Marylee Abrams

Name: Marylee Abrams
Public Office Sought: Maplewood Mayor
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 651-239-3814
Twitter handle:
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Candidate Bio
I have served on the Maplewood City Council since 2014 and as Mayor since 2019. Maplewood has been my home for 27 years and I raised my two sons here. Both graduated from ISD #622. I retired after practicing law for 37 years, representing clients in labor and employment matters. In my spare time I enjoy our wonderful parks and trails and swimming at the Y/Community Center.
I have enjoyed my time on the Council and am committed to making the best city to raise a family and grow a business. Some of my accomplishments include:
What would be your top three priorities if elected?
How would you characterize the business climate in Maplewood and what is the role of businesses supporting quality of life issues in the community?
We are steadily recovering from the effects of Covid. The business climate is gaining strength as more things normalize, and more people return to the workforce. Inflation is on everyone's mind and will be an issue as we set our 2023 budget. Healthy businesses are central to the quality of life in any city, bringing jobs, customers, and prosperity to a community.
What role do you think the City should have in attracting and retaining jobs, and what steps would you take to solicit new businesses to, and retain existing businesses in, Maplewood?
Good stable government in a city attracts businesses and helps retain jobs. It inspires growth and development, which in turn generates job creation and new opportunities. I am committed to being a strong voice and actively engaging with our business community to insure the economic future of Maplewood. It is imperative the Mayor take the lead to engage businesses, and work with our Chambers of Commerce, in an effort to attract both new business and retain existing businesses.
What policies, if any, would you support to help employers address the labor shortage?
Partnerships are essential to solving the labor shortages experienced by our local business owners. Chambers of Commerce are great resources as is our local Century College to ensure there is a steady influx of new employees trained for emerging businesses. In the past we have hosted business events, business award luncheons, and even a job fair for high schoolers. Now that Covid is loosening up, I support more engagement efforts to make connections between businesses and potential employees.
Do you support any other specific employment-related proposals in Maplewood (such as minimum wage, sick time, or mandatory scheduling notice)? If so, what steps would you take to understand the impact of an ordinance on the many types of businesses in Maplewood and how would you define any exceptions to those policies?
As Mayor of Maplewood I support growing local jobs and livable wages. I do not believe specific employment related proposals such as minimum wage, sick time, or mandatory scheduling notices are city issues. Instead, specific employment proposals should be developed by our state legislature. Maplewood is bordered by over 10 other cities. Any restrictive regulations would imperil Maplewood businesses, when customers or clients could simply cross a city border for the same types of services in another community. State-wide uniform legislation levels the playing field for all businesses, and it avoids a patch-work of regulation that pits one city against another.
What are your strategies to address public safety, housing, and transportation issues facing your community?
During my time on the Council and as Mayor, our Public Safety Department has done a lot of community engagement work. We utilized a Use of Force Task Force to review and update our use of force policies. We adopted body-worn cameras for all officers and have trained everyone in de-escalation techniques. Most recently, I worked on an initiative which resulted in embedding two social workers in our Public Safety Department, which has been a huge success. We have created a Multi-Cultural Advisory Committee to serve as a bridge between our public safety personnel and our communities of color. I also serve on the Ramsey County Crime Reduction Leadership Team and collaborate with other elected officials to tackle the rising crime rates and increase in juvenile crime.
What strategies or policies would you propose to address transportation issues facing your community? Have your strategies or views changed on transportation since we’ve seen shifts in road use, public transportation use, work from home models, etc. due to the pandemic?
Transportation is an important issue for the east metro area, and in comparison to the west metro, we lag behind in good options. Covid has changed our transportation patterns and work lives, which will require revisiting future transportation plans in light of changing rider demographics and needs. Revisiting planned transportation updates will be necessary to ensure we are managing future needs with sustainability. Covid has changed the way we work, do school, and live our lives. Climate changes and our use of resources are other elements which will need to be considered moving forward.
What are your priorities for the City’s budget?
