Steve Dennis

Name: Steve Dennis
Public Office Sought: Cottage Grove City Council
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 651-283-1929
Twitter: @SteveDennisCG
Facebook: Steve Dennis - Cottage Grove City Council Member
Candidate Bio
I was elected in November 2014 and have brought a reasonable, considerate, and business-minded leadership to civic issues that impact our residents and their families as well as our business investors and all who live, work, and care about Cottage Grove’s future.
As Council member, I currently serve as Vice President of the Cottage Grove Economic Development Authority, Mayor-Pro Tem, and act as liaison for the Planning Commission, Investment Committee and the City’s Housing Taskforce.
I see a vibrant future for Cottage Grove and have focused on fulfilling promises to improve our economic viability. By relying on expertise as a local business owner and a professional manager with over 30 years of experience, I assisted in guiding innovative solutions that have achieved recognized results.
My slogan is “Local Business Owner working for you!” and I have lived up to this by contributing in a hands-on fashion toward a multitude of projects and management oversight designed to achieve optimal results across all departments. Through the orchestration of running the “people’s business”, delivering high value and resident satisfaction is my top priority. I’m a collaborative leader and support transparency and an inclusive process while working to serve the entire community.
Business climate
1. How would you characterize the business climate in Cottage Grove?
Economic Development is one of my personal passions and areas of high-interest. Based upon our management directions, the term “Cottage Grove is open for business” clearly applies. Whether creating “shovel ready” space in our industrial business park, or structuring our permitting processes for ease of use, or the substantial marketing efforts we undertake to promote our city to investors, we are in the midst of the greatest period of extended economic development growth in the history of our community!
In 2017, we set a watermark record by achieving over $164 million dollars in residential and commercial permit valuation. The three and a quarter-year total encompassing my tenure on the Council has resulted in over $320 million dollars to date!
As I’m writing, Cottage Grove is again being featured by the Minneapolis/St. Paul Business Journal for another new entry into our Business Park. In fact, the amount of coverage we’ve received lately has resulted in a “buzz” regarding the success of our area in attracting new business opportunities as well as expansions of our current investors. Whether receiving mention from Greater MSP, East Metro Strong, or other leading business associations, Cottage Grove has been the “talk of the town”!
2. What role do you think the City should have in attracting and retaining jobs, and what steps would you take to solicit new businesses to, and retain existing businesses in, Cottage Grove?
One of our strategic Council directives involves “Positioning the City for Growth”. This has been one of our top priorities and has resulted in much of the above indicated success. We use a plethora of tools to assist in this starting with the efforts of our Economic Development Team. In the past year, we have introduced two enhancements to aid in business creation and sustainability.
The first was a Business Retention and Expansion (BR&E) program performed in conjunction with the University of Minnesota Extension. The objectives included: demonstrating support for local businesses, helping to solve immediate business concerns, increase local businesses’ ability to compete in the global economy, establish and implement a strategic plan for economic development, and lastly, to build community capacity to sustain growth and development.
A task force of local business leaders and support staff was assembled and outreach conducted where 41 local businesses were interviewed to provide key research into understanding where and how the city could be useful in assisting our business climate. Four primary themes emerged from the analysis including: 1. Improving Community Feel and Atmosphere 2. Workforce Recruitment and Business Retention 3. Training and Education for Workers and Business Owners 4. Infrastructure and Public Policy.
Upon identifying the themes, several responses have been identified as priority projects to address the findings. These include: Increase Chamber of Commerce presence, establish Workforce Training programs, enhance Code Enforcement communication, improve Broadband Access for businesses, and establish an Economic Development Advisory Committee to aid in contact and information sharing for those looking for assistance.
Second, we established a new business subsidy program through the Economic Development Authority to define assistance options using a multitude of subsidies, public financing or other applicable incentives that can act as a draw to lure incoming businesses.
Lastly, we make great use of traditional tools such as Tax Increment Financing (TIF), Minnesota Job Creation Fund, and Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development (DEED) to aid in the completion of projects.
3. Would you support hiring a business advocate as a member of the city senior staff, to concentrate on business retention and expansion; new business recruitment; and business impact of proposed regulations on the business climate in Cottage Grove?
We already have and the outcome has been very successful!
