Margaret Behrens

Name: Margaret Behrens
Public Office Sought: Maplewood Mayor
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 651-484-9611
Facebook: Margaret Behrens for Maplewood Mayor
Candidate Bio
Creative and Innovative Fiscal Effectiveness and Responsibility
In my first of three terms in the State office of the Ramsey Conservation District. My creative planning and innovative reorganization strategy was extremely effective. My work resulted in the organization getting out of the "red" and into the "black" for the first time in their 30 years of existence. It remains there & is thriving. 2017 was our busiest year on record. I work to create revenue generating programs and projects that are self-sustaining while saving money for the taxpayers. I have a history of fiscal responsibility and transparency while making the state statute 103.C my guide.
My Committee Assignments since 2008 are as follows:
Ramsey County League of Local Governments -I served two terms as President and two terms as Vice- President and all my three elected terms as a board member. I am currently the immediate past president on the executive committee.
Vadnais Lake Area Water Management Organization- VLAWMO
Comprehensive Planning
Personnel/Human Resources
Outreach & Education, Engagement
I also served on the following committees at various times as needed.
Ramsey-Washington Metro Watershed District- Liaison to the board and the CAC-Leadership.
Business climate
1. How would you characterize the business climate in Maplewood?
Neglected and weak. But very hopeful. Having lived in Maplewood for 55 years and having deep roots in the community. I have lived and worked here. I also served as the community representative for a national chain. I engaged businesses to utilize our business and to partner on community events. During my tenure as manager. Our guest count increased 67%. With vacant properties and open and empty store fronts we must have a specialized staff to engage and invite businesses not only to come to Maplewood, I want them to stay in Maplewood.
2. What role do you think the City should have in attracting and retaining jobs, and how would your administration actively solicit new businesses to, and retain existing businesses in, Maplewood?
We must make our community more customer/guest friendly. We need to welcome and invite businesses into our community. We need to aid in the ease of access to our vacant business inventory to help keep new business costs down. We must improve the atmosphere in our business district. Our roads are horrible. Our access to businesses are limited (Check County Road D around the Maplewood mall for example). Our ordinances for signage must be rewritten and we need new policies for the demands that the city is putting on businesses to gain approval to come to Maplewood. The criminal activity around our businesses especially around Birch Run Station and the Mall is increasing. People are fearful to go to the mall. The Gang Tags are not being removed in a timely manner. I would have volunteers doing that daily. I’d set up a report tag line and have a same day response for it to be removed. The bus station at the mall is also an avenue of crime. People are afraid to work in the surrounding areas because the criminals time their robberies and thefts around departure times. The mall is notorious for human trafficking. We must stop this and not allow this in our city. The mall management has a responsibility to fill the vacant store front in the mall. We need to work with them to help them to be successful in filling those vacancies. Having a thriving economy will help deter crime. Safety and security of our community is a priority.
3. Will you commit to hiring a business advocate as a member of your senior staff, to concentrate on business retention and expansion; new business recruitment; and business impact of proposed regulations on the business climate in Maplewood?
Yes! Absolutely. I have been asking the city to do this for years! I have a vision of a business recruiting and building team for our city. I would also like to have a orientation program for businesses coming here. I’d like to include discussions and suggestions about wages, benefits, employee retention programs, goal setting and to also extend opportunities to have businesses and their employees actively participate in community programs and buy memberships to our community center at a discounted rate for a community business. We need to welcome businesses in our community to invite them to make Maplewood their home.
4. Do you support an increase to the minimum wage in Maplewood? If so, what specific steps would you take to understand the impact of an increase on the many types of businesses in Maplewood and do you support proposals to mitigate the effects on businesses like a tip credit, a youth wage, a training wage, and/or a phase-in?
We really need to get our city in order before we start telling businesses who are here by choice. How to run their business. It is not the job of the LUG to dictate to businesses how much to pay their employees etc. I want businesses to come here and stay here without fear of being policed and told how to run their business as it has been done in the past. I believe that we could suggest but not mandate. We must obey the law and the state and federal government sets up the minimum wage rate. I would love to be able to write a policy that will enable the council to bring forth an ordinance that will set a minimum wage for our city. However. Enforcement would be at issue.
5. Do you support any other specific employment-related proposals in Maplewood (such as mandatory sick time or scheduling notice)? If so, what specific steps would you take to understand the impact of an increase on the many types of businesses in Maplewood and how would you define any exceptions to those policies?
