Paul Reinke
Name: Paul Reinke
Public Office Sought: Oakdale Mayor
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 651-402-7965
Twitter: @Reinke4Oakdale
Facebook: ReinkeforOakdale
Candidate Bio
After serving 3 terms on the Oakdale City Council, I was appointed Mayor in 2016 after then Mayor Karwoski won election to the Washington County Board. I won the special election in August. My 35-year career in the development and construction aspects of the commercial real estate industry has allowed me to develop effective leadership, management and collaboration skills which I consistently bring to the Mayor role. Examples: as a Council leader 12 years ago, we immediately acted and worked with 3M to construct an industry leading carbon filtration plant which has removed PFC contamination from the two primary wells that provide our drinking water. More recently we have achieved important community building and economic development projects including the Tartan Crossing redevelopment with the highly successful HyVee and Waters Senior Housing developments, the Red Oak Housing Development on 50th Street, the Oakdale Discovery Center, Tanners Lake Athletic Fields and more - while keeping the levy rate constant. I am an advocate for creating options for transportation and continue to serve on the Gold Line Committee to bring Bus Rapid Transit to Oakdale. My wife, Carol, and I have been married for 33 years and we have one adult son.
Business climate
1. How would you characterize the business climate in Oakdale?
Terrific! This is backed up by the new commercial developments such as HyVee, Waters Senior Housing and Hardees; significant commercial renovation and redevelopment including Slumberland headquarters, Bergen Plaza and the Twin Cities Hardware building expansion as well as significant housing renovations. Oakdale also has a large beautiful housing development in the planning stage that includes a mix of housing types, price points and single and multi-family units. Encompassing over 200 acres it is currently the largest new housing development project in the twin cities. Another significant project is the Transit Oriented Development along the soon to be realized Gold Line Bus Rapid Transit line. This development includes a Bus Rapid Transit station with associated parking and the area is being planned for up to 810 units of multifamily housing, up to 360,000 square feet of office and up to 50,000 square feet of retail.
Investment in roads and bridges are also critically important transportation initiatives evidenced by the new Hadley Avenue bridge over Highway 36, beginning construction in the spring of 2019, and our program of annually rebuilding or resurfacing 8 – 12 miles of city roads.
Our Oakdale Area Chamber of Commerce, a vital community organization promoting community events and advocating for productive legislation for the last 25 years, continues to grow and strengthen in its member services.
2. What role do you think the City should have in attracting and retaining jobs, and how would your administration actively solicit new businesses to, and retain existing businesses in, Oakdale?
The City has and will continue to take an active leadership role in economic development of Oakdale and the east metro. This work is led by Bob Streetar, Community Development Director, his staff and the members of the Economic Development Commission.
We take a common-sense approach and a business-oriented point of view towards economic development. Whether it’s a large or small business we know that businesses risk their capital and profits to start new businesses or grow their existing businesses in Oakdale. We address the major common elements that all business look for – among them are; stable and forward looking City government (seasoned department heads/staff and value-driven and experienced elected officials); reasonable and low taxes (conservative and stable levies for the past 10 years); a strong assortment of housing types and values for their employees (Oakdale housing revitalization programs and new housing developments); a great quality of life for residents and employees (well-funded and trained police, fire and public works services, large and varied recreational areas, large number of places to worship, successful and growing Chamber of Commerce); well educated labor force (many private and public grade and secondary schools, and nearby higher education facilities); government assistance when its needed (Oakdale Rehabilitation Loans, MinnPace Loans, Open to Business partnership, the Trillion BTU program partnership with the St. Paul Port Authority, and a streamlined approval process for projects which meet established design guidelines); and good relationships with County, State and Federal leaders to help in coordinating larger activities.
3. Will you commit to hiring a business advocate as a member of your senior staff, to concentrate on business retention and expansion; new business recruitment; and business impact of proposed regulations on the business climate in Oakdale?
Oakdale’s Community Development staff and the members of the Economic Development Commission does great work with economic development and business attraction and retention. In addition, we have access to the County’s Economic Development Professionals so no further increases in staff is planned.
4. Do you support an increase to the minimum wage in Oakdale? If so, what specific steps would you take to understand the impact of an increase on the many types of businesses in Oakdale and do you support proposals to mitigate the effects on businesses like a tip credit, a youth wage, a training wage, and/or a phase-in?
The issues and complexities about minimum wages are many. Ultimately, I believe the businesses owners and managers need to establish the wages for their employees and set those compensation points according to the marketplace and their business strategies. I do not support an increase to the minimum wage.
5. Do you support any other specific employment-related proposals in Oakdale (such as mandatory sick time or scheduling notice)? If so, what specific steps would you take to understand the impact of an increase on the many types of businesses in Oakdale and how would you define any exceptions to those policies?