4. Do you support an increase to the minimum wage in Cottage Grove? If so, what specific steps would you take to understand the impact of an increase on the many types of businesses in Cottage Grove and do you support proposals to mitigate the effects on businesses like a tip credit, a youth wage, a training wage, and/or a phase-in?
I do not support a city-wide mandated wage structure. As this issue is covered by both state and federal laws, I view the issue as being beyond the purview and scope of city government.
5. Do you support any other specific employment-related proposals in Cottage Grove (such as mandatory sick time or scheduling notice)? If so, what specific steps would you take to understand the impact of an increase on the many types of businesses in Cottage Grove and how would you define any exceptions to those policies?
In my opinion, these issues are better addressed within a competitive free market.
Public safety
6. What is your strategy to address public safety concerns?
One of the greatest responsibilities I have as a Council member is to provide support and commitment towards establishing a safe and secure environment for people to live, raise their families, and enjoy their homes and property with peace of mind. As a former law enforcement officer, I had 11 years of experience in understanding the challenges being faced by both our responders and the public they serve.
In viewing recent events occurring within our nation, we have structured our engagement with the public in a way that is transparent and community-oriented. We employ a “Public Safety” model that encompasses Police, Fire, and EMS services that are incorporated under one leadership. Additionally, we are highly involved with the community through a range of interactions including school resource officers, Night to Unite, safety camp, Citizen’s Academy, Public Services Commission, Public Safety Board, social media, etc. We embrace the philosophy of “continuous improvement” and seek an open and honest line of communication with the public to hear their feedback and earn trust while providing respectful service.
7. What are your priorities for the City’s budget?
My top priority is to ensure the delivery of top-notch services that enhance satisfaction and quality of life while balancing the associated costs required to pay for them. I consider myself a “steward” of the taxpayer’s money and always seek to ensure a great return is achieved through a thorough review and assessment of needs relative to the impacts made through taxation. My goal is to address community needs and consistently deliver high value.
8. How do you view the relationship between commercial and residential property taxes?
The two definitions result in vastly different outcomes based upon how they’re categorized and the resulting amounts paid to cover taxation. Residential properties are charged based upon estimated property value while commercial applications are taxed at a much higher level involving income generating capacity based upon “best and highest” use assessments. I would advocate for some relief in this area because the amounts are substantially disproportionate, which impacts negatively on a business’s potential for sustainability. Since business opportunities add so much to an area, everything from job creation to enhancing retail market share to acting as a draw for Economic Development, I believe extending additional value to investors would result in more building and new business generation.
9. What will you do to expand Cottage Grove’s tax base?
Between my work on the Council and EDA, I strongly support the efforts of business marketing and recruitment efforts to draw investment. Part of my hands-on contribution is to attend the ICSC RECon Retail Real Estate Convention annually in Las Vegas where I work with our Economic Development colleagues to market our city directly to businesses and organizations looking to join our community. These efforts have been successful in garnering investors such as Hy-Vee, Primrose School, and McDonald’s (among others…) who have recently opened businesses here or expanded their current operations as a result of this work.
In addition to business-related endeavors, I also support expanding our residential options to assist our community in gaining more full-spectrum opportunities including senior living, high-density workforce, and market-rate housing opportunities. Additional “rooftops” equate into a larger population which in turn supports more business generation in the areas of service, retail, and entertainment categories. All of this working together equates into additional generation of tax base and its resulting advantages.
I am a pro-growth and pro-business candidate and seek to succeed in fulfilling the requests of our community for more opportunities! In 2017, we conducted the largest-scale community outreach effort ever attempted in Cottage Grove. Over a multi-month period that included town hall meetings and social media interactions, over 3700 responses were garnered covering a number of topics including Economic Development that have helped to guide many of our current efforts.
Workforce development
10. How will you work with K-12 and post-secondary educational institutions and businesses to ensure our region develops and retains an educated workforce?
Our Economic Development team has conducted requests for establishing post-secondary educational opportunities within our city. We are currently in the running to receive state funds to establish the Cottage Grove HERO Center (health and emergency response occupations) that would be our first post-secondary educational opportunity. We are hoping to expand this connection and leverage it into additional opportunities in the future.
