Sharon Anderson - Saint Paul Ward 2

Name: Sharon Anderson
Public Office Sought: Saint Paul City Council
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 651-776-5835
Twitter Handle: @sharon4anderson
Facebook: Sharon Anderson
Candidate Bio
Self taught Blogger Home Town, Homegrown Legal Research Analyst,tracking City Hall over 40 yrs.Similarily Situated Homeowners,Seniors,Disable and Vunerable who cannot Speak or Fight4themselves. Sharon must Educate the Public on Sharia Law, Influx of Muslins who take their Oath on the Quran,contrary to USA Constitution. Sharon Learned about Law and Computers. Exposing Government Misconduct re QuiTam Relator.
Business climate
1. How would you characterize the business climate in Saint Paul?
Poor - Government take over on our Trash,ShakeDown on Housing Issues re USSC 10-1032 titled Magner vs Gallagher
our cases that started independent of each other, but the claims were so similar that the federal court combined them. Most of the cases claimed RICO (racketeering) on the part of the city employees.
the City’s Housing Code enforcement temporarily, if not permanently, burdened Appellants’ rental businesses, which indirectly burdened their tenants.
2. What role do you think the City should have in attracting and retaining jobs, and what steps would you take to solicit new businesses to, and retain existing businesses in, Saint Paul?
When the City,County become Law Breakers, Breeds Contempt4Law Lower Taxes, Downsize.
3. Would you support hiring a business advocate as a member of the city senior staff, to concentrate on business retention and expansion; new business recruitment; and business impact of proposed regulations on the business climate in Saint Paul?
Perez may have exceeded the scope of the ethics and professional responsibility opinions he received from the Department and thereby violated his duties of loyalty and confidentiality to the United States. Perez also misled senior Justice Department officials about the quid pro quo when he misinformed then-Associate Attorney General Thomas Perrelli about the reasons for Magner’s withdrawal. The quid pro quo between the Department of Justice and the City of St. Paul, Minnesota, is largely the result of the machinations of one man: Assistant Attorney General Thomas Perez. Yet the consequences of his actions will negatively affect not only Fredrick Newell and the lowincome residents of St. Paul who he championed. The effects of this quid pro quo will be felt by future whistleblowers who act courageously, and often at great personal risk, to fight fraud and identify waste on behalf of federal taxpayers. The effects of withdrawing Magner will be felt by the minority tenants in St. Paul who, due to the case’s challenge to the City’s housing code, continue to live with rampant rodent infestations and inadequate plumbing. The effects of sacrificing Newell’s case will cost American taxpayers the opportunity to recover up to $200 million and allow St. Paul’s misdeeds to go unpunished. Far more troubling, however, is the fundamental damage that this quid pro quo has done to the rule of law in the United States and to the reputation of the Department of Justice as a fair and impartial arbiter of justice.
4. Do you support any other specific employment-related proposals in Saint Paul (such as mandatory scheduling notice)? If so, what specific steps would you take to understand the impact of an increase on the many types of businesses in Saint Paul and how would you define any exceptions to those policies?
Eliminate Excessive Consumption/Inspections/Abatement, without Valid Complaints,Warrants, Railroaded thro Council on Consent Agenda, Affiant and others do not Consent to this Ponzi Taxing,Fee, Scheme with 4%interest to Steal our Homestead Propertys.
5. Would you support modifying or repealing the new earned sick and safe time or minimum wage ordinances that apply to the city? If so, how?
Public safety
6. What is your strategy to address public safety concerns?
Sharon duly Supports President Donald Trumps effort to Build the Wall, Immigration
Reform, if your not Legal, then Leave,
If the Laws are not Broken or Bended then don't fix it.
7. What are your priorities for the City’s budget?
Housing Trust, Homeless, Stop the Bloat, or Walk the Plank of Bankruptsy.
8. How do you view the relationship between commercial and residential property taxes?
Unfair contrary to MN Constution Art X and Separation of Powers Art. III.
9. What will you do to expand Saint Paul’s tax base?
Downsize and Abolish Property Taxes and RICO Assessments. Tax all Non Profits,Churchs etc.
Workforce development
10. How will you work with K-12 and post-secondary educational institutions and businesses to ensure our region develops and retains an educated workforce?