Oakdale implemented a great PTO program several years ago which is working well to address employee and employer needs. Businesses in Oakdale need to examine their own work environments and employee needs and then create and manage employment programs that meet their needs. There are currently no plans for new programs.
Public safety
6. What is your strategy to address public safety concerns?
Public safety is a key component of increasing the Quality of Life of the residents and businesses of Oakdale. Police Chief Sullivan has the support of the Council in initiating and managing crime prevention programs, community outreach programs, resident and business awareness initiatives and youth diversion programs. Chief Sullivan and the department officers have a strong affiliation and partnership with County initiatives such as CAST, and State and Federal initiatives such as dealing with opiates and other drugs. His department executes his “broken window” philosophy, which essentially states that you can minimize bigger issues if you watch for and take appropriate actions on the smaller issues which arise.
7. What are your priorities for the City’s budget?
Oakdale’s annual budgeting process is interactive and involves multiple discussions, interactions and proposals with residents, department leaders and the Council. The budget supports our priorities of:
8. How do you view the relationship between commercial and residential property taxes?
We strive for a diversified mix of uses in the City which tends to stabilize tax rates. We understand that the public trust given to us involves being thorough, creative, reasonable and anticipatory in establishing City budgets and property tax rates – knowing it’s the commercial businesses and residents who are funding City operations.
9. What will you do to expand Oakdale’s tax base?
We will continue our aggressive economic development and redevelopment efforts, continue to implement the initiatives that match business needs and community availabilities, and ensure our policies make Oakdale an appealing place to live and work.
Workforce development
10. How will you work with K-12 and post-secondary educational institutions and businesses to ensure our region develops and retains an educated workforce?
Our relationship with School District 622 and nearby post-secondary educational institutions is strong and collaborative. Regular formal meetings and numerous personal relationships and conversations help to confirm current successes, identify needs and spark ideas for new programs. There is general strong support from the city for appropriate school funding.
11. What do you see as the mayor’s role with regard to public schools in Oakdale?
I am a huge supporter of quality public education and also of private schooling options. In many important ways, well-educated people are the future of Oakdale and the East Metro region as education and job skills provide people with options which lead to fulfilling lives. We continue to partner with the schools with recreational offerings like swimming and skating opportunities and work together to utilize land and facilities in a cost-effective manner.
I consider Superintendent Osorio a colleague and don’t hesitate to seek her consul when needed.
12. What is the biggest challenge facing the city and how would you address it?
It seems like the challenge of managing change will be the biggest issue in the near future. This includes changes involving an older and a more diverse population, advancing technology, shortages of a capable workforce, and establishing budgets and tax rates around the priorities established by the residents and Council.
It also involves managing changes in our environment and with our water resources, and managing land-uses in a well-developed city.
Effectively addressing these issues comes from committed people – elected officials, residents, city staff members and business members – to collaboratively establish priorities and the action steps needed to achieve them.
13. What would be your top three priorities if elected?
14. What do you think should be the city’s top transportation related priority?
Over the last 6 years I’ve worked to establish the new transportation option in Oakdale and the East Metro called the Gold Line Bus Rapid Transit. This option extends from the St. Paul Union Depot station and extends eastward generally located on the north side of I-94. It will be the first bus rapid transit line running primarily in a dedicated lane and it is anticipated that construction may commence by 2020. It’s the top transportation priority because it will offer an “all-day” transportation option for our Oakdale residents and will be another resource for our businesses to more easily recruit employees from other cities.
15. Are there any services currently provided by the city that you believe should be cut back or eliminated? Or, are there new opportunities to share services with other entities?
We have shared services agreements with the City of St. Paul, the School District and other entities designed to take advantage of strengths, equipment or competencies which one party has and which can be shared with others. We evaluate shared service agreements frequently and are looking to establish new ones. Currently the shared services agreements which are in place are serving the Oakdale residents well.
16. Is there anything else you would like to share with voters not covered above?
I think Oakdale is the jewel of the East Metro; we’re a city with large open spaces and beautiful vistas, a well-educated resident population and varied, high quality business establishments. We have long established traditions of fun community events and festivals, service to others, sporting and recreational places and opportunities, and special places of worship and spirituality.
I am very proud to serve as Mayor, and to work with a committed Council and staff members in the City and the many, many volunteers who all contribute to a great City. I hope for the opportunity to serve Oakdale for another four years.
Thank you to the St. Paul Area Chamber of Commerce for creating this candidate forum.
