Robert (Bob) Morse
Name: Robert (Bob) Morse
Public Office Sought: Vadnais Heights City Council
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 651-208-8417
Facebook Page: Bob Morse for City Council
Candidate Bio
My wife Diane and I have been married for 24 years and have two college age children, Luke and Maddie. We moved from Roseville to Vadnais in 2000 when our children were five and two, beginning their school journeys at Vadnais Elementary to graduation at South Campus from White Bear Lake Area Schools. They are both proud Bears, through and through!
I hold a BS Degree in AgEd and a Master of Education Degree from the University of MN. I am a Community Business Banker located in White Bear Lake and have been in this industry for 25 years. The best way to know your neighbors is to get involved. I am active in the WBLA Chamber, VHEDC Board, NE Residence Board Treasurer, Educational Foundation Board, WBL Rotary and Past President, Schools Strategic Planning, Capital Campaigns for the Arts and Lakeshore, Ramsey County Youth Committee and Past Chair, Past Chair Ramsey County WIB, Senior Forum, YMCA Y Partners, Workforce Issue, and others. I view myself as a no-nonsense, level headed, common sense candidate, and have lead many organizations. I know what the heartbeat of a community is, and what the process is to determine residents’ need. I hope to be chosen as your representative in our local government.
Business climate
1. How would you characterize the business climate in Vadnais Heights?
Over many years, I have been consistently and actively involved in both the Chamber of Commerce Grow MN Program, and VHEDC BR&E (Business Retention & Expansion) committee in partnership with the U of MN Extension Service on Economic Development. Area employers are interviewed by volunteers and areas of improvement within a community, region and state are identified. Issues such as city center development, places to eat and shop, fire inspection fee policy, communication with the local, county and state government, job fair to attract employees, connect available industry grants to local businesses for growth, etc… This process has given tangible insights to us as to what is needed for the business community and not only to make it good, but to make it vibrant! Vibrancy of the business community is a often a reflection of the vibrancy of the whole.
2. What role do you think the City should have in attracting and retaining jobs and what steps would you take to solicit new businesses to, and retain existing businesses in, Vadnais Heights?
I am a strong supporter of the VHEDC (Vadnais Heights Economic Development Corp), as I am presently on the Board of Directors as a volunteer. The city should use all of its tools to promote business opportunities and development. As a candidate, I have amassed a healthy network of business, organizational and private contacts and as a council member I would be able to leverage that network to bring more opportunities to our city.
3. Would you support hiring a business advocate as a member of the city senior staff, to concentrate on business retention and expansion; new business recruitment; and business impact of proposed regulations on the business climate in Vadnais Heights?
In Vadnais, we have something that so many surrounding cities don’t have an economic development corporation in VHEDC. I am a strong advocate for this non-profit organization with BR&E, voice of business advocacy issues, proactive marketing and economic development. I am also a strong proponent of good stewardship of our tax dollars and bring experience as to how a budget works. Therefore, I would have to weigh the effectiveness and ROI of such a position since I consider this role is taken. I would consider retention and viability of VHEDC to be an important factor.
4. Do you support an increase to the minimum wage in Vadnais Heights? If so, what specific steps would you take to understand the impact of an increase on the many types of businesses in Vadnais Heights and do you support proposals to mitigate the effects on businesses like a tip credit, a youth wage, a training wage, and/or a phase-in?
No. I believe that cities should not adopt functions of the state, and that minimum wage is set by the State of Minnesota. I realize other cities, primarily Minneapolis and St. Paul are taking this position, and that they are enforcing the city statutes on any business that is doing business within its boundaries. I am against this practice. I would like the market to set the wages vs an artificial pre-set. With that said, I am for paid internships in the Workforce Gap to spark a renewed interest in skilled labor such as manufacturing, IT, Healthcare and construction. In fact, I have a large role in bringing this issue to VHEDC and am part of this very program called GenZ creating internships for our high school students being instituted with various organizations in partnership of VHEDC, Career Pathways District 624, Ramsey County and DEED, Manufacturing businesses providing experience, WBL Educational Foundation and Century College.
5. Do you support any other specific employment-related proposals in Vadnais Heights (such as mandatory sick time or scheduling notice)? If so, what specific steps would you take to understand the impact of an increase on the many types of businesses in Vadnais Heights and how would you define any exceptions to those policies?
Local government provides for infrastructure, public safety and peacekeeping, energy and utility services, among others. I do not believe that mandatory sick time or scheduling is part of that role, and would be an over reach of government.
