Todd Kruse

Name: Todd Kruse
Public Office Sought: Minnesota House of Representatives District 53A
Email: [email protected]
Campaign Phone: 612.423.5621
Campaign Website:
Twitter handle: @votetoddkruse
Facebook Page: Todd Kruse for State Representative
Candidate Bio
My career experience includes; working with communities on economic development projects, serving on the state’s Broadband Advisory Task Force, lobbying at the legislature, and being credited (by the Star Tribune) for the implementation of the state government’s spending transparency website -
What would be your top three priorities if elected?
Lower and Simpler tax system, b.) Innovation in our K-16 education systems, and c.) Expansion of the state’s government spending transparency website (see question #1 above) to include local government entities.
How would you characterize the business climate in the East Metro and what role do businesses play in supporting quality of life issues in East Metro communities?
Based on my work and campaign the business climate appears to be - excellent community of manufacturers with export opportunities, the employee shortage and “quiet quitting” is very real. Businesses could play a larger role in quality of life issues via the phase out of business taxes which are just hidden taxes on consumers/employers/shareowners. Long term – everyone mentioned here would benefit from greater use of robotics coupled with improving training/new skill development of any displaced workers.
What role do you think the State should have in attracting and retaining jobs, and what steps would you take to solicit new businesses to and retain existing businesses in the East Metro?
Our K-16 systems consume 39% of the state budget plus local taxes, federal taxes, and business grants, etc. As a former factory manager, college instructor, and employee trainer I can attest we are not getting value for the money spent. b.) Business income taxes are hidden taxes which should be phased out c.) Workforce development programs should be scrutinized via cost-benefit analysis since we tax businesses then award “grants” (basically tax refunds but after bureaucrats consume some of the money) to businesses; this cycle must end.
What policies, if any, would you support to help employers address our state’s critical labor shortage?
100% immediate depreciation of robotics being implemented to grow businesses b.) Complete review of any spending programs which discourage people from entering the workforce. c.) State government is one of the Top 5 employers in Minnesota which is not sustainable so a hiring freeze is needed.
Do you support any specific employment-related proposals? If so, what steps would you take to understand the impact of a proposal on the many types of businesses in the East Metro and how would you define any exceptions to those policies?
I believe my previous statements reflect my views for this question.
Public safety and rising crime rates are of serious concern to the business community and residents. What strategies or policies would you use to address public safety issues?
Encourage the expansion of citizen police academies at city and county law enforcement levels b.) Insert the public safety conversation into school board conversations coupled with a conversation on truancy reform and afterschool activities - one simple reform is having schools stop the practice of cutting hopeful athletes from joining teams.
What strategies or policies would you use to address transportation issues? Have your strategies or views changed on transportation since we’ve seen shifts in road use, public transportation use, work from home models, etc. due to the pandemic?
Having lived in Europe for 4 years without a vehicle I have used a wide range of public and private transportation including a river ferry I used to commute to my office. Given my work in telecommunications/broadband/telemedicine (going back to 1993) I have first hand experience of the business community and governments advocating telecommuting, etc. yet fail to allow the full benefits by relying on the archaic management style of “if I can’t see you then you aren’t working………..”
What strategies or policies would you use to address housing issues?
Implementation of a building moratorium of government buildings. Example - the Senate Office Building should not have been created. b.) Divesting vacant government owned properties (taxpayer owned!) for conversion into housing. c.) I would much rather see business taxes eliminated so businesses can donate more money to organizations like Habitat for Humanity versus the state treasury which is a very efficient way for businesses to create affordable, privately owned housing for its employees.
What are your priorities for the State’s budget? Are there any services currently provided by the State that you believe should be expanded, cut back or eliminated? Are there new opportunities to share services with other entities?
An ideal system would be for the state government to partner with counties and cities to decentralize government services and tax dollars to local entities. I think voters in House 53A would be better served by using Dakota County offices in West St. Paul, Apple Valley, or Hastings versus dealing with state government offices in St. Paul. b.) State government has 24 departments/commissioners so I would pursue reforms like; merger of Education Department, DEED (with trade functions transferred to Commerce), and Higher Education merged into one department focused on education/workforce pipeline.
What will you do to expand your district’s tax base?