I mentioned these in the questions above.
Public safety
6. What is your strategy to address public safety concerns?
I was requested by Sgt. Joseph Bergeron to be his Block Watch Captain several years ago. I served in that role for over 20 years. Public safety is of great concern to me and it is a priority. Coming from a family of mostly law enforcement. I know the issues that our officers and our community face. We must work on community-based programming including DARE and the Block Watch Program. We also must work more diligently on Neighborhood Community Policing. We have such a culturally diverse community I would like to see some programs of as many cultures as possible at our community center giving one night a month to each one to teach the community more about the history and the culture that they represent. There is great unity in diversity. We should embrace it and learn from each other. Take away the “unknowns” and share what makes us special with anyone who wants to learn. I would also add programs in active listening and communications.
7. What are your priorities for the City’s budget?
Lower taxes and no more wasteful spending. We need to prioritize our essential services and get back to basics and excel at them. We must live up to our Joint Powers Agreements with Ramsey County. Public works says that Maplewood won’t work on roads with them. Our roads are bad. Some in such disrepair they are dangerous.
8. How do you view the relationship between commercial and residential property taxes?
I believe that commercial properties pay more than residential homesteads properties. The money raised by property taxes is a major source of funding for school districts, cities and townships, counties, and special taxing districts. Local property taxes help fund many programs and services including public schools, fire stations, police protection, streets, libraries, and more. Commercial/industrial are also subject to a state-level property tax. Their taxes go into the general fund. A key benefit of the property tax system is that the revenue it raises tends to remain stable. Compared with sales or income taxes, the property tax is less susceptible to recessions or other changes in income or spending trends. In addition, since local jurisdictions only levy what they need to cover their annual needs, there is no surplus or deficit. We must be very mindful not to put our community into a hardship position with excessive taxation. We should not be raising taxes and cutting essential services which has been the practice in the past. I want to keep people in their homes. Not tax them out of them. I will be working to protect our property rights and to make sure that we are not overtaxed.
9. What will you do to expand Maplewood’s tax base?
We need to bring more businesses here and to create an environment to keep the ones that we have. We need to better meet the growing needs of our taxpayers and we most be better stewards of the taxpayer’s dollars. Our community center is a big part of this. That will be a great asset once we can turn it around. The plan in place now is no plan for the taxpayers of Maplewood. The center will never be self-sustaining if it continues in this direction. This center has been a burden since it was inflicted on the community. Great things are to come with my plan for the community center. I am looking forward to this challenge and changing this center that has always been in the red. Into the black and profitable and self-sustaining finally. Taking the burden off the taxpayers and finally being the asset that it was meant to be.
Workforce development
10. How will you work with K-12 and post-secondary educational institutions and businesses to ensure our region develops and retains an educated workforce?
We will build and enhance our network and partnerships with public and private and business connections. We will partner with a variety of educational opportunities and create a satellite alternative learning program where anyone who is willing to work and eager to learn is able to. I have a vision of educations through volunteerism. This involves our community center and programming with partners. I was the Vice Chair of the Minnesota Math & Science Academy Charter school that was refused by Maplewood and we built in Woodbury where the project was welcomed. I am willing to work on new educational and outreach opportunities within our community that will be beneficial to the everyone.
11. What do you see as the mayor’s role with regard to public schools in Maplewood?
By using my leadership and influence in the communities I’m able to tap into the network of partnerships that I have formed over the years of my public service. I have a record of innovative initiatives and implementation of comprehensive strategies for addressing financial and educational challenges. As mayor I can have a powerful impact on public education and help to ensure that our schools are making it possible for all students to succeed. We all do better, when we all do better. Our student learners are getting their foundation for life from us. We must make that foundation a strong, stable and positive one. I am committed to working with our schools. My record on issues and opportunities in education reflect that.
12. What is the biggest challenge facing the city and how would you address it?
Meeting the realistic needs of the community. I use my deep roots in this city and my leadership along with transparency, trust, respect and value of diversity.
13. What would be your top three priorities if elected?
Public safety- Economic Development and retention-Community Engagement and enhancement.
14. What do you think should be the city’s top transportation related priority?
We need safe roads. We need transportation options that are affordable and available for everyone throughout our city. It gets down to the fact that people don’t want to do business in a city with bad roads, no access and high taxes. If the city looks bad. They won’t have customers and that affects the business’s bottom line as well as our community economy’s bottom line.
We need to engage and inspire people to come to our city.