Public Office Sought: Oakdale Mayor
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 651-402-7965
Twitter: @Reinke4Oakdale
Facebook: ReinkeforOakdale
Candidate Bio
After serving 3 terms on the Oakdale City Council, I was appointed Mayor in 2016 after then Mayor Karwoski won election to the Washington County Board. I won the special election in August. My 35-year career in the development and construction aspects of the commercial real estate industry has allowed me to develop effective leadership, management and collaboration skills which I consistently bring to the Mayor role. Examples: as a Council leader 12 years ago, we immediately acted and worked with 3M to construct an industry leading carbon filtration plant which has removed PFC contamination from the two primary wells that provide our drinking water. More recently we have achieved important community building and economic development projects including the Tartan Crossing redevelopment with the highly successful HyVee and Waters Senior Housing developments, the Red Oak Housing Development on 50th Street, the Oakdale Discovery Center, Tanners Lake Athletic Fields and more - while keeping the levy rate constant. I am an advocate for creating options for transportation and continue to serve on the Gold Line Committee to bring Bus Rapid Transit to Oakdale. My wife, Carol, and I have been married for 33 years and we have one adult son.
Business climate
1. How would you characterize the business climate in Oakdale?
Terrific! This is backed up by the new commercial developments such as HyVee, Waters Senior Housing and Hardees; significant commercial renovation and redevelopment including Slumberland headquarters, Bergen Plaza and the Twin Cities Hardware building expansion as well as significant housing renovations. Oakdale also has a large beautiful housing development in the planning stage that includes a mix of housing types, price points and single and multi-family units. Encompassing over 200 acres it is currently the largest new housing development project in the twin cities. Another significant project is the Transit Oriented Development along the soon to be realized Gold Line Bus Rapid Transit line. This development includes a Bus Rapid Transit station with associated parking and the area is being planned for up to 810 units of multifamily housing, up to 360,000 square feet of office and up to 50,000 square feet of retail.
Investment in roads and bridges are also critically important transportation initiatives evidenced by the new Hadley Avenue bridge over Highway 36, beginning construction in the spring of 2019, and our program of annually rebuilding or resurfacing 8 – 12 miles of city roads.
Our Oakdale Area Chamber of Commerce, a vital community organization promoting community events and advocating for productive legislation for the last 25 years, continues to grow and strengthen in its member services.
2. What role do you think the City should have in attracting and retaining jobs, and how would your administration actively solicit new businesses to, and retain existing businesses in, Oakdale?
The City has and will continue to take an active leadership role in economic development of Oakdale and the east metro. This work is led by Bob Streetar, Community Development Director, his staff and the members of the Economic Development Commission.
We take a common-sense approach and a business-oriented point of view towards economic development. Whether it’s a large or small business we know that businesses risk their capital and profits to start new businesses or grow their existing businesses in Oakdale. We address the major common elements that all business look for – among them are; stable and forward looking City government (seasoned department heads/staff and value-driven and experienced elected officials); reasonable and low taxes (conservative and stable levies for the past 10 years); a strong assortment of housing types and values for their employees (Oakdale housing revitalization programs and new housing developments); a great quality of life for residents and employees (well-funded and trained police, fire and public works services, large and varied recreational areas, large number of places to worship, successful and growing Chamber of Commerce); well educated labor force (many private and public grade and secondary schools, and nearby higher education facilities); government assistance when its needed (Oakdale Rehabilitation Loans, MinnPace Loans, Open to Business partnership, the Trillion BTU program partnership with the St. Paul Port Authority, and a streamlined approval process for projects which meet established design guidelines); and good relationships with County, State and Federal leaders to help in coordinating larger activities.
3. Will you commit to hiring a business advocate as a member of your senior staff, to concentrate on business retention and expansion; new business recruitment; and business impact of proposed regulations on the business climate in Oakdale?
Oakdale’s Community Development staff and the members of the Economic Development Commission does great work with economic development and business attraction and retention. In addition, we have access to the County’s Economic Development Professionals so no further increases in staff is planned.
4. Do you support an increase to the minimum wage in Oakdale? If so, what specific steps would you take to understand the impact of an increase on the many types of businesses in Oakdale and do you support proposals to mitigate the effects on businesses like a tip credit, a youth wage, a training wage, and/or a phase-in?
The issues and complexities about minimum wages are many. Ultimately, I believe the businesses owners and managers need to establish the wages for their employees and set those compensation points according to the marketplace and their business strategies. I do not support an increase to the minimum wage.
5. Do you support any other specific employment-related proposals in Oakdale (such as mandatory sick time or scheduling notice)? If so, what specific steps would you take to understand the impact of an increase on the many types of businesses in Oakdale and how would you define any exceptions to those policies?
Oakdale implemented a great PTO program several years ago which is working well to address employee and employer needs. Businesses in Oakdale need to examine their own work environments and employee needs and then create and manage employment programs that meet their needs. There are currently no plans for new programs.
