Mary Giuliani Stephens

Name: Mary Giuliani Stephens
Public Office Sought: Minnesota State Senate - District 53
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 612-940-0431
Twitter handle: @MaryStephensMN
Facebook page:
Candidate Bio
From 2008-2018 I had the privilege of serving on the Woodbury City Council and the last eight years as mayor. We had a commitment to good public process and engagement and effective resource management. I had the honor of working for my neighbors, solving problems, and getting things done.
I learned from the challenges Woodbury faced coming out of the great recession, as we worked with our diverse stakeholders and interested parties to develop and implement solutions, all within fiscal restraints. During my eight years as mayor, Woodbury saw unprecedented growth and was consistently ranked among the top places to live in America.
My experience as an attorney, arbitrator, and mediator will bring a skillset to the legislature that will be needed to work across party lines. I have demonstrated I can tackle the tough issues, lead with character, and build consensus for workable solutions.
As a 35 year resident of the district and involved citizen I have proven my commitment to the families and businesses in the district. The families of Woodbury, Oakdale, Maplewood, and Landfall deserve a State Senator dedicated full-time to the needs of the communities in which they live and a state government they can trust with their tax dollars.
I was honored and humbled to receive the St. Paul Area Chamber of Commerce, Leaders in Local Government, Elected Leaders of Note award in 2018.
What would be your top three priorities if elected?
Given the severity of disruption caused by COVID-19, the economic recovery of our state’s business community will be my top priority. All other priorities – health care, education reform, tax policy, transportation, etc. – are dependent on our state having a vibrant and growing economy in which people are working, businesses are profitable, and government at all levels is living within its means. Repairing and rebuilding our economy must come first.
How would you characterize the business climate in the East Metro and what role do businesses play in supporting quality of life issues in East Metro communities?
The East Metro business climate is challenging. Federal, state and local mandates, regulations, fees and permit costs can make it tough to operate. Some industries are impacted more than others, but these built-in costs, coupled with the impact of COVID-19 create a significant headwind for businesses, both large and small.
Through the payment of taxes, the employment of hundreds of thousands of individuals and by their charitable and philanthropic involvement in the community, the East Metro business community makes possible the high quality of life we all enjoy. I witnessed this time and time again as Mayor of Woodbury.
What role do you think the State should have in attracting and retaining jobs, and what steps would you take to solicit new businesses to and retain existing businesses in the East Metro?
As Mayor, I worked with city staff to regularly meet with business owners, to learn what issues were of importance to them, what was working and what challenges they were facing, to provide a business friendly environment.
A key priority of the state should be to keep those businesses we have and foster the growth of small and entrepreneurial businesses, which would include keeping taxes, fees and regulations reasonable and under control, and addressing capacity and flexibility of infrastructure to serve business needs. This will also help to attract new businesses, as will keeping and growing our workforce.
Do you support any specific employment-related proposals (such as minimum wage, sick time, or mandatory scheduling notice)? If so, what steps would you take to understand the impact of an ordinance on the many types of businesses in the east metro and how would you define any exceptions to those policies?
I believe business owners are best able to provide wage and compensation packages that fit their unique situations and those of their employees. As businesses would be a major stakeholder in any employment related proposals it would be essential to hear from them to understand the impacts.
What is your strategy to address public safety, transportation, and housing issues?
Public safety: A core responsibility of government. I will approach this issue by undertaking a needs assessment and engaging in stakeholder discussions to determine which level of government is best able to meet the needs.
Transportation: Another core responsibility of government. I will work with local, county and federal partners to secure funding for needed projects.
Housing: In early 2019, Housing First, a trade association for homebuilders, released a report ( indicating that up to one-third of a new home’s price in the Twin Cities is due to regulations and policies from the local, regional and state level. Let’s start there.
What are your priorities for the State’s budget? Are there any services currently provided by the State that you believe should be expanded, cut back or eliminated? Are there new opportunities to share services with other entities?
There will be challenges facing the state budget in the next legislative session as we deal with the impacts of Covid-19. It will be a time to be innovative, exercise restraint, and look for creative ways to share services and work with others to provide necessary services at reasonable costs.
