John Thompson

Name: John Thompson
Public Office Sought: Minnesota State House of Representatives - District 67A
Email: [email protected]
Campaign website:
Twitter handle:
Facebook page: @Johnfor67A;
Candidate Bio
I built a career working for Saint Paul Public Schools as a machinist/equipment repair technician. My family and I have always worked hard and kept to ourselves until the day my friend and co-worker Philando Castile was shot and killed during a traffic stop. At that moment, I knew that I could no longer remain silent.
It is clear to me that we need change; to work on policies that impact the disenfranchised so we can end the cycles of violence and poverty. I believe that we must change the conditions in which we live if we want a different result; that is why I made the decision to be a public servant. I am a community activist in educating and inspiring people to end racial injustice. I am a motivational speaker that has been training, speaking and advocating for all human rights.
What would be your top three priorities if elected?
My top three priorities, if elected, are: Education, Economic Prosperity for all, and Universal Single-Payer Healthcare.
How would you characterize the business climate in the East Metro and what role do businesses play in supporting quality of life issues in East Metro communities?
The business climate in the East Metro has been very vibrant with different ethnic communities trying to make a sustainable business that will support their family and communities. These business owners are family and community-oriented, and they give back to the community. And, they take pride in their ethnic culture by preserving their stories and traditional customs in the food, clothing and store specialties.
The role that businesses play in supporting quality of life in the East Metro communities are their shared experiences and commitment to see change because business owners of color know that there are systemic and structural barriers that Black and Indigenous communities and communities of color face every day. The business owners play a role in addressing these injustices. They take pride and joy in being active and sharing resources to advance social justice and racial equity both inside and outside of their businesses.
What role do you think the State should have in attracting and retaining jobs, and what steps would you take to solicit new businesses to and retain existing businesses in the East Metro?
I believe the State should have a big role in attracting and retaining jobs by breaking down the structural barriers and racial systematic infrastructures. Steps that I would take to solicit new businesses to retain existing businesses in the East Metro would be to offer new interest rate programs, partner with existing county/city assistance programs and implement new policies for business to be able to sustain.
The state also plays a very active role in licensing and regulating businesses. Each industry should have direct contacts with the State’s regulatory agencies to provide input and feedback on changes and address policy goals together. I believe easing and educating regulatory standards would help to support businesses remain in compliance and also make it easier for people to enter into the businesses to compete.
Do you support any specific employment-related proposals (such as minimum wage, sick time, or mandatory scheduling notice)? If so, what steps would you take to understand the impact of an ordinance on the many types of businesses in the east metro and how would you define any exceptions to those policies?
I believe in fair wages, sick time and mandatory scheduling notice. I know that small business owners will not survive these competitive benefits with large corporations so that is why investing back into business especially small businesses in MN is really important for me. As your State Representative, I will fight for a livable minimum wage to keep a roof over your head; Earned Sick and Safe Time (ESST) for self-care and care for your loved ones; and prevailing wages to keep low-wage jobs and wage-theft out of our state’s economy.
Additionally, the reason why I’m fighting for universal single-payer health care is because health care should not be a barrier to businesses and entrepreneurs starting out and expanding. What I hear consistently from businesses is the cost of healthcare and the rates at which it increases year after year. This is not sustainable for businesses. Universal single-payer health care will remove the barriers for small employers and provide the most efficient cost for everyone.
What is your strategy to address public safety, transportation, and housing issues?
I am an organizer. I have spent a good portion of my life organizing to reform our criminal justice system by working in coalition to eliminate the deeply punitive systems and practices in our communities. Community safety is about investing in people.
I support Zero Fare Transit. I will push for increased transit funding and bus routes that are applicable to the East Metro residents by eliminating multiple transfers to reach your destination. Zero Fare Transit would provide residents the option to utilize mass transit for commuting to and from work, which would mean less vehicles on the roads as well as less wear and tear on our roads.
I believe that having a home is a human right. This is why I support tenant protections, such as rent control, and high quality, attainable housing ensuring that all people have a place to call home. To do this, as your State Representative, I will fully support Housing Infrastructure Bonds and advocate for increased investment in housing options, as well as prioritizing home ownership education opportunities for historically marginalized communities.
What are your priorities for the State’s budget? Are there any services currently provided by the State that you believe should be expanded, cut back or eliminated? Are there new opportunities to share services with other entities?
