Tim Conrad

Name: Tim Conrad
Public Office Sought: St. Paul Park City Council
Email: [email protected]
Campaign Phone: 651-455-1673
Campaign Website:
Twitter handle:
Facebook Page: Tim Conrad
Candidate Bio
To bring a new voice to the advancement of our city as recommended by citizens and city employees who want change in the right direction. I have been the past president of the St Paul Park/ Newport Lions ('8/21- 6/23), commander of SAL'S Of American Legion post 98 (6/22-6/23), member of city Park & Rec Commission, Public Works Commission, and the organizer/creator of the "Cars in the Park" weekly Wednesday car show in Veteran's Park ( moved to St Paul Park 5/20).
I would bring a new voice as an active member of the community, while gathering valuable information from citizens. My family has a 3-generation connection of residency in the city and I have been involved with my grandfather, who was a resident, police officer, and animal control officer. My parents who both lived and went to school here, then met and married. Then my family that lived in the area and associated with the city thru the American Legion, fire department, and grandparents continued residence.
What style of leadership would you bring to this position?
I would bring an open and community informed offering of discussion to make the most informed and communicated decisions possible.
What would be your top three priorities if elected?
Responsible community improvement of parks and roads and un/underdeveloped properties.
What do you consider the biggest challenge and conversely, the biggest opportunity in St. Paul Park?
Main street revitalization and future growth, including our river access.
How would you characterize the business climate in St. Paul Park and what role do you think the city should have in attracting and retaining jobs and new businesses in St. Paul Park?
The city should be working to attract new commerce and retention of existing through discussion of local businesses and surrounding communities with past experiences that would help our city to learn and grow.
What are your strategies to address public safety challenges in your community?
Have discussions to have a good understanding of the current situations and taking action that assist the purpose of improving our public safety situation.
What ideas do you have to address housing shortages and affordability?
Understanding the current situation and drive towards improving it and making it sustainable.
How would you work to improve transportation options in your community, including improved safety for transit riders, pedestrian/bike, and drivers alike? Addressing current road situations with consideration to all modes of transportation.
What will you do to expand St. Paul Park’s tax base?
Move to attract responsible developers, providing responsible housing and recreation opportunities, so that owners/renters cumulatively contort to a growing tax base that is sound and sustainable.
Are there any services currently provided by the city that you believe should be cut back or eliminated? Are there new opportunities to share services with other entities?
Possibly through attrition and Co-community interest in common situations.
Public Office Sought: St. Paul Park City Council
Email: [email protected]
Campaign Phone: 651-455-1673
Campaign Website:
Twitter handle:
Facebook Page: Tim Conrad
Candidate Bio
To bring a new voice to the advancement of our city as recommended by citizens and city employees who want change in the right direction. I have been the past president of the St Paul Park/ Newport Lions ('8/21- 6/23), commander of SAL'S Of American Legion post 98 (6/22-6/23), member of city Park & Rec Commission, Public Works Commission, and the organizer/creator of the "Cars in the Park" weekly Wednesday car show in Veteran's Park ( moved to St Paul Park 5/20).
I would bring a new voice as an active member of the community, while gathering valuable information from citizens. My family has a 3-generation connection of residency in the city and I have been involved with my grandfather, who was a resident, police officer, and animal control officer. My parents who both lived and went to school here, then met and married. Then my family that lived in the area and associated with the city thru the American Legion, fire department, and grandparents continued residence.
What style of leadership would you bring to this position?
I would bring an open and community informed offering of discussion to make the most informed and communicated decisions possible.
What would be your top three priorities if elected?
Responsible community improvement of parks and roads and un/underdeveloped properties.
What do you consider the biggest challenge and conversely, the biggest opportunity in St. Paul Park?
Main street revitalization and future growth, including our river access.
How would you characterize the business climate in St. Paul Park and what role do you think the city should have in attracting and retaining jobs and new businesses in St. Paul Park?
The city should be working to attract new commerce and retention of existing through discussion of local businesses and surrounding communities with past experiences that would help our city to learn and grow.
What are your strategies to address public safety challenges in your community?
Have discussions to have a good understanding of the current situations and taking action that assist the purpose of improving our public safety situation.
What ideas do you have to address housing shortages and affordability?
Understanding the current situation and drive towards improving it and making it sustainable.
How would you work to improve transportation options in your community, including improved safety for transit riders, pedestrian/bike, and drivers alike? Addressing current road situations with consideration to all modes of transportation.
What will you do to expand St. Paul Park’s tax base?
Move to attract responsible developers, providing responsible housing and recreation opportunities, so that owners/renters cumulatively contort to a growing tax base that is sound and sustainable.
Are there any services currently provided by the city that you believe should be cut back or eliminated? Are there new opportunities to share services with other entities?
Possibly through attrition and Co-community interest in common situations.