11. What do you see as the city council’s role with regard to Cottage Grove Public Schools?
School District 833 serves Cottage Grove and a number of adjacent communities. As the school district is a unique and independent governmental agency with elected Board members who have taxing authority, we do not have a legal purview over their direction or decisions. With that said, we can and have been a supportive partner on assisting with roadway and other infrastructure construction projects related to new school construction. Additionally, we provide School Resource Officers and other safety/security assistance to protect the wellbeing of our city’s youth. We have also partnered in helping to project community population growth to assist them in determining new school needs and other administrative assistance when requested.
12. What is the biggest challenge facing the city and how would you address it?
With the understanding of success relative to growth and excellent city management, the biggest concern facing us at this time is water quality issues and confidence around the issue being resolved in a way that shields our residents against health and financial concerns. We have done a great job in responding to the changed health-based values issued by the Department of Health and went from a water ban condition to restored operations in eleven short weeks. The two temporary water treatment facilities built garnered several awards covering the project’s innovation and timely response.
The challenge from my point of view is ensuring that we receive adequate funding to cover all requirements for a permanent solution to treat our city water works subscribers as well as those currently on private well service. It is imperative that we work closely with our state representatives and senator to ensure that advocacy is delivered to those in charge of disseminating adequate funds to cover the needs – both current and future. I will continue to act as a strong voice reinforcing the concerns and messaging. The people of our community did not create this situation and should not be required to pay for the costs associated with making corrections!
13. What would be your top three priorities if elected?
Priority One: “Promote Economic Health and Prosperity”
United States Common Sense (a non-partisan policy group) has honored Cottage Grove as the #1 fiscally sustainable city in Minnesota and in the Top 1% of cities across America!
Through meticulous planning and budgeting we have achieved substantial success by providing affordable high-quality services while managing the needs of a vibrant and growing city. My ongoing commitment is to build upon the great value and livability of our area!
Priority Two: “Respectful, Dedicated Service”
I am a veteran manager with over 30 years of experience and had the pleasure of orchestrating success through two unique careers (Law Enforcement and Retail Management/Business Ownership).
My goal is to continue acting as an “Ambassador” for our community and be out front working to promote the ideals of making Cottage Grove be the “best Cottage Grove” we can be while keeping community satisfaction a top priority!
Priority Three: “Sustainable Economic Viability”
In 2015, I brought my “Sustainable Economic Viability” plan to the city. My philosophy and support for filling our empty business spaces and growing the city’s tax base have resulted in watermark success. We are currently enjoying the greatest period of sustained economic development growth in the city’s history with over $320 million dollars in new investments for our area. By bringing additional retail and service opportunities to town including investors in our business park, we have been able to reduce resident costs that fund city services.
14. What do you think should be the city’s top transportation related priority?
Our business investors have shared their challenges in getting an available workforce to and from their companies. To aid the process, I support on-going efforts by our city, Washington County, and Metro Transit toward establishing “Bus Rapid Transport” service for our area. In addition to assisting with our businesses, this will improve connectivity between Cottage Grove and the core metro which will dramatically improve flow rates along Highway 61. Public transportation when executed properly is a great Economic Development enhancer.
15. Are there any services currently provided by the city that you believe should be cut back or eliminated? Or, are there new opportunities to share services with other entities?
We have employed a conscientious process to maximize our department and process efficiencies across the board. If any reductions or eliminations were to occur at this time, we would dramatically affect our service levels in a way that would not make people happy. We have mutual aid agreements in place as well as sharing services with several adjacent communities that achieve “scale of economy” savings in the areas of public safety, public works, and community development.
There is one potential opportunity coming up that involves the aforementioned water treatment issue. Our area was affected by PFC contamination and we will be a recipient of funding coming from the 3M settlement with the State of Minnesota. So as work groups convene, determinations will be made regarding whether individual cities will do their own water filtration of if a regional facility will be built to address the mandated measures for safe water. Therefore, a regional facility may be constructed if service levels and savings can be achieved. I would support the best outcome for providing safety, performance, and financial economy.
16. Is there anything else you would like to share with voters not covered above?
It has been an honor and a privilege to serve on the Cottage Grove City Council. And with all of the progress we’ve made since 2015, there’s still work to be done. I look forward to being re-elected as a Council member to continue working on your behalf as we welcome and embrace new challenges and opportunities. I ask for your vote and trust on Tuesday, November 6. Thank you very much!