Inflation is a reality we are all experiencing and it must be taken into consideration as we set our new budget for 2023. I pride myself in being fiscally responsible with taxpayer monies, and always consider the impact of any budget increases on residents and businesses. Since my time on the Council, we have reduced our debt by 25 million dollars. Through sound fiscal planning and asset management plans, we are scheduled to further reduce our debt another 70% over the next ten years. I am committed to continued fiscal restraint in serving the residents and businesses of Maplewood.
What will you do to expand Maplewood’s tax base?
Focusing on redevelopment at the Maplewood Mall area is a priority for me as Mayor. As Mayor I have made it loud and clear that we are open for business. I have actively communicated with our businesses about their future needs for expansion, directing them to resources and other opportunities to help them stay in Maplewood. Healthy businesses create new jobs and strengthen families. The Mall area is my primary focus to drive new businesses and redevelopment to the area.
How will you work with K-12 and post-secondary educational institutions and businesses to ensure our region develops and retains an educated workforce?
The city of Maplewood already has established relationships with both ISD #622 and #623. Before Covid we held a job fair for 300 high schoolers which was a huge success. Now that things are returning to more normal, I hope to foster another job fair, to continue the work. Similarly, there will be a return to more frequent meetings with Superintendents. I engage with educators and administrators monthly through the Ramsey County League of Local Government. We partner with the Wjhiote Bear Area Chamber and the St. Paul Area Chamber to connect businesses with students exploring career options. It is critical our businesses have a skilled and trained workforce.
Are there any services currently provided by the city that you believe should be cut back or eliminated? Are there new opportunities to share services with other entities?
As a result of Covid, our parks and recreation offerings were temporarily reduced or eliminated. This was difficult as recreational opportunities are critical to the quality of life in a community. We are now back up and running, offering a wide variety of recreation opportunities for all ages. We have been able to expand recreational offerings through partnerships with other sports programs, which offer enhanced programming in a more efficient manner. We also partner with the YMCA for summer programming that is enjoyed by so many of our residents.
What is the role of the City Council in fostering increased minority- and women-owned businesses in Maplewood?
As Mayor I have actively engaged minority-owned and women-owned businesses in Maplewood. The Mall has become an entrepreneurial incubator for a wide variety of new retail businesses and services. I have worked with the White Bear Area Chamber and St. Paul Chamber to identify and contact our new businesses, to formally welcome them to our community. As Covid settles down, there will be greater opportunities in the coming months to engage new business owners. Approximately 40% of our residents are members of our communities of color We are an inclusive city where all are welcome. Helping minority and women owned business owners get established strengthens all of us in Maplewood.
What further policies can Maplewood adopt to help the business community recover from the COVID-19 pandemic?
During the peak of Covid, I supported flexibility in our cit ordinances governing liquor sales on patios, and in the placement of temporary signage for businesses opening for take-out and drive-up services. Connecting business owners to resources and emergency funding has been critical to make sure our businesses stay open. Our support for our businesses has not wavered during Covid and will continue as we recover from the economic impacts of the pandemic.
Is there anything else you would like to share with voters not covered above?
As Mayor, I have led the city through some very challenging times and we have emerged ready to embrace a new future beyond Covid. I worked to keep our tax levy at 0% increase, while ensuring we deliver exceptional city services. This was a huge relief for our residents and business owners. I take everyone’s viewpoint into consideration and lead with a steady hand. I am committed to making Maplewood the best city we can be.
Public Office Sought: Maplewood Mayor
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 651-239-3814
Twitter handle:
Facebook page:
Candidate Bio
I have served on the Maplewood City Council since 2014 and as Mayor since 2019. Maplewood has been my home for 27 years and I raised my two sons here. Both graduated from ISD #622. I retired after practicing law for 37 years, representing clients in labor and employment matters. In my spare time I enjoy our wonderful parks and trails and swimming at the Y/Community Center.
