or views changed on transportation since we’ve seen shifts in road use, public transportation use, work from home models, etc. due to the pandemic?
- For the continued development of our commercial and retail tax capacity, Rosemount needs the state and county to address US 52/SH 55/CR 42 road operational and safety layout addressed and the completion of the US 52/CR 42 interchange to a full access cloverleaf. These are large projects by other agencies/partners needed today that are impacting Rosemount’s future.
- As a previous bus rider, I have and continue to support direct express and local bus services on a need and use basis. Direct express to Mpls and St Paul has been slow to recover with many past bus riders continuing to work from home. I support working with MVTA to better understand and address the current needs of our residents and implement what can best be serve and be within budgets.
What are your priorities for the City’s budget?
- Fiscal restraint (Best Bang for our Buck)
- Innovative solutions (Doing more with Less)
- Technology (Efficient and Effective)
The majority of our budget is for staff to deliver great customer service for our residents.
The net result has Rosemount residents with some of the lowest municipal taxes and tax rate in Dakota County over the years I have been on Council. I look to continue that effort
What will you do to expand Rosemount’s tax base?
Rosemount has within its border, large areas of land for development. Utilizing large buildings, like distribution centers, data centers, or similar light manufacturing structure, we will be able to broaden our tax capacity beyond the high concentration of residential properties being developed. The marketplace is recognizing this now with the recent Home Depot and FedEx distribution facilities. We continue to solicit and positively respond to this type of inquiry. The influx of business and housing will further drive retail opportunities
How will you work with K-12 and post-secondary educational institutions and businesses to ensure our region develops and retains an educated workforce?Continue the active partnerships we already have with District 196 and the Dakota County Technical College (DCTC). Rosemount hosted a presidential visit this past fall, highlighting some of the programs our DCTC has today creating options in the Greater Rosemount areas for workforce training. We will look for new ways to support their efforts and continue past efforts involving transportation and possible housing options.
Are there any services currently provided by the city that you believe should be cut back or eliminated? Are there new opportunities to share services with other entities?
As part of our budget process, we annually review programs and their metrics to determine their impact and merit. Those that may have past their peak of effectiveness are removed while some others showing promise are tested and determined to remain or be removed.
- Fleet operations-leased vehicles replaced purchased resulting in better operations and reduced life cycle cost to budget
- Road salting reduction reduced storm pond impacts and overall cost while maintaining safe roadways during winter
- Pavement management program extending street life and reducing replacement cost and timing. Translated to a more level annual impact to tax levy.
- Park and recreational programming for youth feedback and attendance influences provided programs to support the best use of staff resources while delivering on a variety of programs requests.
What is the role of the Mayor in fostering increased minority- and women-owned businesses in Rosemount?
Along with City Council and our Economic Development staff, the Mayor advocates and welcomes all businesses. Going beyond a welcoming ribbon cutting is the beginning of relationships with all business, but particularly those like MBE and WBE firms. We had one MBE/WBE entrepreneur wanting to open a market and restaurant to share her home country cuisine and tea. Navigating Met Council impact fees and working with staff to find solutions for the business is a daily concern the Mayor has with many startups. Once open, advocating to experience the product or service is valued and appreciated. For a staff event, a takeout order of cuisine provided a great meal and experience link to a new culture in town while supporting this business.
What further policies can Rosemount adopt to help the business community recover from the COVID-19 pandemic?
- Extended use of temporary patio areas implemented during the pandemic
- Met Council fees grants for new restaurants wanting to locate in the community
- Rosemount Business Subsidy Policy updates
Is there anything else you would like to share with voters not covered above?
- Married to wife, Kathy (40 yrs) and three adult children - Ashley (Scott), Kelsey (Brandon) and Lindsey (Dave) along with 5 grandchildren
- Resident since 1995
- Shepard of the Valley Lutheran Church community
- Interests include lifelong learning, outdoor/nature activities, sports, BBQ cooking, Tavern (blacksmith) puzzles