Public Office Sought: Cottage Grove City Council
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 651-283-1929
Twitter: @SteveDennisCG
Facebook: Steve Dennis - Cottage Grove City Council Member
Candidate Bio
I was elected in November 2014 and have brought a reasonable, considerate, and business-minded leadership to civic issues that impact our residents and their families as well as our business investors and all who live, work, and care about Cottage Grove’s future.
As Council member, I currently serve as Vice President of the Cottage Grove Economic Development Authority, Mayor-Pro Tem, and act as liaison for the Planning Commission, Investment Committee and the City’s Housing Taskforce.
I see a vibrant future for Cottage Grove and have focused on fulfilling promises to improve our economic viability. By relying on expertise as a local business owner and a professional manager with over 30 years of experience, I assisted in guiding innovative solutions that have achieved recognized results.
My slogan is “Local Business Owner working for you!” and I have lived up to this by contributing in a hands-on fashion toward a multitude of projects and management oversight designed to achieve optimal results across all departments. Through the orchestration of running the “people’s business”, delivering high value and resident satisfaction is my top priority. I’m a collaborative leader and support transparency and an inclusive process while working to serve the entire community.
Business climate
1. How would you characterize the business climate in Cottage Grove?
Economic Development is one of my personal passions and areas of high-interest. Based upon our management directions, the term “Cottage Grove is open for business” clearly applies. Whether creating “shovel ready” space in our industrial business park, or structuring our permitting processes for ease of use, or the substantial marketing efforts we undertake to promote our city to investors, we are in the midst of the greatest period of extended economic development growth in the history of our community!
In 2017, we set a watermark record by achieving over $164 million dollars in residential and commercial permit valuation. The three and a quarter-year total encompassing my tenure on the Council has resulted in over $320 million dollars to date!
As I’m writing, Cottage Grove is again being featured by the Minneapolis/St. Paul Business Journal for another new entry into our Business Park. In fact, the amount of coverage we’ve received lately has resulted in a “buzz” regarding the success of our area in attracting new business opportunities as well as expansions of our current investors. Whether receiving mention from Greater MSP, East Metro Strong, or other leading business associations, Cottage Grove has been the “talk of the town”!
2. What role do you think the City should have in attracting and retaining jobs, and what steps would you take to solicit new businesses to, and retain existing businesses in, Cottage Grove?
One of our strategic Council directives involves “Positioning the City for Growth”. This has been one of our top priorities and has resulted in much of the above indicated success. We use a plethora of tools to assist in this starting with the efforts of our Economic Development Team. In the past year, we have introduced two enhancements to aid in business creation and sustainability.
The first was a Business Retention and Expansion (BR&E) program performed in conjunction with the University of Minnesota Extension. The objectives included: demonstrating support for local businesses, helping to solve immediate business concerns, increase local businesses’ ability to compete in the global economy, establish and implement a strategic plan for economic development, and lastly, to build community capacity to sustain growth and development.
A task force of local business leaders and support staff was assembled and outreach conducted where 41 local businesses were interviewed to provide key research into understanding where and how the city could be useful in assisting our business climate. Four primary themes emerged from the analysis including: 1. Improving Community Feel and Atmosphere 2. Workforce Recruitment and Business Retention 3. Training and Education for Workers and Business Owners 4. Infrastructure and Public Policy.
Upon identifying the themes, several responses have been identified as priority projects to address the findings. These include: Increase Chamber of Commerce presence, establish Workforce Training programs, enhance Code Enforcement communication, improve Broadband Access for businesses, and establish an Economic Development Advisory Committee to aid in contact and information sharing for those looking for assistance.
Second, we established a new business subsidy program through the Economic Development Authority to define assistance options using a multitude of subsidies, public financing or other applicable incentives that can act as a draw to lure incoming businesses.
Lastly, we make great use of traditional tools such as Tax Increment Financing (TIF), Minnesota Job Creation Fund, and Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development (DEED) to aid in the completion of projects.
3. Would you support hiring a business advocate as a member of the city senior staff, to concentrate on business retention and expansion; new business recruitment; and business impact of proposed regulations on the business climate in Cottage Grove?
We already have and the outcome has been very successful!