15. Are there any services currently provided by the city that you believe should be cut back or eliminated? Or, are there new opportunities to share services with other entities?
All nonessential programs and expenses should be cut back or eliminated. Anything that we can provide in house or through partnerships or grants and other funding must be explored. In addition, our fire stations should never have been closed. Our firefighters should not have been fired. We need more police. We can partner with other agencies on some things, but we must have our own stations up and running. We had a great volunteer program and that should never have been disbanded. The volunteer firefighters program was a foundation block in our community. That was a great loss to our community. I have a great network on the local, regional and state and federal levels to use as we work to move our city forward to create and realize a great vison for us all.
16. Is there anything else you would like to share with voters not covered above?
As Mayor, I have a vision for a transparent and responsible Government that is fully accountable and responsive to us, the taxpayers. My concepts have had proven success. I have deep roots in our community. My record of public service work has proven to be results driven and results given. It is critical that our government is inclusive and invites and welcomes everyone to discuss and to decide our future and to actively participate in our government.
I am very diligent in providing quality services and protecting our personal and our property rights in the most efficient and effective manner, and in prioritizing to grow a strong and vibrant community.
I have always worked to provide an equitable and reliable foundation and the resources of support for our children, families, and individuals, and our seniors and the most vulnerable who may be at risk.
I work to help all citizens achieve prosperity, honoring and celebrating the diversity and cultures of our community as my lifetime of experience is working with all cultures and all demographics. We are one humanity and we can all live and learn with each other.
I am eager to continue my work ensuring equality, security and contentment for us all as a united community and a united humanity.
I am always working to eliminate all the racial and ethnic disparities across our systems -- including in employment, education, housing, justice and health and human services.
My deep roots in the community along with my extensive network of partners have worked together effectively to build a healthy and sustainable environment; connecting families, young adults, and businesses to opportunities that we all need to help us all succeed.
I am very blessed to have such great and dedicated connections.
I am committed to providing quality public service that will not only meet but exceed your expectations. I always work to the best of my abilities I work to find creative and innovative resolve on issues until they are completed. Together we can do anything. With your support and your vote. I will work to make Maplewood the best city possible. One that we can all be proud of and proud to call home. Please visit my web site for more information and further details.
Thank you.
Margaret Behrens
Public Office Sought: Maplewood Mayor
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 651-484-9611
Facebook: Margaret Behrens for Maplewood Mayor
Candidate Bio
Creative and Innovative Fiscal Effectiveness and Responsibility
In my first of three terms in the State office of the Ramsey Conservation District. My creative planning and innovative reorganization strategy was extremely effective. My work resulted in the organization getting out of the "red" and into the "black" for the first time in their 30 years of existence. It remains there & is thriving. 2017 was our busiest year on record. I work to create revenue generating programs and projects that are self-sustaining while saving money for the taxpayers. I have a history of fiscal responsibility and transparency while making the state statute 103.C my guide.
My Committee Assignments since 2008 are as follows:
Ramsey County League of Local Governments -I served two terms as President and two terms as Vice- President and all my three elected terms as a board member. I am currently the immediate past president on the executive committee.
Vadnais Lake Area Water Management Organization- VLAWMO
Comprehensive Planning
Personnel/Human Resources
Outreach & Education, Engagement
I also served on the following committees at various times as needed.
Ramsey-Washington Metro Watershed District- Liaison to the board and the CAC-Leadership.
Business climate
1. How would you characterize the business climate in Maplewood?
Neglected and weak. But very hopeful. Having lived in Maplewood for 55 years and having deep roots in the community. I have lived and worked here. I also served as the community representative for a national chain. I engaged businesses to utilize our business and to partner on community events. During my tenure as manager. Our guest count increased 67%. With vacant properties and open and empty store fronts we must have a specialized staff to engage and invite businesses not only to come to Maplewood, I want them to stay in Maplewood.
2. What role do you think the City should have in attracting and retaining jobs, and how would your administration actively solicit new businesses to, and retain existing businesses in, Maplewood?