PROMOTE Home Schooling, Sharon is Self Taught as others must also have the Passion,Prudence,and Patience to expose the Ponzi Taxing Scheme of City,County,State,
11. What do you see as the city council’s role with regard to public schools in Saint Paul?
None as the School Board. has Authority/Jurisdiction
12. What is the biggest challenge facing the city and how would you address it?
Disparity in all Housing Matters, Taxes, RICO Acts by City Official must be abated, All e-mails and e commerce
must be addressed. The Department of Justice entered into a quid pro quo arrangement with the City of St. Paul, Minnesota, in which the Department agreed to decline intervention in United States ex rel. Newell v. City of St. Paul and United States ex rel. Ellis v. City of St. Paul et al. in exchange for the City withdrawing Magner v. Gallagher from the Supreme Court. • The quid pro quo was a direct result of Assistant Attorney General Perez’s successful efforts to pressure the Department of Housing and Urban Development, the U.S. Attorney’s Office in Minnesota, and the Civil Division within the Department of Justice to reconsider their support for Newell in the context of the proposal to withdraw Magner. • The initial development of the quid pro quo by senior political appointees, and the subsequent 180 degree change of position, confused and frustrated the career Department of Justice attorneys responsible for enforcing the False Claims Act, who described the situation as “weirdness,” “ridiculous,” and a case of “cover your head ping pong.” • The reasons given by the Department of Housing and Urban Development for recommending declination in Newell are unsupported by documentary evidence and instead appear to be pretextual post-hoc rationalizations for a purely political decision. • The “consensus” of the federal government to switch its recommendation and decline intervention in Newell was the direct result of Assistant Attorney General Perez manipulating the process and advising and overseeing the communications between the City of St. Paul, the Department of Housing and Urban Development, and the Civil Division within the Department of Justice. • Assistant Attorney General Perez was personally and directly involved in negotiating the mechanics of the quid pro quo with David Lillehaug and he personally agreed to the quid pro quo on behalf of the United States during a closed-door meeting with the Mayor in St. Paul. • Despite the Department of Justice’s contention that the intervention recommendation in Newell was a “close call” and “marginal,” contemporaneous documents show the Department believed that Newell alleged a “particularly egregious example of false certifications” and therefore the United States sacrificed strong allegations of false claims worth as much as $200 million to the Treasury. • Assistant Attorney General Perez offered to arrange for the Department of Housing and Urban Development to provide material to the City of St. Paul to assist the City in its motion to dismiss the Newell whistleblower complaint. This offer was inappropriate and potentially violated Perez’s duty of loyalty to his client, the United States. • Assistant Attorney General Perez attempted to cover up the quid pro quo when he personally instructed career attorneys to omit a discussion of Magner in the declination memos that outlined the reasons for the Department’s decision to decline intervention in Newell and Ellis, and focus instead only “on the merits.
13. What would be your top three priorities if elected?
Housing,Taxes-Fees-Assessments,Enforce MN Constitution Art.X and III Separation of Powers
14. What do you think should be the city’s top transportation related priority?
Quit Stealing our Cars,Trailers,Licenses via Bogus Excessive Resolutions,
Do not raise the Gas Tax, No more Light Rail until the Feds approve Funding.
15. Are there any services currently provided by the city that you believe should be cut back or eliminated? Or, are there new opportunities to share services with other entities?
Combine City and County Boards, Combinge Sheriff and Police, Combine Depts Similar such as DSI and Health,
Eliminate Legislative Hearing Officer, Have the DSI inspectors go straight
to Council with Valid Inspections under the Mayor.
16. Is there anything else you would like to share with voters not covered above?
YES NO WAY SHOULD ANY PERSONS go thro Fighting the City,County and Courts
with Forensic Files, unabated. Affiant VA Widow going Blind, must forever via Love of
President Donald Trump and Country, Make Government Accountable by filing 4 Office
not to Win, but for to Set the Records Straight. Affiant has been reduced to Poverty, Takings of 13 Propertys without Just Compensations is Bizzare.
udit finds no evidence state child-care money funneled to terrorists: An audit of Minnesota's child-care assistance program has found no evidence to substantiate a former state worker's allegation that $100 million was lost to fraud, or that some of the money was funneled to terrorist organizations in Somalia. The report from the Office of Legislative Auditor — an independent arm of the Legislature — did conclude that the level of fraud in the $254 million Child Care Assistance Program is likely higher than the $5 million or $6 million that has been proven by prosecutors. Read the auditor's report here.