4. Do you support an increase to the minimum wage in Cottage Grove? If so, what specific steps would you take to understand the impact of an increase on the many types of businesses in Cottage Grove and do you support proposals to mitigate the effects on businesses like a tip credit, a youth wage, a training wage, and/or a phase-in?
I do not support a city-wide mandated wage structure. As this issue is covered by both state and federal laws, I view the issue as being beyond the purview and scope of city government.
5. Do you support any other specific employment-related proposals in Cottage Grove (such as mandatory sick time or scheduling notice)? If so, what specific steps would you take to understand the impact of an increase on the many types of businesses in Cottage Grove and how would you define any exceptions to those policies?
In my opinion, these issues are better addressed within a competitive free market.
Public safety
6. What is your strategy to address public safety concerns?
One of the greatest responsibilities I have as a Council member is to provide support and commitment towards establishing a safe and secure environment for people to live, raise their families, and enjoy their homes and property with peace of mind. As a former law enforcement officer, I had 11 years of experience in understanding the challenges being faced by both our responders and the public they serve.
In viewing recent events occurring within our nation, we have structured our engagement with the public in a way that is transparent and community-oriented. We employ a “Public Safety” model that encompasses Police, Fire, and EMS services that are incorporated under one leadership. Additionally, we are highly involved with the community through a range of interactions including school resource officers, Night to Unite, safety camp, Citizen’s Academy, Public Services Commission, Public Safety Board, social media, etc. We embrace the philosophy of “continuous improvement” and seek an open and honest line of communication with the public to hear their feedback and earn trust while providing respectful service.
7. What are your priorities for the City’s budget?
My top priority is to ensure the delivery of top-notch services that enhance satisfaction and quality of life while balancing the associated costs required to pay for them. I consider myself a “steward” of the taxpayer’s money and always seek to ensure a great return is achieved through a thorough review and assessment of needs relative to the impacts made through taxation. My goal is to address community needs and consistently deliver high value.
8. How do you view the relationship between commercial and residential property taxes?
The two definitions result in vastly different outcomes based upon how they’re categorized and the resulting amounts paid to cover taxation. Residential properties are charged based upon estimated property value while commercial applications are taxed at a much higher level involving income generating capacity based upon “best and highest” use assessments. I would advocate for some relief in this area because the amounts are substantially disproportionate, which impacts negatively on a business’s potential for sustainability. Since business opportunities add so much to an area, everything from job creation to enhancing retail market share to acting as a draw for Economic Development, I believe extending additional value to investors would result in more building and new business generation.
9. What will you do to expand Cottage Grove’s tax base?
Between my work on the Council and EDA, I strongly support the efforts of business marketing and recruitment efforts to draw investment. Part of my hands-on contribution is to attend the ICSC RECon Retail Real Estate Convention annually in Las Vegas where I work with our Economic Development colleagues to market our city directly to businesses and organizations looking to join our community. These efforts have been successful in garnering investors such as Hy-Vee, Primrose School, and McDonald’s (among others…) who have recently opened businesses here or expanded their current operations as a result of this work.
In addition to business-related endeavors, I also support expanding our residential options to assist our community in gaining more full-spectrum opportunities including senior living, high-density workforce, and market-rate housing opportunities. Additional “rooftops” equate into a larger population which in turn supports more business generation in the areas of service, retail, and entertainment categories. All of this working together equates into additional generation of tax base and its resulting advantages.
I am a pro-growth and pro-business candidate and seek to succeed in fulfilling the requests of our community for more opportunities! In 2017, we conducted the largest-scale community outreach effort ever attempted in Cottage Grove. Over a multi-month period that included town hall meetings and social media interactions, over 3700 responses were garnered covering a number of topics including Economic Development that have helped to guide many of our current efforts.
Workforce development
10. How will you work with K-12 and post-secondary educational institutions and businesses to ensure our region develops and retains an educated workforce?
Our Economic Development team has conducted requests for establishing post-secondary educational opportunities within our city. We are currently in the running to receive state funds to establish the Cottage Grove HERO Center (health and emergency response occupations) that would be our first post-secondary educational opportunity. We are hoping to expand this connection and leverage it into additional opportunities in the future.
