Tom Bartholomew

Name: Tom Bartholomew
Public Office Sought: Inver Grove Heights Mayor
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 651-457-6375
Twitter handle:
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Candidate Bio
Over the past 37 years I have participated in the community as a volunteer, youth Park and Rec coach, Inver Grove Heights days volunteer, a past member of the Best Foundation providing scholarships to graduating Simley High School Students. I served 9 years on the Inver Grove Heights Planning commission 5 years as chairman and most recently 8 years as a Council member. My background is in Operations and Finance; currently I am the VP of Finance with ReliaFund Inc.
What would be your top three priorities if elected?
Fiscal restraint is a top priority. We must be resourceful in our funding for the essentials of our city. Public safety, public works, infrastructure and open space must be funded properly while promoting efficiencies and best practice. It will be my priority to review all proposed expenditures in that light.
Secondly growth of employment and tax base through a partnered approach to development. Create policies and tools for encouraging and promoting job growth and a variety of housing choices. This growth must be driven by preparing for the future, working with all stakeholders’ property owners and residents to assure a sustainable and vibrant city.
Lastly we must preserve and enhance all our open space. This must be done in a measured approach balancing cost and benefit to all the residents as a quality of life asset to be preserved, protected and remain affordable.
How would you characterize the business climate in Inver Grove Heights and what is the role of businesses supporting quality of life issues in the community?
The business climate in Inver Grove Heights is struggling; there are improvements that can be made. We must remove barriers to development approach opportunities with an eye to problem resolution. Development that improves the tax base provides employment and the goods and services vital to our community must be supported. As Mayor I would be proactive in promoting business development that would be a benefit to employment, tax base and sustainability.
What role do you think the City should have in attracting and retaining jobs, and what steps would you take to solicit new businesses to, and retain existing businesses in, Inver Grove Heights?
I believe the City should have a strong policy to attracting and retaining jobs, it has been my position as a city council member to preserve the land designations for Industry and business. We should not lose these opportunities through rezoning.
I would advocate a financial component if needed to assist in a development that demonstrates a clear benefit to our city. It is important to our sustainability to have a vibrant business base with a strong employment component.
Do you support any other specific employment-related proposals in Inver Grove Heights (such as minimum wage, sick time, or mandatory scheduling notice)? If so, what steps would you take to understand the impact of an ordinance on the many types of businesses in Inver Grove Heights and how would you define any exceptions to those policies?
I have not considered any employment-related proposals in Inver Grove Heights and currently there are no discussions relating to such issues. It would be my position to fully review the outcome of any such proposals. My concern would be market effect, and unintended consequences caused by such policies. I believe as a city our focus would be better placed on growth, preservation and sustainability of employment.
What are your strategies to address public safety, housing, and transportation issues facing your community?
Public safety is the primary role of government. Strategies I have always used in funding of public safety include and consider best practice and promotion of efficiencies. I will work closely with City Administration, Police and Fire departments to assure the protection of our residents, businesses and visitors. I will listen to our residents and business owners weigh their concerns and suggestions using all input as a guide to funding of our public safety and promotion of public works. I will encourage all types of housing with a clear approach of diversity to housing stock, single family, workforce housing and senior housing as well as large lot residential housing. The strength of our city is our varied types of housing and I will continue to promote such a variety. Public transportation will require a partnership with State, County and neighboring cities it will be my strategy to advocate for the benefit of our city and its residents regarding all transportation corridors and types. Transportation must be an asset to the city.
What are your priorities for the City’s budget?
Public Safety, Infrastructure streets and public works. Maintain strong budget reserves to assist through lean economic times. Review all account fund balances for possible reallocation of resources. A guided approach to expenditure cost versus reward will be evaluated on all budget items. A strong focus of lowering the tax burden through smart spending focusing on efficiencies with a clear delineation of need versus want. We as elected officials are responsible for all funds great and small. I have and will continue to treat all expenditures with the approach that every dollar is important.
What will you do to expand Inver Grove Heights’ tax base?
I will advocate employment based business growth. Preserve our business and industrial guided land, partner with business and residents to get and maintain the best possible development. I will remove the barriers that inhibit growth.