I have enjoyed my time on the Council and am committed to making the best city to raise a family and grow a business. Some of my accomplishments include:
- Leading the city through a pandemic and times of social/political unrest.
- Spear-heading an initiative to embed two social workers with the Maplewood Public Safety Department.
- Helping to create an inclusive forward-thinking city that embraces our diversity as a true strength.
- Increasing community engagement through our Multi-Cultural Advisory Committee, serving on the Ramsey County Crime-Reduction Leadership Team, serving as a Water Commissioner with SPRWS, and a Board member of the Rice-Larpenteur Alliance.
What would be your top three priorities if elected?
- Increasing housing options for everyone in the city of Maplewood. We are working to develop a scattered site housing program that identifies abandoned houses for rehabilitation, and then repairs them and returns them to families. This will revitalize neighborhoods, and help families build wealth and put down roots in Maplewood.
- Address the increased crime rates with real solutions. As a member of the Ramsey County Crime Reduction Leadership Team led by County Attorney John Choi, I am working with other county leaders to tackle the increase in violent crime and especially juvenile crime.
- Fostering development and re-development. As a first ring suburb, it is important to focus on both development and re-development. My focus is on the north end and mall area. New exciting projects are on the way that were delayed due to Covid.
How would you characterize the business climate in Maplewood and what is the role of businesses supporting quality of life issues in the community?
We are steadily recovering from the effects of Covid. The business climate is gaining strength as more things normalize, and more people return to the workforce. Inflation is on everyone's mind and will be an issue as we set our 2023 budget. Healthy businesses are central to the quality of life in any city, bringing jobs, customers, and prosperity to a community.
What role do you think the City should have in attracting and retaining jobs, and what steps would you take to solicit new businesses to, and retain existing businesses in, Maplewood?
Good stable government in a city attracts businesses and helps retain jobs. It inspires growth and development, which in turn generates job creation and new opportunities. I am committed to being a strong voice and actively engaging with our business community to insure the economic future of Maplewood. It is imperative the Mayor take the lead to engage businesses, and work with our Chambers of Commerce, in an effort to attract both new business and retain existing businesses.
What policies, if any, would you support to help employers address the labor shortage?
Partnerships are essential to solving the labor shortages experienced by our local business owners. Chambers of Commerce are great resources as is our local Century College to ensure there is a steady influx of new employees trained for emerging businesses. In the past we have hosted business events, business award luncheons, and even a job fair for high schoolers. Now that Covid is loosening up, I support more engagement efforts to make connections between businesses and potential employees.
Do you support any other specific employment-related proposals in Maplewood (such as minimum wage, sick time, or mandatory scheduling notice)? If so, what steps would you take to understand the impact of an ordinance on the many types of businesses in Maplewood and how would you define any exceptions to those policies?
As Mayor of Maplewood I support growing local jobs and livable wages. I do not believe specific employment related proposals such as minimum wage, sick time, or mandatory scheduling notices are city issues. Instead, specific employment proposals should be developed by our state legislature. Maplewood is bordered by over 10 other cities. Any restrictive regulations would imperil Maplewood businesses, when customers or clients could simply cross a city border for the same types of services in another community. State-wide uniform legislation levels the playing field for all businesses, and it avoids a patch-work of regulation that pits one city against another.
What are your strategies to address public safety, housing, and transportation issues facing your community?
During my time on the Council and as Mayor, our Public Safety Department has done a lot of community engagement work. We utilized a Use of Force Task Force to review and update our use of force policies. We adopted body-worn cameras for all officers and have trained everyone in de-escalation techniques. Most recently, I worked on an initiative which resulted in embedding two social workers in our Public Safety Department, which has been a huge success. We have created a Multi-Cultural Advisory Committee to serve as a bridge between our public safety personnel and our communities of color. I also serve on the Ramsey County Crime Reduction Leadership Team and collaborate with other elected officials to tackle the rising crime rates and increase in juvenile crime.
What strategies or policies would you propose to address transportation issues facing your community? Have your strategies or views changed on transportation since we’ve seen shifts in road use, public transportation use, work from home models, etc. due to the pandemic?