Public safety
6. What is your strategy to address public safety concerns?
I am thankful for those that serve in community policing, firefighting and emergency responders. We should continue to support our VH Fire Dept and Ramsey County Sheriff. I would also like to re-develop and revive neighborhood watch groups and build pride through neighborhood activities, encourage park lighting (which I did for our local neighborhood park and 911 calls are way down), neighborhood lighting where needed and increased patrols in certain areas. I have noticed predatory garage and car break-in’s, especially in senior resident areas that have grabbed my attention.
7. What are your priorities for the City’s budget?
Ensure proper stewardship of our tax dollars, monitor the new franchise ‘fee’ on all citizens and businesses and maintenance plan of our streets to be more efficient in ROI goals.
8. How do you view the relationship between commercial and residential property taxes?
There are many variables in collected taxes for city, county, state and municipalities. Commercial entities create income and are taxed more heavily than residential properties.
9. What will you do to expand Vadnais Heights’ tax base?
Increase and enhance business opportunities. Our town is in a very enviable position in that we are between two major thoroughfares. We have a good start as a destination but recent studies have found that we must continue to increase our residents and our many existing area businesses with the things that make our City great! Secondly, we have an exquisite crown jewel in the Ramsey County Regional Park on the west end of our city, but this has never been leveraged as a destination. We need to take advantage of existing resources for future growth. More tangible culture and more cohesive community. Next is development. For example, the abandoned Garceau Hardware Site redevelopment discussions need to be continued for our residents and tax revenue to flow in order to decrease tax burdens for all. Recent discussions have swirled around the new apartment building proposals at County Road F and Centerville Road, and there needs to be some common ground. We don't have a lot of development space left in the city, so any future development discussions also need to make sense for the greater good.
Workforce development
10. How will you work with K-12 and post-secondary educational institutions and businesses to ensure our region develops and retains an educated workforce?
I touched on that in #5 with GenZ. You need to lay groundwork, and to get involved with the problem solving. I was a member of the “strategic 30” that was a part of the strategic planning team for District 624 as the sole for profit member. It was important to identify the issues of incorporating a pride of ownership of our students. I worked with other team members to incorporate an atmosphere of partnership and ownership with external business, employers, organizations and my hope is to increase to tap into the wealth of knowledge and experience of our senior population. I am also VP Development for the WBL Area Educational Foundation (WBLAEF) and working with school staff and parents.
11. What are plans for continuing to support work experiences like the Youth Skills Training program and other initiatives that provide funding and support for businesses to partner with schools to build the workforce?
To continue the discussion from #5, it is very important to continue to expand this program, thereby providing opportunities for our students. I will support these initiatives as they develop, and VHEDC is at the forefront of this work in the area.
12. What do you see as the city council’s role with regard to Vadnais Heights Public Schools?
Mounds View District 621 and WBL District 624 both serve Vadnais, and we have charter schools AFSA and Gentry in the city limits. It is important to continue to connect the schools and business community to continue to enhance vibrant growth for Vadnais Heights . The role of the council is to be a conduit for marketing of the activities and to leverage existing and future relationships to build bridges.
13. What is the biggest challenge facing the city and how would you address it?
The biggest challenge is development (new Apt issue) and re-development (ie Garceau site). This issue has surpassed the franchise fee implementation. There are many pros and cons to the development for apartment buildings and re-development of various sites, but there is a process to go through the Planning Commission and identify issues, and then recommended to the council. At the end of the day, decisions arrived at need to make sense for the greater good of the residents of Vadnais Heights and meet the laws that are in force.
14. What would be your top three priorities if elected?
Infrastructure of streets and bridges, Increase business opportunities and development to increase tax base while meeting the needs for the greater good of Vadnais residents.
15. What do you think should be the city’s top transportation related priority?
I have been appointed the VH Representative by the city for the Rush Line initiative advisory committee. This is to review the plans for a direct bus line along Hwy 61 to the East of the city. We are also reviewing standard bus service along County Road E for employees, shopping and transport to the Park and Ride located near Wal-Mart on 35E.
16. Are there any services currently provided by the city that you believe should be cut back or eliminated? Or, are there new opportunities to share services with other entities?
The proposed franchise fees need to be monitored and transparent. Street maintenance plan needs to be communicated.
17. Is there anything else you would like to share with voters not covered above?
Enhance our trail systems and connect to the Bruce Vento Trail. I have suggested to the county to look at bike share at the Rush Line stops. I would like to build the sense of history as well by adding historical markers to our trail systems. We have a solid history but it is not well known.