We must make our community more customer/guest friendly. We need to welcome and invite businesses into our community. We need to aid in the ease of access to our vacant business inventory to help keep new business costs down. We must improve the atmosphere in our business district. Our roads are horrible. Our access to businesses are limited (Check County Road D around the Maplewood mall for example). Our ordinances for signage must be rewritten and we need new policies for the demands that the city is putting on businesses to gain approval to come to Maplewood. The criminal activity around our businesses especially around Birch Run Station and the Mall is increasing. People are fearful to go to the mall. The Gang Tags are not being removed in a timely manner. I would have volunteers doing that daily. I’d set up a report tag line and have a same day response for it to be removed. The bus station at the mall is also an avenue of crime. People are afraid to work in the surrounding areas because the criminals time their robberies and thefts around departure times. The mall is notorious for human trafficking. We must stop this and not allow this in our city. The mall management has a responsibility to fill the vacant store front in the mall. We need to work with them to help them to be successful in filling those vacancies. Having a thriving economy will help deter crime. Safety and security of our community is a priority.
3. Will you commit to hiring a business advocate as a member of your senior staff, to concentrate on business retention and expansion; new business recruitment; and business impact of proposed regulations on the business climate in Maplewood?
Yes! Absolutely. I have been asking the city to do this for years! I have a vision of a business recruiting and building team for our city. I would also like to have a orientation program for businesses coming here. I’d like to include discussions and suggestions about wages, benefits, employee retention programs, goal setting and to also extend opportunities to have businesses and their employees actively participate in community programs and buy memberships to our community center at a discounted rate for a community business. We need to welcome businesses in our community to invite them to make Maplewood their home.
4. Do you support an increase to the minimum wage in Maplewood? If so, what specific steps would you take to understand the impact of an increase on the many types of businesses in Maplewood and do you support proposals to mitigate the effects on businesses like a tip credit, a youth wage, a training wage, and/or a phase-in?
We really need to get our city in order before we start telling businesses who are here by choice. How to run their business. It is not the job of the LUG to dictate to businesses how much to pay their employees etc. I want businesses to come here and stay here without fear of being policed and told how to run their business as it has been done in the past. I believe that we could suggest but not mandate. We must obey the law and the state and federal government sets up the minimum wage rate. I would love to be able to write a policy that will enable the council to bring forth an ordinance that will set a minimum wage for our city. However. Enforcement would be at issue.
5. Do you support any other specific employment-related proposals in Maplewood (such as mandatory sick time or scheduling notice)? If so, what specific steps would you take to understand the impact of an increase on the many types of businesses in Maplewood and how would you define any exceptions to those policies?
I mentioned these in the questions above.
Public safety
6. What is your strategy to address public safety concerns?
I was requested by Sgt. Joseph Bergeron to be his Block Watch Captain several years ago. I served in that role for over 20 years. Public safety is of great concern to me and it is a priority. Coming from a family of mostly law enforcement. I know the issues that our officers and our community face. We must work on community-based programming including DARE and the Block Watch Program. We also must work more diligently on Neighborhood Community Policing. We have such a culturally diverse community I would like to see some programs of as many cultures as possible at our community center giving one night a month to each one to teach the community more about the history and the culture that they represent. There is great unity in diversity. We should embrace it and learn from each other. Take away the “unknowns” and share what makes us special with anyone who wants to learn. I would also add programs in active listening and communications.
7. What are your priorities for the City’s budget?
Lower taxes and no more wasteful spending. We need to prioritize our essential services and get back to basics and excel at them. We must live up to our Joint Powers Agreements with Ramsey County. Public works says that Maplewood won’t work on roads with them. Our roads are bad. Some in such disrepair they are dangerous.
8. How do you view the relationship between commercial and residential property taxes?
I believe that commercial properties pay more than residential homesteads properties. The money raised by property taxes is a major source of funding for school districts, cities and townships, counties, and special taxing districts. Local property taxes help fund many programs and services including public schools, fire stations, police protection, streets, libraries, and more. Commercial/industrial are also subject to a state-level property tax. Their taxes go into the general fund. A key benefit of the property tax system is that the revenue it raises tends to remain stable. Compared with sales or income taxes, the property tax is less susceptible to recessions or other changes in income or spending trends. In addition, since local jurisdictions only levy what they need to cover their annual needs, there is no surplus or deficit. We must be very mindful not to put our community into a hardship position with excessive taxation. We should not be raising taxes and cutting essential services which has been the practice in the past. I want to keep people in their homes. Not tax them out of them. I will be working to protect our property rights and to make sure that we are not overtaxed.