What will you do to expand your district’s tax base?
I will employ the same hands-on tactics I used to grow Woodbury’s business community in the aftermath of the 2008 recession. It begins with listening, learning and responding to the concerns of business owners. I’ll approach these discussions with a “can-do,” not a “won’t do” attitude, which too often is the answer business owners receive from government officials. Job retention and creation are necessary to strengthen and diversify the tax base.
How will you work with K-12 and post-secondary educational institutions and businesses to ensure our region develops and retains an educated workforce?
Local school boards, businesses, and the legislature have begun to address the need for partnerships between school districts and area employers. These partnerships include internships, mentorships and on-the-job training in technical, medical and professional fields. That’s a good start. Properly funding our schools is also important to attract and retain quality teachers. As Covid-19 has made clear we need to look at innovative ways to fund schools, give more flexibility at the local level, look at the role of online learning, and address ways to keep higher education affordable.
What is the role of the State in fostering increased minority- and women-owned businesses?
As State Senator, I would work to connect minority and women-owned businesses with existing state programs such as the Emerging Entrepreneur Loan Program in the MN Department of Employment and Economic Development (DEED), as well as nonprofits like Metropolitan Economic Development Association (MEDA) and the Women’s Business Development Center (WBDC) Minnesota, that serve minority and women-owned businesses with technical and financial assistance.
What further policies can the State of Minnesota adopt to help the business community recover from the COVID-19 pandemic?
At the federal level, the Small Business Administration provides Economic Injury Disaster Loans, the Paycheck Protection Program, Express Bridge Loans, and SBA Disaster Relief, among others. At the state level, the Minnesota Small Business Emergency Loan Program provides zero interest loans for small businesses. Funds in this program have been depleted, so the legislature should examine the need for an additional appropriation.
Is there anything else you would like to share with voters not covered above?
I have a proven track record of effective leadership honed from my experience working as Mayor. I know how to form partnerships and work with people of all political persuasions to get things done. I welcome questions, comments and input. Please visit to learn more and connect with me and my campaign.
Public Office Sought: Minnesota State Senate - District 53
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 612-940-0431
Twitter handle: @MaryStephensMN
Facebook page:
Candidate Bio
From 2008-2018 I had the privilege of serving on the Woodbury City Council and the last eight years as mayor. We had a commitment to good public process and engagement and effective resource management. I had the honor of working for my neighbors, solving problems, and getting things done.
I learned from the challenges Woodbury faced coming out of the great recession, as we worked with our diverse stakeholders and interested parties to develop and implement solutions, all within fiscal restraints. During my eight years as mayor, Woodbury saw unprecedented growth and was consistently ranked among the top places to live in America.
My experience as an attorney, arbitrator, and mediator will bring a skillset to the legislature that will be needed to work across party lines. I have demonstrated I can tackle the tough issues, lead with character, and build consensus for workable solutions.
As a 35 year resident of the district and involved citizen I have proven my commitment to the families and businesses in the district. The families of Woodbury, Oakdale, Maplewood, and Landfall deserve a State Senator dedicated full-time to the needs of the communities in which they live and a state government they can trust with their tax dollars.
I was honored and humbled to receive the St. Paul Area Chamber of Commerce, Leaders in Local Government, Elected Leaders of Note award in 2018.
What would be your top three priorities if elected?
Given the severity of disruption caused by COVID-19, the economic recovery of our state’s business community will be my top priority. All other priorities – health care, education reform, tax policy, transportation, etc. – are dependent on our state having a vibrant and growing economy in which people are working, businesses are profitable, and government at all levels is living within its means. Repairing and rebuilding our economy must come first.
How would you characterize the business climate in the East Metro and what role do businesses play in supporting quality of life issues in East Metro communities?
The East Metro business climate is challenging. Federal, state and local mandates, regulations, fees and permit costs can make it tough to operate. Some industries are impacted more than others, but these built-in costs, coupled with the impact of COVID-19 create a significant headwind for businesses, both large and small.
