Randy Jessup

Name: Randy Jessup
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 651-324-0293
Website: RandyforRamsey.com
Twitter Handle: @RandyJessup
Facebook Page: Randy Jessup
Candidate Bio
My education background is a Marketing MBA and Chemical Engineering BS from the University of Minnesota as well as a Pre-Engineering BA from Bethel University. Vocation experience includes Pillsbury, Quaker Oats, Ecolab and 17 years as a small business owner. Personal attributes that I offer include the following:
Leadership: Former Minnesota legislator, former franchisee board chair representing 4,300 UPS Stores nationally, current chair of LifePoint’s pastor search committee, former board chair
Collaboration: Authored bipartisan legislation in the Minnesota House, named a 2017 Legislator of Distinction by League of Minnesota Cities, Established UPS Stores at the Minnesota State Fair, Minneapolis Convention Center and Minneapolis Hilton Hotel at their request
Integrity: 25 year resident of the county district (21 in Shoreview, 4 in Vadnais Heights), married to Jan for 36 years, dad of three grown kids, owner of 5 UPS Stores and accountable to customers and employees daily, Eagle Scout
1. Why are you running for this seat?
On June 30, a Pioneer Press article revealed that there was not a single 'no' or abstention vote—nor any public debate—in the Ramsey County Board of Commissioners meetings for all of 2019. Board meetings are held on Tuesday mornings, which limits public involvement. Residents are not being served well when there’s restricted public access, underdeveloped discussions, and a narrow field of ideas. I will pursue increased board transparency and public discourse. I will also challenge the board to consider a broader diversity of perspectives. Board meetings need to shift to evenings for greater resident accessibility.
2. What is the biggest challenge facing your district and how would you address it?
Resolution of the Rice Creek Commons development lawsuit with the city of Arden Hills is the biggest challenge of district 1. The county is demanding a higher residential density for the development after reaffirming the preliminary plan in September 2018. That plan, established in 2016, was approved with public, school district and Minnesota department of transportation involvement. The county now seeks to usurp that public approval process. This is not beneficial for residents, families in the school district or commuters. Resolution is needed. I will take a leadership and collaborative role in this process.
3. What do you believe is the biggest challenge facing Ramsey County as a whole and how would you address it?
Cooperative collaboration with Ramsey County cities benefits residents as well as the profit and nonprofit entities within the county. Public input and engagement are fundamental to healthy decision-making. The current board appears indifferent to accessing public input and in late May filed their lawsuit against the city of Arden Hills. Both of these actions are detrimental. We need commissioner representation that serves the interests of residents, businesses and other organizations of the county.
4. What would be your top three priorities if elected to the Ramsey County Board of Commissioners?
A) I want to foster public discourse and a broader diversity of perspectives for commissioner board meetings. I would also like to shift board meetings to evenings for greater access and engagement of residents and other county stakeholders.
B) Resolution of the Rice Creek Commons conflict and resumption of development is a top priority. The lawsuit should be dismissed and collaborative conversations with the city of Arden Hills should resume.
C) Engagement and collaboration with cities, businesses, residents and other organizations for the economic health of the county is essential. I will pursue and welcome ideas and suggestions from all entities in the county.
5. Should county government be actively involved in attracting and retaining jobs? Why or why not? If yes, please describe the role for the county in this process.
Profit and non-profit organizations are responsible for attracting and retaining their employees. The county should focus on attracting and retaining these organizations for the economic health of the county and our residents.
6. What role should county government play in economic development, and how should the county work with partner organizations?
County government should work collaboratively with cities as well as with developers and other organizations for economic development. Minneapolis and Hennepin County have significant development projects in progress. St. Paul and Ramsey County appear to be falling behind on development relative to our Twin City neighbors across the river. The St. Paul Riverfront and Rice Creek Commons projects are lagging. Greater collaboration is needed.
7. What do you believe are the most essential services provided by county government?
County governments receive funding from state and federal governments as well as from county taxpayers for dispersing assistance to those-in-need throughout the county. County government is also responsible for parks, roads, libraries, public safety and public health.
8. Are there any services that the county does not provide that you believe it should?
None that comes to mind
9. Are there any services currently provided by the county that you believe should be cut back or eliminated?
In any organization all services and offerings should be reviewed regularly for the value that they offer. I would hope that similar evaluations are occurring with respect to all services and offerings provided by the county.
10. How would you characterize the business climate in Ramsey County? What, if anything, would you do to change it?
The majority of development in the Twin Cities is occurring across the river. Most likely the business climate is more conducive to development in Hennepin County than in Ramsey County. There is room for improvement on our side of the river. I would actively pursue the input of other business leaders to enhance the county’s reception and appreciation for the business community.
11. Many communities and government entities in the East Metro collaborate to provide services to their residents in an effort operate more efficiently and cost effectively. Do you believe that Ramsey County uses such partnerships appropriately, and can you identify any specific areas where more sharing of services should be used?
My knowledge on this subject is minimal.
12. In your view, what is Ramsey County’s top transportation priority and how would you advance it?
I would like to see a stronger public transportation solution for access to St. Paul from the airport. Minneapolis and Hennepin County benefit greatly from conventions and tourists due in part to the multiple transportation options available from the airport to the city. Significant economic revenue is enjoyed by Minneapolis, the county and hospitality businesses as a result. There is potential to enhance economic revenue in St. Paul and Ramsey County as well.
13. Is there anything else you would like to share with voters not covered above?
I appreciate the Saint Paul Area Chamber of Commerce for the opportunity to participate in this questionnaire. The opportunity to share with voters my values, beliefs and priorities is greatly appreciated.