Public Office Sought: Vadnais Heights City Council
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 651-208-8417
Facebook Page: Bob Morse for City Council
Candidate Bio
My wife Diane and I have been married for 24 years and have two college age children, Luke and Maddie. We moved from Roseville to Vadnais in 2000 when our children were five and two, beginning their school journeys at Vadnais Elementary to graduation at South Campus from White Bear Lake Area Schools. They are both proud Bears, through and through!
I hold a BS Degree in AgEd and a Master of Education Degree from the University of MN. I am a Community Business Banker located in White Bear Lake and have been in this industry for 25 years. The best way to know your neighbors is to get involved. I am active in the WBLA Chamber, VHEDC Board, NE Residence Board Treasurer, Educational Foundation Board, WBL Rotary and Past President, Schools Strategic Planning, Capital Campaigns for the Arts and Lakeshore, Ramsey County Youth Committee and Past Chair, Past Chair Ramsey County WIB, Senior Forum, YMCA Y Partners, Workforce Issue, and others. I view myself as a no-nonsense, level headed, common sense candidate, and have lead many organizations. I know what the heartbeat of a community is, and what the process is to determine residents’ need. I hope to be chosen as your representative in our local government.
Business climate
1. How would you characterize the business climate in Vadnais Heights?
Over many years, I have been consistently and actively involved in both the Chamber of Commerce Grow MN Program, and VHEDC BR&E (Business Retention & Expansion) committee in partnership with the U of MN Extension Service on Economic Development. Area employers are interviewed by volunteers and areas of improvement within a community, region and state are identified. Issues such as city center development, places to eat and shop, fire inspection fee policy, communication with the local, county and state government, job fair to attract employees, connect available industry grants to local businesses for growth, etc… This process has given tangible insights to us as to what is needed for the business community and not only to make it good, but to make it vibrant! Vibrancy of the business community is a often a reflection of the vibrancy of the whole.
2. What role do you think the City should have in attracting and retaining jobs and what steps would you take to solicit new businesses to, and retain existing businesses in, Vadnais Heights?
I am a strong supporter of the VHEDC (Vadnais Heights Economic Development Corp), as I am presently on the Board of Directors as a volunteer. The city should use all of its tools to promote business opportunities and development. As a candidate, I have amassed a healthy network of business, organizational and private contacts and as a council member I would be able to leverage that network to bring more opportunities to our city.
3. Would you support hiring a business advocate as a member of the city senior staff, to concentrate on business retention and expansion; new business recruitment; and business impact of proposed regulations on the business climate in Vadnais Heights?
In Vadnais, we have something that so many surrounding cities don’t have an economic development corporation in VHEDC. I am a strong advocate for this non-profit organization with BR&E, voice of business advocacy issues, proactive marketing and economic development. I am also a strong proponent of good stewardship of our tax dollars and bring experience as to how a budget works. Therefore, I would have to weigh the effectiveness and ROI of such a position since I consider this role is taken. I would consider retention and viability of VHEDC to be an important factor.
4. Do you support an increase to the minimum wage in Vadnais Heights? If so, what specific steps would you take to understand the impact of an increase on the many types of businesses in Vadnais Heights and do you support proposals to mitigate the effects on businesses like a tip credit, a youth wage, a training wage, and/or a phase-in?
No. I believe that cities should not adopt functions of the state, and that minimum wage is set by the State of Minnesota. I realize other cities, primarily Minneapolis and St. Paul are taking this position, and that they are enforcing the city statutes on any business that is doing business within its boundaries. I am against this practice. I would like the market to set the wages vs an artificial pre-set. With that said, I am for paid internships in the Workforce Gap to spark a renewed interest in skilled labor such as manufacturing, IT, Healthcare and construction. In fact, I have a large role in bringing this issue to VHEDC and am part of this very program called GenZ creating internships for our high school students being instituted with various organizations in partnership of VHEDC, Career Pathways District 624, Ramsey County and DEED, Manufacturing businesses providing experience, WBL Educational Foundation and Century College.
5. Do you support any other specific employment-related proposals in Vadnais Heights (such as mandatory sick time or scheduling notice)? If so, what specific steps would you take to understand the impact of an increase on the many types of businesses in Vadnais Heights and how would you define any exceptions to those policies?
Local government provides for infrastructure, public safety and peacekeeping, energy and utility services, among others. I do not believe that mandatory sick time or scheduling is part of that role, and would be an over reach of government.