Public safety
6. What is your strategy to address public safety concerns?
Public safety is a key component of increasing the Quality of Life of the residents and businesses of Oakdale. Police Chief Sullivan has the support of the Council in initiating and managing crime prevention programs, community outreach programs, resident and business awareness initiatives and youth diversion programs. Chief Sullivan and the department officers have a strong affiliation and partnership with County initiatives such as CAST, and State and Federal initiatives such as dealing with opiates and other drugs. His department executes his “broken window” philosophy, which essentially states that you can minimize bigger issues if you watch for and take appropriate actions on the smaller issues which arise.
7. What are your priorities for the City’s budget?
Oakdale’s annual budgeting process is interactive and involves multiple discussions, interactions and proposals with residents, department leaders and the Council. The budget supports our priorities of:
- Maintaining our high quality and highly responsive police, fire protection and public works services.
- Increasing the “Quality of Life” for the residents by: having a safe environment; conducting fun, family oriented and memorable experiences like Summerfest, Touch-a Truck, recreation department educational offerings and beautiful parks and swimming beach; encouraging a good mix of high-quality business, retailers, and restaurants; having effective relationships with our partners at the School District, County and State; and ensuring responsive interactions between residents and business and City staff.
- Ensuring new developments are of high quality.
- Maintaining low and reasonable City budgets.
8. How do you view the relationship between commercial and residential property taxes?
We strive for a diversified mix of uses in the City which tends to stabilize tax rates. We understand that the public trust given to us involves being thorough, creative, reasonable and anticipatory in establishing City budgets and property tax rates – knowing it’s the commercial businesses and residents who are funding City operations.
9. What will you do to expand Oakdale’s tax base?
We will continue our aggressive economic development and redevelopment efforts, continue to implement the initiatives that match business needs and community availabilities, and ensure our policies make Oakdale an appealing place to live and work.
Workforce development
10. How will you work with K-12 and post-secondary educational institutions and businesses to ensure our region develops and retains an educated workforce?
Our relationship with School District 622 and nearby post-secondary educational institutions is strong and collaborative. Regular formal meetings and numerous personal relationships and conversations help to confirm current successes, identify needs and spark ideas for new programs. There is general strong support from the city for appropriate school funding.
11. What do you see as the mayor’s role with regard to public schools in Oakdale?
I am a huge supporter of quality public education and also of private schooling options. In many important ways, well-educated people are the future of Oakdale and the East Metro region as education and job skills provide people with options which lead to fulfilling lives. We continue to partner with the schools with recreational offerings like swimming and skating opportunities and work together to utilize land and facilities in a cost-effective manner.
I consider Superintendent Osorio a colleague and don’t hesitate to seek her consul when needed.
12. What is the biggest challenge facing the city and how would you address it?
It seems like the challenge of managing change will be the biggest issue in the near future. This includes changes involving an older and a more diverse population, advancing technology, shortages of a capable workforce, and establishing budgets and tax rates around the priorities established by the residents and Council.
It also involves managing changes in our environment and with our water resources, and managing land-uses in a well-developed city.
Effectively addressing these issues comes from committed people – elected officials, residents, city staff members and business members – to collaboratively establish priorities and the action steps needed to achieve them.
13. What would be your top three priorities if elected?
- Maintaining our high quality and highly responsive police, fire and public works services.
- Increasing the “Quality of Life” for our residents and businesses.
- Maintaining our low and reasonable city budgets and tax rates
14. What do you think should be the city’s top transportation related priority?
Over the last 6 years I’ve worked to establish the new transportation option in Oakdale and the East Metro called the Gold Line Bus Rapid Transit. This option extends from the St. Paul Union Depot station and extends eastward generally located on the north side of I-94. It will be the first bus rapid transit line running primarily in a dedicated lane and it is anticipated that construction may commence by 2020. It’s the top transportation priority because it will offer an “all-day” transportation option for our Oakdale residents and will be another resource for our businesses to more easily recruit employees from other cities.
15. Are there any services currently provided by the city that you believe should be cut back or eliminated? Or, are there new opportunities to share services with other entities?
We have shared services agreements with the City of St. Paul, the School District and other entities designed to take advantage of strengths, equipment or competencies which one party has and which can be shared with others. We evaluate shared service agreements frequently and are looking to establish new ones. Currently the shared services agreements which are in place are serving the Oakdale residents well.
16. Is there anything else you would like to share with voters not covered above?
I think Oakdale is the jewel of the East Metro; we’re a city with large open spaces and beautiful vistas, a well-educated resident population and varied, high quality business establishments. We have long established traditions of fun community events and festivals, service to others, sporting and recreational places and opportunities, and special places of worship and spirituality.
I am very proud to serve as Mayor, and to work with a committed Council and staff members in the City and the many, many volunteers who all contribute to a great City. I hope for the opportunity to serve Oakdale for another four years.
Thank you to the St. Paul Area Chamber of Commerce for creating this candidate forum.