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 651-324-0293
Website: RandyforRamsey.com
Twitter Handle: @RandyJessup
Facebook Page: Randy Jessup
Candidate Bio
My education background is a Marketing MBA and Chemical Engineering BS from the University of Minnesota as well as a Pre-Engineering BA from Bethel University. Vocation experience includes Pillsbury, Quaker Oats, Ecolab and 17 years as a small business owner. Personal attributes that I offer include the following:
Leadership: Former Minnesota legislator, former franchisee board chair representing 4,300 UPS Stores nationally, current chair of LifePoint’s pastor search committee, former board chair
Collaboration: Authored bipartisan legislation in the Minnesota House, named a 2017 Legislator of Distinction by League of Minnesota Cities, Established UPS Stores at the Minnesota State Fair, Minneapolis Convention Center and Minneapolis Hilton Hotel at their request
Integrity: 25 year resident of the county district (21 in Shoreview, 4 in Vadnais Heights), married to Jan for 36 years, dad of three grown kids, owner of 5 UPS Stores and accountable to customers and employees daily, Eagle Scout
1. Why are you running for this seat?
On June 30, a Pioneer Press article revealed that there was not a single 'no' or abstention vote—nor any public debate—in the Ramsey County Board of Commissioners meetings for all of 2019. Board meetings are held on Tuesday mornings, which limits public involvement. Residents are not being served well when there’s restricted public access, underdeveloped discussions, and a narrow field of ideas. I will pursue increased board transparency and public discourse. I will also challenge the board to consider a broader diversity of perspectives. Board meetings need to shift to evenings for greater resident accessibility.
2. What is the biggest challenge facing your district and how would you address it?
Resolution of the Rice Creek Commons development lawsuit with the city of Arden Hills is the biggest challenge of district 1. The county is demanding a higher residential density for the development after reaffirming the preliminary plan in September 2018. That plan, established in 2016, was approved with public, school district and Minnesota department of transportation involvement. The county now seeks to usurp that public approval process. This is not beneficial for residents, families in the school district or commuters. Resolution is needed. I will take a leadership and collaborative role in this process.
3. What do you believe is the biggest challenge facing Ramsey County as a whole and how would you address it?
Cooperative collaboration with Ramsey County cities benefits residents as well as the profit and nonprofit entities within the county. Public input and engagement are fundamental to healthy decision-making. The current board appears indifferent to accessing public input and in late May filed their lawsuit against the city of Arden Hills. Both of these actions are detrimental. We need commissioner representation that serves the interests of residents, businesses and other organizations of the county.
4. What would be your top three priorities if elected to the Ramsey County Board of Commissioners?
A) I want to foster public discourse and a broader diversity of perspectives for commissioner board meetings. I would also like to shift board meetings to evenings for greater access and engagement of residents and other county stakeholders.
B) Resolution of the Rice Creek Commons conflict and resumption of development is a top priority. The lawsuit should be dismissed and collaborative conversations with the city of Arden Hills should resume.
C) Engagement and collaboration with cities, businesses, residents and other organizations for the economic health of the county is essential. I will pursue and welcome ideas and suggestions from all entities in the county.
5. Should county government be actively involved in attracting and retaining jobs? Why or why not? If yes, please describe the role for the county in this process.
Profit and non-profit organizations are responsible for attracting and retaining their employees. The county should focus on attracting and retaining these organizations for the economic health of the county and our residents.
6. What role should county government play in economic development, and how should the county work with partner organizations?
County government should work collaboratively with cities as well as with developers and other organizations for economic development. Minneapolis and Hennepin County have significant development projects in progress. St. Paul and Ramsey County appear to be falling behind on development relative to our Twin City neighbors across the river. The St. Paul Riverfront and Rice Creek Commons projects are lagging. Greater collaboration is needed.
7. What do you believe are the most essential services provided by county government?
County governments receive funding from state and federal governments as well as from county taxpayers for dispersing assistance to those-in-need throughout the county. County government is also responsible for parks, roads, libraries, public safety and public health.
8. Are there any services that the county does not provide that you believe it should?
None that comes to mind
9. Are there any services currently provided by the county that you believe should be cut back or eliminated?
In any organization all services and offerings should be reviewed regularly for the value that they offer. I would hope that similar evaluations are occurring with respect to all services and offerings provided by the county.
10. How would you characterize the business climate in Ramsey County? What, if anything, would you do to change it?
The majority of development in the Twin Cities is occurring across the river. Most likely the business climate is more conducive to development in Hennepin County than in Ramsey County. There is room for improvement on our side of the river. I would actively pursue the input of other business leaders to enhance the county’s reception and appreciation for the business community.
11. Many communities and government entities in the East Metro collaborate to provide services to their residents in an effort operate more efficiently and cost effectively. Do you believe that Ramsey County uses such partnerships appropriately, and can you identify any specific areas where more sharing of services should be used?
My knowledge on this subject is minimal.
12. In your view, what is Ramsey County’s top transportation priority and how would you advance it?
I would like to see a stronger public transportation solution for access to St. Paul from the airport. Minneapolis and Hennepin County benefit greatly from conventions and tourists due in part to the multiple transportation options available from the airport to the city. Significant economic revenue is enjoyed by Minneapolis, the county and hospitality businesses as a result. There is potential to enhance economic revenue in St. Paul and Ramsey County as well.
13. Is there anything else you would like to share with voters not covered above?
I appreciate the Saint Paul Area Chamber of Commerce for the opportunity to participate in this questionnaire. The opportunity to share with voters my values, beliefs and priorities is greatly appreciated.