Public Office Sought: Saint Paul City Council
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 651-776-5835
Twitter Handle: @sharon4anderson
Facebook: Sharon Anderson
Candidate Bio
Self taught Blogger Home Town, Homegrown Legal Research Analyst,tracking City Hall over 40 yrs.Similarily Situated Homeowners,Seniors,Disable and Vunerable who cannot Speak or Fight4themselves. Sharon must Educate the Public on Sharia Law, Influx of Muslins who take their Oath on the Quran,contrary to USA Constitution. Sharon Learned about Law and Computers. Exposing Government Misconduct re QuiTam Relator.
Business climate
1. How would you characterize the business climate in Saint Paul?
Poor - Government take over on our Trash,ShakeDown on Housing Issues re USSC 10-1032 titled Magner vs Gallagher
our cases that started independent of each other, but the claims were so similar that the federal court combined them. Most of the cases claimed RICO (racketeering) on the part of the city employees.
the City’s Housing Code enforcement temporarily, if not permanently, burdened Appellants’ rental businesses, which indirectly burdened their tenants.
2. What role do you think the City should have in attracting and retaining jobs, and what steps would you take to solicit new businesses to, and retain existing businesses in, Saint Paul?
When the City,County become Law Breakers, Breeds Contempt4Law Lower Taxes, Downsize.
3. Would you support hiring a business advocate as a member of the city senior staff, to concentrate on business retention and expansion; new business recruitment; and business impact of proposed regulations on the business climate in Saint Paul?
Perez may have exceeded the scope of the ethics and professional responsibility opinions he received from the Department and thereby violated his duties of loyalty and confidentiality to the United States. Perez also misled senior Justice Department officials about the quid pro quo when he misinformed then-Associate Attorney General Thomas Perrelli about the reasons for Magner’s withdrawal. The quid pro quo between the Department of Justice and the City of St. Paul, Minnesota, is largely the result of the machinations of one man: Assistant Attorney General Thomas Perez. Yet the consequences of his actions will negatively affect not only Fredrick Newell and the lowincome residents of St. Paul who he championed. The effects of this quid pro quo will be felt by future whistleblowers who act courageously, and often at great personal risk, to fight fraud and identify waste on behalf of federal taxpayers. The effects of withdrawing Magner will be felt by the minority tenants in St. Paul who, due to the case’s challenge to the City’s housing code, continue to live with rampant rodent infestations and inadequate plumbing. The effects of sacrificing Newell’s case will cost American taxpayers the opportunity to recover up to $200 million and allow St. Paul’s misdeeds to go unpunished. Far more troubling, however, is the fundamental damage that this quid pro quo has done to the rule of law in the United States and to the reputation of the Department of Justice as a fair and impartial arbiter of justice.
4. Do you support any other specific employment-related proposals in Saint Paul (such as mandatory scheduling notice)? If so, what specific steps would you take to understand the impact of an increase on the many types of businesses in Saint Paul and how would you define any exceptions to those policies?
Eliminate Excessive Consumption/Inspections/Abatement, without Valid Complaints,Warrants, Railroaded thro Council on Consent Agenda, Affiant and others do not Consent to this Ponzi Taxing,Fee, Scheme with 4%interest to Steal our Homestead Propertys.
5. Would you support modifying or repealing the new earned sick and safe time or minimum wage ordinances that apply to the city? If so, how?
Public safety
6. What is your strategy to address public safety concerns?
Sharon duly Supports President Donald Trumps effort to Build the Wall, Immigration
Reform, if your not Legal, then Leave,
If the Laws are not Broken or Bended then don't fix it.
7. What are your priorities for the City’s budget?
Housing Trust, Homeless, Stop the Bloat, or Walk the Plank of Bankruptsy.
8. How do you view the relationship between commercial and residential property taxes?
Unfair contrary to MN Constution Art X and Separation of Powers Art. III.
9. What will you do to expand Saint Paul’s tax base?
Downsize and Abolish Property Taxes and RICO Assessments. Tax all Non Profits,Churchs etc.
Workforce development
10. How will you work with K-12 and post-secondary educational institutions and businesses to ensure our region develops and retains an educated workforce?