My first question would be - “why expand the tax based?” How much to raise taxes, taxes on what, and for what purpose is the critical thinking I would bring to St. Paul.
How will you work with K-12 and post-secondary educational institutions and businesses to ensure our region develops and retains an educated workforce, and address the achievement gap?
See my government reform suggestion in Question #10 above. b.) Ending social promotion and grade inflation – students should be help back as needed versus simply passing their lack of proficiency onto the teacher at the next grade level. I have taught in 12 colleges and 2 state prisons so I can credibly say our system is setting people up for failure once they leave the school system. c.) Revise student truancy laws – if a 15 or 16 year has no interest in school let’s explore “gap year” options so they can work somewhere for a year then return to school. In 2022 we don’t have 10 year old children working coal mines so let’s reform our labor laws where needed.
What is the role of the State in fostering increased minority- and women-owned businesses?
State government can mandate minority opportunities as was done via the US Bank stadium construction. State government can also leverage its purchasing power to contract with minority/women owned firms. b.) However, I would support/encourage private sector solutions such as NAWBO.orgmembers mentoring women starting businesses and/or the Minnesota business community funding a “BIPOC Chamber of Commerce” to help aspiring business owners network, find new markets, and develop employees. I saw the value of such “affinity chambers” via the Gay Lesbian Chamber of Commerce when I worked in Washington DC
What further policies can the State of Minnesota adopt to help the business community recover from the COVID-19 pandemic?
The state’s health department should be a clearinghouse of information and best practices not a power center dictating how every sector of our society/economy should operate. Example - as General Manager of a factory I had to state the obvious in meetings; “our welders can’t ‘tele-weld’ ; they have to do their work in the factory.”
Is there anything else you would like to share with voters not covered above?
I should be elected to represent House 53a due to - 1.) Decades of diverse career experience which voters should want to leverage for them in the Minnesota House, and 2.) Customer service - as a business manager and consultant my focus was pleasing the paying customer (taxpayers in this case) via excellent quality service. I will commit to return every phone call or email from constituents. I will commit to having an office presence in the district so I spend more time there versus socializing around the capitol complex. If invited to speak and my work schedule allows I will attend any and all forums in the district.
Public Office Sought: Minnesota House of Representatives District 53A
Email: [email protected]
Campaign Phone: 612.423.5621
Campaign Website:
Twitter handle: @votetoddkruse
Facebook Page: Todd Kruse for State Representative
Candidate Bio
My career experience includes; working with communities on economic development projects, serving on the state’s Broadband Advisory Task Force, lobbying at the legislature, and being credited (by the Star Tribune) for the implementation of the state government’s spending transparency website -
What would be your top three priorities if elected?
Lower and Simpler tax system, b.) Innovation in our K-16 education systems, and c.) Expansion of the state’s government spending transparency website (see question #1 above) to include local government entities.
How would you characterize the business climate in the East Metro and what role do businesses play in supporting quality of life issues in East Metro communities?
Based on my work and campaign the business climate appears to be - excellent community of manufacturers with export opportunities, the employee shortage and “quiet quitting” is very real. Businesses could play a larger role in quality of life issues via the phase out of business taxes which are just hidden taxes on consumers/employers/shareowners. Long term – everyone mentioned here would benefit from greater use of robotics coupled with improving training/new skill development of any displaced workers.
What role do you think the State should have in attracting and retaining jobs, and what steps would you take to solicit new businesses to and retain existing businesses in the East Metro?
Our K-16 systems consume 39% of the state budget plus local taxes, federal taxes, and business grants, etc. As a former factory manager, college instructor, and employee trainer I can attest we are not getting value for the money spent. b.) Business income taxes are hidden taxes which should be phased out c.) Workforce development programs should be scrutinized via cost-benefit analysis since we tax businesses then award “grants” (basically tax refunds but after bureaucrats consume some of the money) to businesses; this cycle must end.
What policies, if any, would you support to help employers address our state’s critical labor shortage?
100% immediate depreciation of robotics being implemented to grow businesses b.) Complete review of any spending programs which discourage people from entering the workforce. c.) State government is one of the Top 5 employers in Minnesota which is not sustainable so a hiring freeze is needed.
Do you support any specific employment-related proposals? If so, what steps would you take to understand the impact of a proposal on the many types of businesses in the East Metro and how would you define any exceptions to those policies?