Through the payment of taxes, the employment of hundreds of thousands of individuals and by their charitable and philanthropic involvement in the community, the East Metro business community makes possible the high quality of life we all enjoy. I witnessed this time and time again as Mayor of Woodbury.
What role do you think the State should have in attracting and retaining jobs, and what steps would you take to solicit new businesses to and retain existing businesses in the East Metro?
As Mayor, I worked with city staff to regularly meet with business owners, to learn what issues were of importance to them, what was working and what challenges they were facing, to provide a business friendly environment.
A key priority of the state should be to keep those businesses we have and foster the growth of small and entrepreneurial businesses, which would include keeping taxes, fees and regulations reasonable and under control, and addressing capacity and flexibility of infrastructure to serve business needs. This will also help to attract new businesses, as will keeping and growing our workforce.
Do you support any specific employment-related proposals (such as minimum wage, sick time, or mandatory scheduling notice)? If so, what steps would you take to understand the impact of an ordinance on the many types of businesses in the east metro and how would you define any exceptions to those policies?
I believe business owners are best able to provide wage and compensation packages that fit their unique situations and those of their employees. As businesses would be a major stakeholder in any employment related proposals it would be essential to hear from them to understand the impacts.
What is your strategy to address public safety, transportation, and housing issues?
Public safety: A core responsibility of government. I will approach this issue by undertaking a needs assessment and engaging in stakeholder discussions to determine which level of government is best able to meet the needs.
Transportation: Another core responsibility of government. I will work with local, county and federal partners to secure funding for needed projects.
Housing: In early 2019, Housing First, a trade association for homebuilders, released a report ( indicating that up to one-third of a new home’s price in the Twin Cities is due to regulations and policies from the local, regional and state level. Let’s start there.
What are your priorities for the State’s budget? Are there any services currently provided by the State that you believe should be expanded, cut back or eliminated? Are there new opportunities to share services with other entities?
There will be challenges facing the state budget in the next legislative session as we deal with the impacts of Covid-19. It will be a time to be innovative, exercise restraint, and look for creative ways to share services and work with others to provide necessary services at reasonable costs.
What will you do to expand your district’s tax base?
I will employ the same hands-on tactics I used to grow Woodbury’s business community in the aftermath of the 2008 recession. It begins with listening, learning and responding to the concerns of business owners. I’ll approach these discussions with a “can-do,” not a “won’t do” attitude, which too often is the answer business owners receive from government officials. Job retention and creation are necessary to strengthen and diversify the tax base.
How will you work with K-12 and post-secondary educational institutions and businesses to ensure our region develops and retains an educated workforce?
Local school boards, businesses, and the legislature have begun to address the need for partnerships between school districts and area employers. These partnerships include internships, mentorships and on-the-job training in technical, medical and professional fields. That’s a good start. Properly funding our schools is also important to attract and retain quality teachers. As Covid-19 has made clear we need to look at innovative ways to fund schools, give more flexibility at the local level, look at the role of online learning, and address ways to keep higher education affordable.
What is the role of the State in fostering increased minority- and women-owned businesses?
As State Senator, I would work to connect minority and women-owned businesses with existing state programs such as the Emerging Entrepreneur Loan Program in the MN Department of Employment and Economic Development (DEED), as well as nonprofits like Metropolitan Economic Development Association (MEDA) and the Women’s Business Development Center (WBDC) Minnesota, that serve minority and women-owned businesses with technical and financial assistance.
What further policies can the State of Minnesota adopt to help the business community recover from the COVID-19 pandemic?
At the federal level, the Small Business Administration provides Economic Injury Disaster Loans, the Paycheck Protection Program, Express Bridge Loans, and SBA Disaster Relief, among others. At the state level, the Minnesota Small Business Emergency Loan Program provides zero interest loans for small businesses. Funds in this program have been depleted, so the legislature should examine the need for an additional appropriation.
Is there anything else you would like to share with voters not covered above?
I have a proven track record of effective leadership honed from my experience working as Mayor. I know how to form partnerships and work with people of all political persuasions to get things done. I welcome questions, comments and input. Please visit to learn more and connect with me and my campaign.