PROMOTE Home Schooling, Sharon is Self Taught as others must also have the Passion,Prudence,and Patience to expose the Ponzi Taxing Scheme of City,County,State,
11. What do you see as the city council’s role with regard to public schools in Saint Paul?
None as the School Board. has Authority/Jurisdiction
12. What is the biggest challenge facing the city and how would you address it?
Disparity in all Housing Matters, Taxes, RICO Acts by City Official must be abated, All e-mails and e commerce
must be addressed. The Department of Justice entered into a quid pro quo arrangement with the City of St. Paul, Minnesota, in which the Department agreed to decline intervention in United States ex rel. Newell v. City of St. Paul and United States ex rel. Ellis v. City of St. Paul et al. in exchange for the City withdrawing Magner v. Gallagher from the Supreme Court. • The quid pro quo was a direct result of Assistant Attorney General Perez’s successful efforts to pressure the Department of Housing and Urban Development, the U.S. Attorney’s Office in Minnesota, and the Civil Division within the Department of Justice to reconsider their support for Newell in the context of the proposal to withdraw Magner. • The initial development of the quid pro quo by senior political appointees, and the subsequent 180 degree change of position, confused and frustrated the career Department of Justice attorneys responsible for enforcing the False Claims Act, who described the situation as “weirdness,” “ridiculous,” and a case of “cover your head ping pong.” • The reasons given by the Department of Housing and Urban Development for recommending declination in Newell are unsupported by documentary evidence and instead appear to be pretextual post-hoc rationalizations for a purely political decision. • The “consensus” of the federal government to switch its recommendation and decline intervention in Newell was the direct result of Assistant Attorney General Perez manipulating the process and advising and overseeing the communications between the City of St. Paul, the Department of Housing and Urban Development, and the Civil Division within the Department of Justice. • Assistant Attorney General Perez was personally and directly involved in negotiating the mechanics of the quid pro quo with David Lillehaug and he personally agreed to the quid pro quo on behalf of the United States during a closed-door meeting with the Mayor in St. Paul. • Despite the Department of Justice’s contention that the intervention recommendation in Newell was a “close call” and “marginal,” contemporaneous documents show the Department believed that Newell alleged a “particularly egregious example of false certifications” and therefore the United States sacrificed strong allegations of false claims worth as much as $200 million to the Treasury. • Assistant Attorney General Perez offered to arrange for the Department of Housing and Urban Development to provide material to the City of St. Paul to assist the City in its motion to dismiss the Newell whistleblower complaint. This offer was inappropriate and potentially violated Perez’s duty of loyalty to his client, the United States. • Assistant Attorney General Perez attempted to cover up the quid pro quo when he personally instructed career attorneys to omit a discussion of Magner in the declination memos that outlined the reasons for the Department’s decision to decline intervention in Newell and Ellis, and focus instead only “on the merits.
13. What would be your top three priorities if elected?
Housing,Taxes-Fees-Assessments,Enforce MN Constitution Art.X and III Separation of Powers
14. What do you think should be the city’s top transportation related priority?
Quit Stealing our Cars,Trailers,Licenses via Bogus Excessive Resolutions,
Do not raise the Gas Tax, No more Light Rail until the Feds approve Funding.
15. Are there any services currently provided by the city that you believe should be cut back or eliminated? Or, are there new opportunities to share services with other entities?
Combine City and County Boards, Combinge Sheriff and Police, Combine Depts Similar such as DSI and Health,
Eliminate Legislative Hearing Officer, Have the DSI inspectors go straight
to Council with Valid Inspections under the Mayor.
16. Is there anything else you would like to share with voters not covered above?
YES NO WAY SHOULD ANY PERSONS go thro Fighting the City,County and Courts
with Forensic Files, unabated. Affiant VA Widow going Blind, must forever via Love of
President Donald Trump and Country, Make Government Accountable by filing 4 Office
not to Win, but for to Set the Records Straight. Affiant has been reduced to Poverty, Takings of 13 Propertys without Just Compensations is Bizzare.
udit finds no evidence state child-care money funneled to terrorists: An audit of Minnesota's child-care assistance program has found no evidence to substantiate a former state worker's allegation that $100 million was lost to fraud, or that some of the money was funneled to terrorist organizations in Somalia. The report from the Office of Legislative Auditor — an independent arm of the Legislature — did conclude that the level of fraud in the $254 million Child Care Assistance Program is likely higher than the $5 million or $6 million that has been proven by prosecutors. Read the auditor's report here.