My priorities for the state budget are to make sure that everyone has equal access to education, housing and healthcare. The State is still in a pandemic, the services should be expanded right now to address public health issues. Hospitals, schools and businesses are closing down and we need to stop the spread of the virus and support businesses sustainably as we move into the next phase of COVID-19.
What will you do to expand your district’s tax base?
My district is very diverse and has rich cultural corridors. It also includes a large redevelopment opportunity in the City which is the HIllcrest Golf Course. I plan to support our current corridors by increasing direct relief to businesses through this pandemic, and lead an active role in steering the development of the HIllcrest site.
I believe the Hillcrest site presents an opportunity for us to build density in office, retail, and housing units. To do this, we must have mixed-income housing, provide assistance to businesses looking to expand here, and work with diverse stakeholders to create a site that will achieve these goals.
How will you work with K-12 and post-secondary educational institutions and businesses to ensure our region develops and retains an educated workforce?
I believe in fully funding our public schools. Over the last twenty years, this value has disappeared at the Capitol --forcing cities to increase property taxes to fund their schools. Moreover, this method of funding our schools has created an unequal educational system - where you reside determines the quality of education your child will receive. As your State Representative, I will fight for fully funded public schools, which means $4 Billion more dollars invested in our children, according to Education Minnesota.
What is the role of the State in fostering increased minority- and women-owned businesses?
The role of the State in fostering increased minority and women owned businesses is to start listening to what their needs are. The state should also provide direct assistance to help grow businesses. Assistance includes financial investments, small short-term loans and business mentorship. And, opportunities for minority and women-owned businesses to bid on contracts are also essential for business success.
What further policies can the State of Minnesota adopt to help the business community recover from the COVID-19 pandemic?
Further policies the State of Minnesota can adopt to help business communities recover from the COVID-19 pandemic is to have opportunities to improve federal response and recovery efforts. COVID-19 pandemic will continue to spread and people are forced to stay home, workers are losing their jobs, health care systems are being stressed and local businesses are at risk of closing permanently.
Is there anything else you would like to share with voters not covered above?
I am a fighter and I will always fight for human rights and fairness. I will also speak out about injustice and reclaim the voices of the people at the capitol. I am an advocate for change in our communities, in areas where racial disparities exist, and where human rights are overlooked.
Public Office Sought: Minnesota State House of Representatives - District 67A
Email: [email protected]
Campaign website:
Twitter handle:
Facebook page: @Johnfor67A;
Candidate Bio
I built a career working for Saint Paul Public Schools as a machinist/equipment repair technician. My family and I have always worked hard and kept to ourselves until the day my friend and co-worker Philando Castile was shot and killed during a traffic stop. At that moment, I knew that I could no longer remain silent.
It is clear to me that we need change; to work on policies that impact the disenfranchised so we can end the cycles of violence and poverty. I believe that we must change the conditions in which we live if we want a different result; that is why I made the decision to be a public servant. I am a community activist in educating and inspiring people to end racial injustice. I am a motivational speaker that has been training, speaking and advocating for all human rights.
What would be your top three priorities if elected?
My top three priorities, if elected, are: Education, Economic Prosperity for all, and Universal Single-Payer Healthcare.
How would you characterize the business climate in the East Metro and what role do businesses play in supporting quality of life issues in East Metro communities?
The business climate in the East Metro has been very vibrant with different ethnic communities trying to make a sustainable business that will support their family and communities. These business owners are family and community-oriented, and they give back to the community. And, they take pride in their ethnic culture by preserving their stories and traditional customs in the food, clothing and store specialties.
The role that businesses play in supporting quality of life in the East Metro communities are their shared experiences and commitment to see change because business owners of color know that there are systemic and structural barriers that Black and Indigenous communities and communities of color face every day. The business owners play a role in addressing these injustices. They take pride and joy in being active and sharing resources to advance social justice and racial equity both inside and outside of their businesses.
What role do you think the State should have in attracting and retaining jobs, and what steps would you take to solicit new businesses to and retain existing businesses in the East Metro?
I believe the State should have a big role in attracting and retaining jobs by breaking down the structural barriers and racial systematic infrastructures. Steps that I would take to solicit new businesses to retain existing businesses in the East Metro would be to offer new interest rate programs, partner with existing county/city assistance programs and implement new policies for business to be able to sustain.