How will you work with K-12 and post-secondary educational institutions and businesses to ensure our region develops and retains an educated workforce?
A well educated workforce is vital to the health of any community. I will continue to promote initiatives that will partner the city with our local k-12, community college and business owners. The city has the tools through its connection with schools and business to promote programs for mentorships and internships within the different departments; I will continue to promote those. The connection between our staff as mentors or providing professional growth through internships would be a benefit to our youth and future workforce.
Are there any services currently provided by the city that you believe should be cut back or eliminated? Are there new opportunities to share services with other entities?
At this time I am not prepared to identify programs to cut other than to prioritize essential services (public safety) versus non-essential. All programs and partnerships will be evaluated as to the cost and benefit to the tax payers and residents. Each budget cycle I personally consider this approach to all funding and when appropriate will propose a reduction in spending. In the past I have advocated and voted to reduce funding for numerous initiatives. The current economic environment and uncertainty caused by the Covid19 pandemic will bring a new urgency and difficulty to budget constraint all programs will be carefully reviewed.
What is the role of the City Council in fostering increased minority- and women-owned businesses in Inver Grove Heights?
The role to the City Council should be clear; there will be no barriers to minority or women-owned businesses in Inver Grove Heights. I will ask our Community Development department to review all our programs and policies to be certain that there is fair and equitable access to all and no barriers exist. Our city hall is a prime example of this practice with several women in Department leadership roles, Police Chief, Fire Chief and Finance Director Positions are held by women, my belief is this example has a positive effect within our community.
What further policies can Inver Grove Heights adopt to help the business community recover from the COVID-19 pandemic?
The City must remain in the forefront of protection and service to the residents of Inver Grove Heights. I would advocate for any policies that would promote the protection and recovery to our community as well as on a case by case basis the expenditure of city funds to promote recovery
Is there anything else you would like to share with voters not covered above?
My family and I have had the benefit and gift of residing in Inver Grove Heights for 37 years. It truly has been a blessing to live here, raise a family and be associated with this city. I look forward to serving the residents, business and all who visit our city.
Public Office Sought: Inver Grove Heights Mayor
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 651-457-6375
Twitter handle:
Facebook page:
Candidate Bio
Over the past 37 years I have participated in the community as a volunteer, youth Park and Rec coach, Inver Grove Heights days volunteer, a past member of the Best Foundation providing scholarships to graduating Simley High School Students. I served 9 years on the Inver Grove Heights Planning commission 5 years as chairman and most recently 8 years as a Council member. My background is in Operations and Finance; currently I am the VP of Finance with ReliaFund Inc.
What would be your top three priorities if elected?
Fiscal restraint is a top priority. We must be resourceful in our funding for the essentials of our city. Public safety, public works, infrastructure and open space must be funded properly while promoting efficiencies and best practice. It will be my priority to review all proposed expenditures in that light.
Secondly growth of employment and tax base through a partnered approach to development. Create policies and tools for encouraging and promoting job growth and a variety of housing choices. This growth must be driven by preparing for the future, working with all stakeholders’ property owners and residents to assure a sustainable and vibrant city.
Lastly we must preserve and enhance all our open space. This must be done in a measured approach balancing cost and benefit to all the residents as a quality of life asset to be preserved, protected and remain affordable.
How would you characterize the business climate in Inver Grove Heights and what is the role of businesses supporting quality of life issues in the community?
The business climate in Inver Grove Heights is struggling; there are improvements that can be made. We must remove barriers to development approach opportunities with an eye to problem resolution. Development that improves the tax base provides employment and the goods and services vital to our community must be supported. As Mayor I would be proactive in promoting business development that would be a benefit to employment, tax base and sustainability.
What role do you think the City should have in attracting and retaining jobs, and what steps would you take to solicit new businesses to, and retain existing businesses in, Inver Grove Heights?
I believe the City should have a strong policy to attracting and retaining jobs, it has been my position as a city council member to preserve the land designations for Industry and business. We should not lose these opportunities through rezoning.
I would advocate a financial component if needed to assist in a development that demonstrates a clear benefit to our city. It is important to our sustainability to have a vibrant business base with a strong employment component.