Transportation is an important issue for the east metro area, and in comparison to the west metro, we lag behind in good options. Covid has changed our transportation patterns and work lives, which will require revisiting future transportation plans in light of changing rider demographics and needs. Revisiting planned transportation updates will be necessary to ensure we are managing future needs with sustainability. Covid has changed the way we work, do school, and live our lives. Climate changes and our use of resources are other elements which will need to be considered moving forward.
What are your priorities for the City’s budget?
Inflation is a reality we are all experiencing and it must be taken into consideration as we set our new budget for 2023. I pride myself in being fiscally responsible with taxpayer monies, and always consider the impact of any budget increases on residents and businesses. Since my time on the Council, we have reduced our debt by 25 million dollars. Through sound fiscal planning and asset management plans, we are scheduled to further reduce our debt another 70% over the next ten years. I am committed to continued fiscal restraint in serving the residents and businesses of Maplewood.
What will you do to expand Maplewood’s tax base?
Focusing on redevelopment at the Maplewood Mall area is a priority for me as Mayor. As Mayor I have made it loud and clear that we are open for business. I have actively communicated with our businesses about their future needs for expansion, directing them to resources and other opportunities to help them stay in Maplewood. Healthy businesses create new jobs and strengthen families. The Mall area is my primary focus to drive new businesses and redevelopment to the area.
How will you work with K-12 and post-secondary educational institutions and businesses to ensure our region develops and retains an educated workforce?
The city of Maplewood already has established relationships with both ISD #622 and #623. Before Covid we held a job fair for 300 high schoolers which was a huge success. Now that things are returning to more normal, I hope to foster another job fair, to continue the work. Similarly, there will be a return to more frequent meetings with Superintendents. I engage with educators and administrators monthly through the Ramsey County League of Local Government. We partner with the Wjhiote Bear Area Chamber and the St. Paul Area Chamber to connect businesses with students exploring career options. It is critical our businesses have a skilled and trained workforce.
Are there any services currently provided by the city that you believe should be cut back or eliminated? Are there new opportunities to share services with other entities?
As a result of Covid, our parks and recreation offerings were temporarily reduced or eliminated. This was difficult as recreational opportunities are critical to the quality of life in a community. We are now back up and running, offering a wide variety of recreation opportunities for all ages. We have been able to expand recreational offerings through partnerships with other sports programs, which offer enhanced programming in a more efficient manner. We also partner with the YMCA for summer programming that is enjoyed by so many of our residents.
What is the role of the City Council in fostering increased minority- and women-owned businesses in Maplewood?
As Mayor I have actively engaged minority-owned and women-owned businesses in Maplewood. The Mall has become an entrepreneurial incubator for a wide variety of new retail businesses and services. I have worked with the White Bear Area Chamber and St. Paul Chamber to identify and contact our new businesses, to formally welcome them to our community. As Covid settles down, there will be greater opportunities in the coming months to engage new business owners. Approximately 40% of our residents are members of our communities of color We are an inclusive city where all are welcome. Helping minority and women owned business owners get established strengthens all of us in Maplewood.
What further policies can Maplewood adopt to help the business community recover from the COVID-19 pandemic?
During the peak of Covid, I supported flexibility in our cit ordinances governing liquor sales on patios, and in the placement of temporary signage for businesses opening for take-out and drive-up services. Connecting business owners to resources and emergency funding has been critical to make sure our businesses stay open. Our support for our businesses has not wavered during Covid and will continue as we recover from the economic impacts of the pandemic.
Is there anything else you would like to share with voters not covered above?
As Mayor, I have led the city through some very challenging times and we have emerged ready to embrace a new future beyond Covid. I worked to keep our tax levy at 0% increase, while ensuring we deliver exceptional city services. This was a huge relief for our residents and business owners. I take everyone’s viewpoint into consideration and lead with a steady hand. I am committed to making Maplewood the best city we can be.