The state also plays a very active role in licensing and regulating businesses. Each industry should have direct contacts with the State’s regulatory agencies to provide input and feedback on changes and address policy goals together. I believe easing and educating regulatory standards would help to support businesses remain in compliance and also make it easier for people to enter into the businesses to compete.
Do you support any specific employment-related proposals (such as minimum wage, sick time, or mandatory scheduling notice)? If so, what steps would you take to understand the impact of an ordinance on the many types of businesses in the east metro and how would you define any exceptions to those policies?
I believe in fair wages, sick time and mandatory scheduling notice. I know that small business owners will not survive these competitive benefits with large corporations so that is why investing back into business especially small businesses in MN is really important for me. As your State Representative, I will fight for a livable minimum wage to keep a roof over your head; Earned Sick and Safe Time (ESST) for self-care and care for your loved ones; and prevailing wages to keep low-wage jobs and wage-theft out of our state’s economy.
Additionally, the reason why I’m fighting for universal single-payer health care is because health care should not be a barrier to businesses and entrepreneurs starting out and expanding. What I hear consistently from businesses is the cost of healthcare and the rates at which it increases year after year. This is not sustainable for businesses. Universal single-payer health care will remove the barriers for small employers and provide the most efficient cost for everyone.
What is your strategy to address public safety, transportation, and housing issues?
I am an organizer. I have spent a good portion of my life organizing to reform our criminal justice system by working in coalition to eliminate the deeply punitive systems and practices in our communities. Community safety is about investing in people.
I support Zero Fare Transit. I will push for increased transit funding and bus routes that are applicable to the East Metro residents by eliminating multiple transfers to reach your destination. Zero Fare Transit would provide residents the option to utilize mass transit for commuting to and from work, which would mean less vehicles on the roads as well as less wear and tear on our roads.
I believe that having a home is a human right. This is why I support tenant protections, such as rent control, and high quality, attainable housing ensuring that all people have a place to call home. To do this, as your State Representative, I will fully support Housing Infrastructure Bonds and advocate for increased investment in housing options, as well as prioritizing home ownership education opportunities for historically marginalized communities.
What are your priorities for the State’s budget? Are there any services currently provided by the State that you believe should be expanded, cut back or eliminated? Are there new opportunities to share services with other entities?
My priorities for the state budget are to make sure that everyone has equal access to education, housing and healthcare. The State is still in a pandemic, the services should be expanded right now to address public health issues. Hospitals, schools and businesses are closing down and we need to stop the spread of the virus and support businesses sustainably as we move into the next phase of COVID-19.
What will you do to expand your district’s tax base?
My district is very diverse and has rich cultural corridors. It also includes a large redevelopment opportunity in the City which is the HIllcrest Golf Course. I plan to support our current corridors by increasing direct relief to businesses through this pandemic, and lead an active role in steering the development of the HIllcrest site.
I believe the Hillcrest site presents an opportunity for us to build density in office, retail, and housing units. To do this, we must have mixed-income housing, provide assistance to businesses looking to expand here, and work with diverse stakeholders to create a site that will achieve these goals.
How will you work with K-12 and post-secondary educational institutions and businesses to ensure our region develops and retains an educated workforce?
I believe in fully funding our public schools. Over the last twenty years, this value has disappeared at the Capitol --forcing cities to increase property taxes to fund their schools. Moreover, this method of funding our schools has created an unequal educational system - where you reside determines the quality of education your child will receive. As your State Representative, I will fight for fully funded public schools, which means $4 Billion more dollars invested in our children, according to Education Minnesota.
What is the role of the State in fostering increased minority- and women-owned businesses?
The role of the State in fostering increased minority and women owned businesses is to start listening to what their needs are. The state should also provide direct assistance to help grow businesses. Assistance includes financial investments, small short-term loans and business mentorship. And, opportunities for minority and women-owned businesses to bid on contracts are also essential for business success.
What further policies can the State of Minnesota adopt to help the business community recover from the COVID-19 pandemic?
Further policies the State of Minnesota can adopt to help business communities recover from the COVID-19 pandemic is to have opportunities to improve federal response and recovery efforts. COVID-19 pandemic will continue to spread and people are forced to stay home, workers are losing their jobs, health care systems are being stressed and local businesses are at risk of closing permanently.
Is there anything else you would like to share with voters not covered above?
I am a fighter and I will always fight for human rights and fairness. I will also speak out about injustice and reclaim the voices of the people at the capitol. I am an advocate for change in our communities, in areas where racial disparities exist, and where human rights are overlooked.