I believe my previous statements reflect my views for this question.
Public safety and rising crime rates are of serious concern to the business community and residents. What strategies or policies would you use to address public safety issues?
Encourage the expansion of citizen police academies at city and county law enforcement levels b.) Insert the public safety conversation into school board conversations coupled with a conversation on truancy reform and afterschool activities - one simple reform is having schools stop the practice of cutting hopeful athletes from joining teams.
What strategies or policies would you use to address transportation issues? Have your strategies or views changed on transportation since we’ve seen shifts in road use, public transportation use, work from home models, etc. due to the pandemic?
Having lived in Europe for 4 years without a vehicle I have used a wide range of public and private transportation including a river ferry I used to commute to my office. Given my work in telecommunications/broadband/telemedicine (going back to 1993) I have first hand experience of the business community and governments advocating telecommuting, etc. yet fail to allow the full benefits by relying on the archaic management style of “if I can’t see you then you aren’t working………..”
What strategies or policies would you use to address housing issues?
Implementation of a building moratorium of government buildings. Example - the Senate Office Building should not have been created. b.) Divesting vacant government owned properties (taxpayer owned!) for conversion into housing. c.) I would much rather see business taxes eliminated so businesses can donate more money to organizations like Habitat for Humanity versus the state treasury which is a very efficient way for businesses to create affordable, privately owned housing for its employees.
What are your priorities for the State’s budget? Are there any services currently provided by the State that you believe should be expanded, cut back or eliminated? Are there new opportunities to share services with other entities?
An ideal system would be for the state government to partner with counties and cities to decentralize government services and tax dollars to local entities. I think voters in House 53A would be better served by using Dakota County offices in West St. Paul, Apple Valley, or Hastings versus dealing with state government offices in St. Paul. b.) State government has 24 departments/commissioners so I would pursue reforms like; merger of Education Department, DEED (with trade functions transferred to Commerce), and Higher Education merged into one department focused on education/workforce pipeline.
What will you do to expand your district’s tax base?
My first question would be - “why expand the tax based?” How much to raise taxes, taxes on what, and for what purpose is the critical thinking I would bring to St. Paul.
How will you work with K-12 and post-secondary educational institutions and businesses to ensure our region develops and retains an educated workforce, and address the achievement gap?
See my government reform suggestion in Question #10 above. b.) Ending social promotion and grade inflation – students should be help back as needed versus simply passing their lack of proficiency onto the teacher at the next grade level. I have taught in 12 colleges and 2 state prisons so I can credibly say our system is setting people up for failure once they leave the school system. c.) Revise student truancy laws – if a 15 or 16 year has no interest in school let’s explore “gap year” options so they can work somewhere for a year then return to school. In 2022 we don’t have 10 year old children working coal mines so let’s reform our labor laws where needed.
What is the role of the State in fostering increased minority- and women-owned businesses?
State government can mandate minority opportunities as was done via the US Bank stadium construction. State government can also leverage its purchasing power to contract with minority/women owned firms. b.) However, I would support/encourage private sector solutions such as NAWBO.orgmembers mentoring women starting businesses and/or the Minnesota business community funding a “BIPOC Chamber of Commerce” to help aspiring business owners network, find new markets, and develop employees. I saw the value of such “affinity chambers” via the Gay Lesbian Chamber of Commerce when I worked in Washington DC
What further policies can the State of Minnesota adopt to help the business community recover from the COVID-19 pandemic?
The state’s health department should be a clearinghouse of information and best practices not a power center dictating how every sector of our society/economy should operate. Example - as General Manager of a factory I had to state the obvious in meetings; “our welders can’t ‘tele-weld’ ; they have to do their work in the factory.”
Is there anything else you would like to share with voters not covered above?
I should be elected to represent House 53a due to - 1.) Decades of diverse career experience which voters should want to leverage for them in the Minnesota House, and 2.) Customer service - as a business manager and consultant my focus was pleasing the paying customer (taxpayers in this case) via excellent quality service. I will commit to return every phone call or email from constituents. I will commit to having an office presence in the district so I spend more time there versus socializing around the capitol complex. If invited to speak and my work schedule allows I will attend any and all forums in the district.