9. What will you do to expand Maplewood’s tax base?
We need to bring more businesses here and to create an environment to keep the ones that we have. We need to better meet the growing needs of our taxpayers and we most be better stewards of the taxpayer’s dollars. Our community center is a big part of this. That will be a great asset once we can turn it around. The plan in place now is no plan for the taxpayers of Maplewood. The center will never be self-sustaining if it continues in this direction. This center has been a burden since it was inflicted on the community. Great things are to come with my plan for the community center. I am looking forward to this challenge and changing this center that has always been in the red. Into the black and profitable and self-sustaining finally. Taking the burden off the taxpayers and finally being the asset that it was meant to be.
Workforce development
10. How will you work with K-12 and post-secondary educational institutions and businesses to ensure our region develops and retains an educated workforce?
We will build and enhance our network and partnerships with public and private and business connections. We will partner with a variety of educational opportunities and create a satellite alternative learning program where anyone who is willing to work and eager to learn is able to. I have a vision of educations through volunteerism. This involves our community center and programming with partners. I was the Vice Chair of the Minnesota Math & Science Academy Charter school that was refused by Maplewood and we built in Woodbury where the project was welcomed. I am willing to work on new educational and outreach opportunities within our community that will be beneficial to the everyone.
11. What do you see as the mayor’s role with regard to public schools in Maplewood?
By using my leadership and influence in the communities I’m able to tap into the network of partnerships that I have formed over the years of my public service. I have a record of innovative initiatives and implementation of comprehensive strategies for addressing financial and educational challenges. As mayor I can have a powerful impact on public education and help to ensure that our schools are making it possible for all students to succeed. We all do better, when we all do better. Our student learners are getting their foundation for life from us. We must make that foundation a strong, stable and positive one. I am committed to working with our schools. My record on issues and opportunities in education reflect that.
12. What is the biggest challenge facing the city and how would you address it?
Meeting the realistic needs of the community. I use my deep roots in this city and my leadership along with transparency, trust, respect and value of diversity.
13. What would be your top three priorities if elected?
Public safety- Economic Development and retention-Community Engagement and enhancement.
14. What do you think should be the city’s top transportation related priority?
We need safe roads. We need transportation options that are affordable and available for everyone throughout our city. It gets down to the fact that people don’t want to do business in a city with bad roads, no access and high taxes. If the city looks bad. They won’t have customers and that affects the business’s bottom line as well as our community economy’s bottom line.
We need to engage and inspire people to come to our city.
15. Are there any services currently provided by the city that you believe should be cut back or eliminated? Or, are there new opportunities to share services with other entities?
All nonessential programs and expenses should be cut back or eliminated. Anything that we can provide in house or through partnerships or grants and other funding must be explored. In addition, our fire stations should never have been closed. Our firefighters should not have been fired. We need more police. We can partner with other agencies on some things, but we must have our own stations up and running. We had a great volunteer program and that should never have been disbanded. The volunteer firefighters program was a foundation block in our community. That was a great loss to our community. I have a great network on the local, regional and state and federal levels to use as we work to move our city forward to create and realize a great vison for us all.
16. Is there anything else you would like to share with voters not covered above?
As Mayor, I have a vision for a transparent and responsible Government that is fully accountable and responsive to us, the taxpayers. My concepts have had proven success. I have deep roots in our community. My record of public service work has proven to be results driven and results given. It is critical that our government is inclusive and invites and welcomes everyone to discuss and to decide our future and to actively participate in our government.
I am very diligent in providing quality services and protecting our personal and our property rights in the most efficient and effective manner, and in prioritizing to grow a strong and vibrant community.
I have always worked to provide an equitable and reliable foundation and the resources of support for our children, families, and individuals, and our seniors and the most vulnerable who may be at risk.
I work to help all citizens achieve prosperity, honoring and celebrating the diversity and cultures of our community as my lifetime of experience is working with all cultures and all demographics. We are one humanity and we can all live and learn with each other.
I am eager to continue my work ensuring equality, security and contentment for us all as a united community and a united humanity.
I am always working to eliminate all the racial and ethnic disparities across our systems -- including in employment, education, housing, justice and health and human services.
My deep roots in the community along with my extensive network of partners have worked together effectively to build a healthy and sustainable environment; connecting families, young adults, and businesses to opportunities that we all need to help us all succeed.
I am very blessed to have such great and dedicated connections.
I am committed to providing quality public service that will not only meet but exceed your expectations. I always work to the best of my abilities I work to find creative and innovative resolve on issues until they are completed. Together we can do anything. With your support and your vote. I will work to make Maplewood the best city possible. One that we can all be proud of and proud to call home. Please visit my web site for more information and further details.
Thank you.
Margaret Behrens