Do you support any other specific employment-related proposals in Inver Grove Heights (such as minimum wage, sick time, or mandatory scheduling notice)? If so, what steps would you take to understand the impact of an ordinance on the many types of businesses in Inver Grove Heights and how would you define any exceptions to those policies?
I have not considered any employment-related proposals in Inver Grove Heights and currently there are no discussions relating to such issues. It would be my position to fully review the outcome of any such proposals. My concern would be market effect, and unintended consequences caused by such policies. I believe as a city our focus would be better placed on growth, preservation and sustainability of employment.
What are your strategies to address public safety, housing, and transportation issues facing your community?
Public safety is the primary role of government. Strategies I have always used in funding of public safety include and consider best practice and promotion of efficiencies. I will work closely with City Administration, Police and Fire departments to assure the protection of our residents, businesses and visitors. I will listen to our residents and business owners weigh their concerns and suggestions using all input as a guide to funding of our public safety and promotion of public works. I will encourage all types of housing with a clear approach of diversity to housing stock, single family, workforce housing and senior housing as well as large lot residential housing. The strength of our city is our varied types of housing and I will continue to promote such a variety. Public transportation will require a partnership with State, County and neighboring cities it will be my strategy to advocate for the benefit of our city and its residents regarding all transportation corridors and types. Transportation must be an asset to the city.
What are your priorities for the City’s budget?
Public Safety, Infrastructure streets and public works. Maintain strong budget reserves to assist through lean economic times. Review all account fund balances for possible reallocation of resources. A guided approach to expenditure cost versus reward will be evaluated on all budget items. A strong focus of lowering the tax burden through smart spending focusing on efficiencies with a clear delineation of need versus want. We as elected officials are responsible for all funds great and small. I have and will continue to treat all expenditures with the approach that every dollar is important.
What will you do to expand Inver Grove Heights’ tax base?
I will advocate employment based business growth. Preserve our business and industrial guided land, partner with business and residents to get and maintain the best possible development. I will remove the barriers that inhibit growth.
How will you work with K-12 and post-secondary educational institutions and businesses to ensure our region develops and retains an educated workforce?
A well educated workforce is vital to the health of any community. I will continue to promote initiatives that will partner the city with our local k-12, community college and business owners. The city has the tools through its connection with schools and business to promote programs for mentorships and internships within the different departments; I will continue to promote those. The connection between our staff as mentors or providing professional growth through internships would be a benefit to our youth and future workforce.
Are there any services currently provided by the city that you believe should be cut back or eliminated? Are there new opportunities to share services with other entities?
At this time I am not prepared to identify programs to cut other than to prioritize essential services (public safety) versus non-essential. All programs and partnerships will be evaluated as to the cost and benefit to the tax payers and residents. Each budget cycle I personally consider this approach to all funding and when appropriate will propose a reduction in spending. In the past I have advocated and voted to reduce funding for numerous initiatives. The current economic environment and uncertainty caused by the Covid19 pandemic will bring a new urgency and difficulty to budget constraint all programs will be carefully reviewed.
What is the role of the City Council in fostering increased minority- and women-owned businesses in Inver Grove Heights?
The role to the City Council should be clear; there will be no barriers to minority or women-owned businesses in Inver Grove Heights. I will ask our Community Development department to review all our programs and policies to be certain that there is fair and equitable access to all and no barriers exist. Our city hall is a prime example of this practice with several women in Department leadership roles, Police Chief, Fire Chief and Finance Director Positions are held by women, my belief is this example has a positive effect within our community.
What further policies can Inver Grove Heights adopt to help the business community recover from the COVID-19 pandemic?
The City must remain in the forefront of protection and service to the residents of Inver Grove Heights. I would advocate for any policies that would promote the protection and recovery to our community as well as on a case by case basis the expenditure of city funds to promote recovery
Is there anything else you would like to share with voters not covered above?
My family and I have had the benefit and gift of residing in Inver Grove Heights for 37 years. It truly has been a blessing to live here, raise a family and be associated with this city. I look forward to serving the residents, business and all who visit our city.