11. What do you see as the city council’s role with regard to Cottage Grove Public Schools?
School District 833 serves Cottage Grove and a number of adjacent communities. As the school district is a unique and independent governmental agency with elected Board members who have taxing authority, we do not have a legal purview over their direction or decisions. With that said, we can and have been a supportive partner on assisting with roadway and other infrastructure construction projects related to new school construction. Additionally, we provide School Resource Officers and other safety/security assistance to protect the wellbeing of our city’s youth. We have also partnered in helping to project community population growth to assist them in determining new school needs and other administrative assistance when requested.
12. What is the biggest challenge facing the city and how would you address it?
With the understanding of success relative to growth and excellent city management, the biggest concern facing us at this time is water quality issues and confidence around the issue being resolved in a way that shields our residents against health and financial concerns. We have done a great job in responding to the changed health-based values issued by the Department of Health and went from a water ban condition to restored operations in eleven short weeks. The two temporary water treatment facilities built garnered several awards covering the project’s innovation and timely response.
The challenge from my point of view is ensuring that we receive adequate funding to cover all requirements for a permanent solution to treat our city water works subscribers as well as those currently on private well service. It is imperative that we work closely with our state representatives and senator to ensure that advocacy is delivered to those in charge of disseminating adequate funds to cover the needs – both current and future. I will continue to act as a strong voice reinforcing the concerns and messaging. The people of our community did not create this situation and should not be required to pay for the costs associated with making corrections!
13. What would be your top three priorities if elected?
Priority One: “Promote Economic Health and Prosperity”
United States Common Sense (a non-partisan policy group) has honored Cottage Grove as the #1 fiscally sustainable city in Minnesota and in the Top 1% of cities across America!
Through meticulous planning and budgeting we have achieved substantial success by providing affordable high-quality services while managing the needs of a vibrant and growing city. My ongoing commitment is to build upon the great value and livability of our area!
Priority Two: “Respectful, Dedicated Service”
I am a veteran manager with over 30 years of experience and had the pleasure of orchestrating success through two unique careers (Law Enforcement and Retail Management/Business Ownership).
My goal is to continue acting as an “Ambassador” for our community and be out front working to promote the ideals of making Cottage Grove be the “best Cottage Grove” we can be while keeping community satisfaction a top priority!
Priority Three: “Sustainable Economic Viability”
In 2015, I brought my “Sustainable Economic Viability” plan to the city. My philosophy and support for filling our empty business spaces and growing the city’s tax base have resulted in watermark success. We are currently enjoying the greatest period of sustained economic development growth in the city’s history with over $320 million dollars in new investments for our area. By bringing additional retail and service opportunities to town including investors in our business park, we have been able to reduce resident costs that fund city services.
14. What do you think should be the city’s top transportation related priority?
Our business investors have shared their challenges in getting an available workforce to and from their companies. To aid the process, I support on-going efforts by our city, Washington County, and Metro Transit toward establishing “Bus Rapid Transport” service for our area. In addition to assisting with our businesses, this will improve connectivity between Cottage Grove and the core metro which will dramatically improve flow rates along Highway 61. Public transportation when executed properly is a great Economic Development enhancer.
15. Are there any services currently provided by the city that you believe should be cut back or eliminated? Or, are there new opportunities to share services with other entities?
We have employed a conscientious process to maximize our department and process efficiencies across the board. If any reductions or eliminations were to occur at this time, we would dramatically affect our service levels in a way that would not make people happy. We have mutual aid agreements in place as well as sharing services with several adjacent communities that achieve “scale of economy” savings in the areas of public safety, public works, and community development.
There is one potential opportunity coming up that involves the aforementioned water treatment issue. Our area was affected by PFC contamination and we will be a recipient of funding coming from the 3M settlement with the State of Minnesota. So as work groups convene, determinations will be made regarding whether individual cities will do their own water filtration of if a regional facility will be built to address the mandated measures for safe water. Therefore, a regional facility may be constructed if service levels and savings can be achieved. I would support the best outcome for providing safety, performance, and financial economy.
16. Is there anything else you would like to share with voters not covered above?
It has been an honor and a privilege to serve on the Cottage Grove City Council. And with all of the progress we’ve made since 2015, there’s still work to be done. I look forward to being re-elected as a Council member to continue working on your behalf as we welcome and embrace new challenges and opportunities. I ask for your vote and trust on Tuesday, November 6. Thank you very much!