Public safety
6. What is your strategy to address public safety concerns?
I am thankful for those that serve in community policing, firefighting and emergency responders. We should continue to support our VH Fire Dept and Ramsey County Sheriff. I would also like to re-develop and revive neighborhood watch groups and build pride through neighborhood activities, encourage park lighting (which I did for our local neighborhood park and 911 calls are way down), neighborhood lighting where needed and increased patrols in certain areas. I have noticed predatory garage and car break-in’s, especially in senior resident areas that have grabbed my attention.
7. What are your priorities for the City’s budget?
Ensure proper stewardship of our tax dollars, monitor the new franchise ‘fee’ on all citizens and businesses and maintenance plan of our streets to be more efficient in ROI goals.
8. How do you view the relationship between commercial and residential property taxes?
There are many variables in collected taxes for city, county, state and municipalities. Commercial entities create income and are taxed more heavily than residential properties.
9. What will you do to expand Vadnais Heights’ tax base?
Increase and enhance business opportunities. Our town is in a very enviable position in that we are between two major thoroughfares. We have a good start as a destination but recent studies have found that we must continue to increase our residents and our many existing area businesses with the things that make our City great! Secondly, we have an exquisite crown jewel in the Ramsey County Regional Park on the west end of our city, but this has never been leveraged as a destination. We need to take advantage of existing resources for future growth. More tangible culture and more cohesive community. Next is development. For example, the abandoned Garceau Hardware Site redevelopment discussions need to be continued for our residents and tax revenue to flow in order to decrease tax burdens for all. Recent discussions have swirled around the new apartment building proposals at County Road F and Centerville Road, and there needs to be some common ground. We don't have a lot of development space left in the city, so any future development discussions also need to make sense for the greater good.
Workforce development
10. How will you work with K-12 and post-secondary educational institutions and businesses to ensure our region develops and retains an educated workforce?
I touched on that in #5 with GenZ. You need to lay groundwork, and to get involved with the problem solving. I was a member of the “strategic 30” that was a part of the strategic planning team for District 624 as the sole for profit member. It was important to identify the issues of incorporating a pride of ownership of our students. I worked with other team members to incorporate an atmosphere of partnership and ownership with external business, employers, organizations and my hope is to increase to tap into the wealth of knowledge and experience of our senior population. I am also VP Development for the WBL Area Educational Foundation (WBLAEF) and working with school staff and parents.
11. What are plans for continuing to support work experiences like the Youth Skills Training program and other initiatives that provide funding and support for businesses to partner with schools to build the workforce?
To continue the discussion from #5, it is very important to continue to expand this program, thereby providing opportunities for our students. I will support these initiatives as they develop, and VHEDC is at the forefront of this work in the area.
12. What do you see as the city council’s role with regard to Vadnais Heights Public Schools?
Mounds View District 621 and WBL District 624 both serve Vadnais, and we have charter schools AFSA and Gentry in the city limits. It is important to continue to connect the schools and business community to continue to enhance vibrant growth for Vadnais Heights . The role of the council is to be a conduit for marketing of the activities and to leverage existing and future relationships to build bridges.
13. What is the biggest challenge facing the city and how would you address it?
The biggest challenge is development (new Apt issue) and re-development (ie Garceau site). This issue has surpassed the franchise fee implementation. There are many pros and cons to the development for apartment buildings and re-development of various sites, but there is a process to go through the Planning Commission and identify issues, and then recommended to the council. At the end of the day, decisions arrived at need to make sense for the greater good of the residents of Vadnais Heights and meet the laws that are in force.
14. What would be your top three priorities if elected?
Infrastructure of streets and bridges, Increase business opportunities and development to increase tax base while meeting the needs for the greater good of Vadnais residents.
15. What do you think should be the city’s top transportation related priority?
I have been appointed the VH Representative by the city for the Rush Line initiative advisory committee. This is to review the plans for a direct bus line along Hwy 61 to the East of the city. We are also reviewing standard bus service along County Road E for employees, shopping and transport to the Park and Ride located near Wal-Mart on 35E.
16. Are there any services currently provided by the city that you believe should be cut back or eliminated? Or, are there new opportunities to share services with other entities?
The proposed franchise fees need to be monitored and transparent. Street maintenance plan needs to be communicated.
17. Is there anything else you would like to share with voters not covered above?
Enhance our trail systems and connect to the Bruce Vento Trail. I have suggested to the county to look at bike share at the Rush Line stops. I would like to build the sense of history as well by adding historical markers to our trail systems. We have a solid history but it is not well known.